android Programming Glossary: address
Android, How to manage start activity for result? video if user clicks on done button then I'll send result address of recorded video back to main activity. How to check result..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) if action.equals ACTION_SMS_RECEIVED String address str int contactId 1 SmsMessage msgs getMessagesFromIntent mIntent.. mIntent if msgs null for int i 0 i msgs.length i address msgs i .getOriginatingAddress contactId ContactsUtils.getContactId.. contactId ContactsUtils.getContactId mContext address address str msgs i .getMessageBody .toString str n if contactId..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? forward to developing for the Android platform since it addresses a lot of issues that exist in Windows Mobile and .NET. However.. will eventually get to your question but I first want to address a number of issues you raise in your various comments to the..
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address to get the Android device's primary e mail address How do you get the Android's primary e mail address or a list.. mail address How do you get the Android's primary e mail address or a list of e mail addresses It's my understanding that on.. the Android's primary e mail address or a list of e mail addresses It's my understanding that on OS 2.0 there's support for multiple..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android section is the main one where size is the total size in address space of a particular heap allocated is the kb of actual allocations.. columns are basically noise these are the straight forward address space and RAM usage of a process where if you add up the RAM..
How to pass object from one activity to another in Android public Customer String fname String lname int age String address firstName fname lastName lname Age age Address address public.. address firstName fname lastName lname Age age Address address public String printValues String data null data First Name firstName..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? String title String description String coordinates String address public String getTitle return title public void setTitle String.. coordinates public String getAddress return address public void setAddress String address this.address address Finally.. getAddress return address public void setAddress String address this.address address Finally the service class in my model that..
Android, sending XML via HTTP POST (SOAP) f1e3 11dd bfdb 8b1fcff1a110 wsa To wsa ReplyTo wsa Address http ws 2004 08 addressing role anonymous.. ws 2004 08 addressing role anonymous wsa Address wsa ReplyTo s12 Header s12 Body s12 Envelope xml android http..
How to pass object from one activity to another in Android public class Customer private String firstName lastName Address int Age public Customer String fname String lname int age String.. age String address firstName fname lastName lname Age age Address address public String printValues String data null data First.. null data First Name firstName Last Name lastName Age Age Address Address return data I want to send its object from one Activity..
How to Read MMS Data in Android? content mms sms conversations and the Column names of Address Sent to Text or Subject and Data column name of image. I have.. provider where xxx is the id of the MMS private String getAddressNumber int id String selectionAdd new String msg_id id String.. uriStr MessageFormat.format content mms 0 addr id Uri uriAddress Uri.parse uriStr Cursor cAdd getContentResolver .query uriAddress..
Android: Reverse geocoding - getFromLocation Geocoder geocoder new Geocoder this Locale.getDefault List Address addresses geocoder.getFromLocation lat lng 1 share improve..
Geocoder.getFromLocation throws IOException on Android emulator SntpClient 58 request time failed Address family not supported by protocol 03 05 19 42 15.505 WARN System.err.. null double latitude 0 double longtitude 0 List Address myList null public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. new Geocoder WeatherCastDemo.this Locale.getDefault List Address addresses geocoder.getFromLocation location.getLatitude location.getLongitude..
Service not Available - Geocoder Android [duplicate] an address This is my code for Garage g XMLGarage List Address address address coder.getFromLocationName g.getAddress 5 if.. Address address address coder.getFromLocationName g.getAddress 5 if address null Address location address.get 0 g.setLatitude.. coder.getFromLocationName g.getAddress 5 if address null Address location address.get 0 g.setLatitude location.getLatitude g.setLongitude..
How to get complete address from latitude and longitude? values from Latitude and Longitude in android 1 Street Address 2 City State 3 Zip 4 Complete Address any one guide me how to.. in android 1 Street Address 2 City State 3 Zip 4 Complete Address any one guide me how to achieve this any help would be appreciated... share improve this question Geocoder geocoder List Address addresses geocoder new Geocoder this Locale.getDefault addresses..
Android : how to capture a image of GPS location GeoPoint p private double lng private double lat private Address address private View mCurrentUrlMask private File imageFile.. new Geocoder getBaseContext Locale.getDefault try List Address addresses geoCoder.getFromLocation p.getLatitudeE6 1E6 p.getLongitudeE6.. if addresses.size 0 for int i 0 i addresses.get 0 .getMaxAddressLineIndex i add addresses.get 0 .getAddressLine i n Toast.makeText..
Invalid heap address and fatal signal 11 will crash and my log will read @@@ ABORTING INVALID HEAP ADDRESS IN dlfree Fatal signal 11 SIGSEGV at 0xdeadbaad code 1 Sometimes.. 08 04 17 37 05.491 A libc 4233 @@@ ABORTING INVALID HEAP ADDRESS IN dlfree 08 04 17 37 05.491 A libc 4233 Fatal signal 11 SIGSEGV..
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address Example snippet below. Pattern emailPattern Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS API level 8 Account accounts AccountManager.get context .getAccounts.. emails.add cursor.getString ProfileQuery.ADDRESS Potentially filter on ProfileQuery.IS_PRIMARY cursor.moveToNext.. String PROJECTION ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.ADDRESS ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.IS_PRIMARY int ADDRESS..
Get current location address for android app to use the gps 3g network to locate my current positions ADDRESS not long and lat this will then be added to a automated sms..
Read inbox messages of a particular number and display them in an activity int indexAddr cursor.getColumnIndex SmsReceiver.ADDRESS if indexBody 0 cursor.moveToFirst return smsList.clear do String.. String SMS_URI content sms public static final String ADDRESS address public static final String PERSON person public static.. sms ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put ADDRESS sms.getOriginatingAddress values.put DATE sms.getTimestampMillis..
Difficulty in sending location of user 1 to user 2 and user 2's location to user 1? String SMS_URI content sms public static final String ADDRESS address public static final String PERSON person public static.. SMS row ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put ADDRESS sms.getOriginatingAddress values.put DATE sms.getTimestampMillis..
Android: upload file with filling out POST body together DefaultHttpClient HttpPost postRequest new HttpPost REMOTE ADDRESS ByteArrayBody bab new ByteArrayBody data image.jpg MultipartEntity..
Android, How to manage start activity for result? camera and recording is done completely then after recording video if user clicks on done button then I'll send result address of recorded video back to main activity. How to check result from main activity android android intent share improve..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) intent mContext context mIntent intent String action intent.getAction if action.equals ACTION_SMS_RECEIVED String address str int contactId 1 SmsMessage msgs getMessagesFromIntent mIntent if msgs null for int i 0 i msgs.length i address msgs.. address str int contactId 1 SmsMessage msgs getMessagesFromIntent mIntent if msgs null for int i 0 i msgs.length i address msgs i .getOriginatingAddress contactId ContactsUtils.getContactId mContext address address str msgs i .getMessageBody.. for int i 0 i msgs.length i address msgs i .getOriginatingAddress contactId ContactsUtils.getContactId mContext address address str msgs i .getMessageBody .toString str n if contactId 1 showNotification contactId str send a broadcast..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? in a very narrow business field. I was actually really looking forward to developing for the Android platform since it addresses a lot of issues that exist in Windows Mobile and .NET. However the last week has been somewhat of a turnoff for me..... the application android share improve this question This will eventually get to your question but I first want to address a number of issues you raise in your various comments to the various answers already given at the time of this writing...
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address to get the Android device's primary e mail address How do you get the Android's primary e mail address or a list of e mail addresses It's my understanding that on OS 2.0.. to get the Android device's primary e mail address How do you get the Android's primary e mail address or a list of e mail addresses It's my understanding that on OS 2.0 there's support for multiple e mail addresses but below.. the Android device's primary e mail address How do you get the Android's primary e mail address or a list of e mail addresses It's my understanding that on OS 2.0 there's support for multiple e mail addresses but below 2.0 you can only have one..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android dbFiles 0 numPagers 0 inactivePageKB 0 activePageKB 0 The top section is the main one where size is the total size in address space of a particular heap allocated is the kb of actual allocations that heap thinks it has free is the remaining kb free.. 256K 252K 69K 64K system bin debuggerd Here the Vss and Rss columns are basically noise these are the straight forward address space and RAM usage of a process where if you add up the RAM usage across processes you get an ridiculously large number..
How to pass object from one activity to another in Android Customer private String firstName lastName Address int Age public Customer String fname String lname int age String address firstName fname lastName lname Age age Address address public String printValues String data null data First Name firstName.. Age public Customer String fname String lname int age String address firstName fname lastName lname Age age Address address public String printValues String data null data First Name firstName Last Name lastName Age Age Address Address return data..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? public class Placemark String title String description String coordinates String address public String getTitle return title public void setTitle String title this.title title public String getDescription return.. coordinates public void setCoordinates String coordinates this.coordinates coordinates public String getAddress return address public void setAddress String address this.address address Finally the service class in my model that calls the calculation.. String coordinates this.coordinates coordinates public String getAddress return address public void setAddress String address this.address address Finally the service class in my model that calls the calculation package
Android, sending XML via HTTP POST (SOAP) ws 2004 09 transfer Get wsa Action wsa To urn uuid a8103e90 f1e3 11dd bfdb 8b1fcff1a110 wsa To wsa ReplyTo wsa Address http ws 2004 08 addressing role anonymous wsa Address wsa ReplyTo s12 Header s12 Body s12 Envelope .. bfdb 8b1fcff1a110 wsa To wsa ReplyTo wsa Address http ws 2004 08 addressing role anonymous wsa Address wsa ReplyTo s12 Header s12 Body s12 Envelope xml android http soap post share improve this question Firstly you can..
How to pass object from one activity to another in Android display in another Activity . The code for the customer class public class Customer private String firstName lastName Address int Age public Customer String fname String lname int age String address firstName fname lastName lname Age age Address.. int Age public Customer String fname String lname int age String address firstName fname lastName lname Age age Address address public String printValues String data null data First Name firstName Last Name lastName Age Age Address Address.. age Address address public String printValues String data null data First Name firstName Last Name lastName Age Age Address Address return data I want to send its object from one Activity to another and then display the data on the other Activity..
How to Read MMS Data in Android? using a cursor and I want to know the appropriate URI I am using content mms sms conversations and the Column names of Address Sent to Text or Subject and Data column name of image. I have seen the schema of mmssms.db and Their Column of part Table... sender address You will need to use the content mms xxx addr provider where xxx is the id of the MMS private String getAddressNumber int id String selectionAdd new String msg_id id String uriStr MessageFormat.format content mms 0 addr id Uri uriAddress.. int id String selectionAdd new String msg_id id String uriStr MessageFormat.format content mms 0 addr id Uri uriAddress Uri.parse uriStr Cursor cAdd getContentResolver .query uriAddress null selectionAdd null null String name null if cAdd.moveToFirst..
Android: Reverse geocoding - getFromLocation
Geocoder.getFromLocation throws IOException on Android emulator api 8 I keep getting IOException 03 05 19 42 11.073 DEBUG SntpClient 58 request time failed Address family not supported by protocol 03 05 19 42 15.505 WARN System.err 1823 Service not Available Thats.. private LocationManager manager null LocationListener locationListener null double latitude 0 double longtitude 0 List Address myList null public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main.. longtitude location.getLongitude try Geocoder geocoder new Geocoder WeatherCastDemo.this Locale.getDefault List Address addresses geocoder.getFromLocation location.getLatitude location.getLongitude 1 myList geocoder.getFromLocation location.getLatitude..
Service not Available - Geocoder Android [duplicate] problem with the geocoder to get latitude and lontitude from an address This is my code for Garage g XMLGarage List Address address address coder.getFromLocationName g.getAddress 5 if address null Address location address.get 0 g.setLatitude location.getLatitude.. from an address This is my code for Garage g XMLGarage List Address address address coder.getFromLocationName g.getAddress 5 if address null Address location address.get 0 g.setLatitude location.getLatitude g.setLongitude location.getLongitude.. my code for Garage g XMLGarage List Address address address coder.getFromLocationName g.getAddress 5 if address null Address location address.get 0 g.setLatitude location.getLatitude g.setLongitude location.getLongitude ... The error is 08 18 14..
How to get complete address from latitude and longitude? address from latitude and longitude i want to get following values from Latitude and Longitude in android 1 Street Address 2 City State 3 Zip 4 Complete Address any one guide me how to achieve this any help would be appreciated. android google.. i want to get following values from Latitude and Longitude in android 1 Street Address 2 City State 3 Zip 4 Complete Address any one guide me how to achieve this any help would be appreciated. android google maps location share improve this question.. any help would be appreciated. android google maps location share improve this question Geocoder geocoder List Address addresses geocoder new Geocoder this Locale.getDefault addresses geocoder.getFromLocation latitude longitude 1 String address..
Android : how to capture a image of GPS location MapActivity MapView mapView private MapController mc private GeoPoint p private double lng private double lat private Address address private View mCurrentUrlMask private File imageFile class MapOverlay extends @Override.. .fromPixels int event.getX int event.getY Geocoder geoCoder new Geocoder getBaseContext Locale.getDefault try List Address addresses geoCoder.getFromLocation p.getLatitudeE6 1E6 p.getLongitudeE6 1E6 1 String add if addresses.size 0 for int.. p.getLatitudeE6 1E6 p.getLongitudeE6 1E6 1 String add if addresses.size 0 for int i 0 i addresses.get 0 .getMaxAddressLineIndex i add addresses.get 0 .getAddressLine i n Toast.makeText getBaseContext add Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show catch IOException..
Invalid heap address and fatal signal 11 heap address and fatal signal 11 Every so often my app will crash and my log will read @@@ ABORTING INVALID HEAP ADDRESS IN dlfree Fatal signal 11 SIGSEGV at 0xdeadbaad code 1 Sometimes code 2 but always Fatal signal 11 and invalid heap address.. it at a re producable state. This is the error I was getting 08 04 17 37 05.491 A libc 4233 @@@ ABORTING INVALID HEAP ADDRESS IN dlfree 08 04 17 37 05.491 A libc 4233 Fatal signal 11 SIGSEGV at 0xdeadbaad code 1 What it boiled down to is a function..
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address including the account names are email addresses. Example snippet below. Pattern emailPattern Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS API level 8 Account accounts AccountManager.get context .getAccounts for Account account accounts if emailPattern.matcher.. emails new ArrayList String cursor.moveToFirst while cursor.isAfterLast emails.add cursor.getString ProfileQuery.ADDRESS Potentially filter on ProfileQuery.IS_PRIMARY cursor.moveToNext ... @Override public void onLoaderReset Loader Cursor.. Loader Cursor cursorLoader private interface ProfileQuery String PROJECTION ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.ADDRESS ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.IS_PRIMARY int ADDRESS 0 int IS_PRIMARY 1 This requires both the READ_PROFILE..
Get current location address for android app android app I do not need to display a map. However I need to use the gps 3g network to locate my current positions ADDRESS not long and lat this will then be added to a automated sms response to inform a person that I currently cant reply the..
Read inbox messages of a particular number and display them in an activity null null null int indexBody cursor.getColumnIndex SmsReceiver.BODY int indexAddr cursor.getColumnIndex SmsReceiver.ADDRESS if indexBody 0 cursor.moveToFirst return smsList.clear do String str Sender cursor.getString indexAddr n cursor.getString.. static final String SMS_EXTRA_NAME pdus public static final String SMS_URI content sms public static final String ADDRESS address public static final String PERSON person public static final String DATE date public static final String READ read.. void putSmsToDatabase ContentResolver contentResolver SmsMessage sms ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put ADDRESS sms.getOriginatingAddress values.put DATE sms.getTimestampMillis values.put READ MESSAGE_IS_NOT_READ values.put STATUS sms.getStatus..
Difficulty in sending location of user 1 to user 2 and user 2's location to user 1? static final String TAG LocationActivity public static final String SMS_URI content sms public static final String ADDRESS address public static final String PERSON person public static final String DATE date public static final String READ read.. ContentResolver contentResolver SmsMessage sms Create SMS row ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put ADDRESS sms.getOriginatingAddress values.put DATE sms.getTimestampMillis values.put READ MESSAGE_IS_NOT_READ values.put STATUS sms.getStatus..
Android: upload file with filling out POST body together image byte data bos.toByteArray HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost postRequest new HttpPost REMOTE ADDRESS ByteArrayBody bab new ByteArrayBody data image.jpg MultipartEntity reqEntity new MultipartEntity HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE..