php Programming Glossary: reasoning
Organizing PHPUnit Tests in Namespaces share improve this question My proposed solution and the reasoning behind it Folder layout . œâ € src ‚  œâ € bar ‚  ‚  ”â € BarAwesomeClass.php..
Making $_SESSION available in controllers however defining _SESSION within my views works. The reasoning behind this is I would like to set certain variables based off..
PHP: What does pcntl_fork() really do? Apache to use the worker MPM. What do the experts say Am I reasoning well or I'm just speaking nonsense php apache thread safety..
Tactics for using PHP in a high-load site core site content template masters etc. to another. My reasoning behind this is that sending queries to different databases will..
Whats the reasoning behind the different brace forms? the reasoning behind the different brace forms I'm reading through the Zend..
Why don't PHP attributes allow functions? this is by design though I don't know what the official reasoning behind that is. I'm also not sure how much effort it would take..
trigger_error vs. throwing exceptions concerns the send method but is general enough. This is my reasoning If an API key constant is not set that is not a catchable error...
Why should I use templating system in PHP? in PHP Why should I use templating system in PHP The reasoning behind my question is PHP itself is feature rich templating..
Is php's 'include' a function or a statement? was successful they can be used in expressions. By this reasoning include statement would be incorrect though include s are almost..
PHP regex: is there anything wrong with this code? on a nix server you can up this value to 16777. The reasoning behind these numbers is that the recursion _limit value should..
What's better at freeing memory with PHP: unset() or $var = null var null instead. Is there a preferred one and what is the reasoning php share improve this question As it was in 2009 mentioned..
What's the deal with a leading underscore in PHP class methods? a language I'm not familiar with or that there may be good reasoning behind it that I would benefit from knowing. Any thoughts insights..
php proDOM parsing error from the browser and when read from PHP. But here is a reasoning that I think might fit. The page uses JavaScript code that renders..