android Programming Glossary: addtask
Java jersey restful webservice requests to the database @POST @Path post @Consumes MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON @Produces MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN public Response addTask Task task Session session HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory .getCurrentSession session.beginTransaction task..
Save ArrayList to SharedPreferences its simpler we have to serialize and de serialize the ArrayList object which has the list of tasks into string. In the addTask method of the TaskManagerApplication class we have to get the instance of the shared preference and then store the serialized.. the instance of the shared preference and then store the serialized ArrayList using the putString method public void addTask Task t if null currentTasks currentTasks new ArrayList task currentTasks.add t save the task list to preference SharedPreferences..
how can i select and kill multiple application runningtask.processName runningAppProcessInfo.processName adapter.addTask runningtask class TaskObject int pid String processName class TaskListAdapter extends BaseAdapter private static final.. task list adapter this.context context if list null list new ArrayList TaskKillerActivity.TaskObject public void addTask TaskObject taskObject list.add taskObject public void clearTasks list.clear Log.d TAG list size list.size this.notifyDataSetChanged.. runningtask.setPid runningtask.setProcessName runningAppProcessInfo.processName adapter.addTask runningtask class TaskObject private int pid private String processName private boolean toKill public int getPid return..
Simple Thread Management - Java - Android LinkedList AsyncTask Bitmap Integer Integer @Override public int remainingSize return tasks.size @Override public void addTask AsyncTask Bitmap Integer Integer task try task.execute currentThumbnail while tasks.isEmpty task tasks.remove task.execute..