android Programming Glossary: addoverlayitem
adding multiple marker on google map in android i populate Returns present number of items in list @Override public int size return myOverlays.size public void addOverlayItem OverlayItem overlayItem myOverlays.add overlayItem populate public void addOverlayItem int lat int lon String title try.. myOverlays.size public void addOverlayItem OverlayItem overlayItem myOverlays.add overlayItem populate public void addOverlayItem int lat int lon String title try GeoPoint point new GeoPoint lat lon OverlayItem overlayItem new OverlayItem point title.. int lon String title try GeoPoint point new GeoPoint lat lon OverlayItem overlayItem new OverlayItem point title null addOverlayItem overlayItem catch Exception e TODO handle exception e.printStackTrace @Override protected boolean onTap int index TODO..
Positing user current location and show it in Google maps i populate Returns present number of items in list @Override public int size return myOverlays.size public void addOverlayItem OverlayItem overlayItem myOverlays.add overlayItem populate public void addOverlayItem int lat int lon String title try.. myOverlays.size public void addOverlayItem OverlayItem overlayItem myOverlays.add overlayItem populate public void addOverlayItem int lat int lon String title try GeoPoint point new GeoPoint lat lon OverlayItem overlayItem new OverlayItem point title.. int lon String title try GeoPoint point new GeoPoint lat lon OverlayItem overlayItem new OverlayItem point title null addOverlayItem overlayItem catch Exception e TODO handle exception e.printStackTrace @Override protected boolean onTap int index TODO..