php Programming Glossary: read
How to validate an email address in PHP [duplicate] an email address in PHP duplicate This question already has an answer here How to validate an Email in PHP 3.. mail. Now that you have your easy answer feel free to read on about email address validation if you care to learn or otherwise.. to learn more about email addresses I suggest you to start reading the specs but I have to warn you it is not an easy read by..
How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables gain The short answer is no but it is easier to read once you get used to it. It is easier to read queries written.. is easier to read once you get used to it. It is easier to read queries written by other folks using this syntax. I am also.. as well . Okay so we have a good part of our query already written but we need to use a third table which is colors. Now..
Reference - What does this error mean in PHP? this list. Why is this Questions like Headers already sent or Calling a member of a non object pop up frequently.. code. Other users having the same error can not easily read the solution out of it because they are too localized. That.. Death Warning Cannot modify header information headers already sent Warning mysql_fetch_array expects parameter 1 to be resource..
Simplest PHP example for retrieving user_timeline with Twitter API version 1.1 of them somewhere. 4. Change Access Level You don't want read only do you If you want to make any decent use of this API you'll.. tab near the top of the page. Give your application read write access and hit Update at the bottom. You can read more.. read write access and hit Update at the bottom. You can read more about the applications permission model that Twitter uses..
How to extract img src, title and alt from html using php? are listed with title and alternative representation. I already wrote me a little program to find and load all HTML files but.. img ^ We apply it on the all html web page. It can be read as every string that start with img contains non char and ends.. src ^ We apply it successively on each img tag. It can be read as every string starting with alt title or src then a then a..
How can I store my users' passwords safely? internet. For more information on password storage schemes read Jeff `s blog post You're Probably Storing Passwords Incorrectly..
UTF-8 all the way through a trick to get PHP to do this for you reliably. From my reading of the current HTML spec the following sub bullets are not.. equivalent mbstring function. To know what you're doing read not mess it up you really need to know UTF 8 and how it works..
ACL implementation detect is viewer is owner of this profile or no we have to read restriction rules about this profile we have to decide execute.. sort of structure assuming that you have two objects already currentUser and controller acl new AccessControlList currentUser.. groups based on the responsibility Domain Business Logic read more here and here Instances from this group of classes deal..
Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP? called and what does it do operator PHP Where can I read about conditionals done with and Using PHP 5.3 operator Alternative.. What is the PHP operator called and how do you say it when reading code out loud where we use object operator in php What's.. meaning of Php array_push vs myArray What does mean when reading from a php array Opening and Closing tags Are PHP short tags..
MySQL and NoSQL: Help me to choose the right one one There is a big database 1 000 000 000 rows called threads these threads actually exist I'm not making things harder just.. a big database 1 000 000 000 rows called threads these threads actually exist I'm not making things harder just because of.. not making things harder just because of I enjoy it . Threads has only a few stuff in it to make things faster int id string..
A simple program to CRUD node and node values of xml file .... setting Can anyone suggest me a simple php script to read edit add and delete node and node values php xml share improve..
Able to see a variable in print_r()'s output, but not sure how to access it in code 7 share improve this question Whenever you need to read a value out of a variable you need to know which expression.. and how you can access them from an object . I think you already know of that a bit so just for having it linked here. When.. element that you're interested in. The debug output you already have helps you to write the expression that returns the value...
Can PHP read the hash portion of the URL? PHP read the hash portion of the URL Assuming a URL of URL Assuming a URL of val 1#part2 PHP can read the request variables val1 using the GET array. Is the hash.. val1 using the GET array. Is the hash value part2 also readable or is this only upto the browser and JavaScript. php url..
Read pdf files with php pdf files with php I have a large PDF file that is a floor..
Twitter API returns error 215, Bad Authentication Data and authorize your application and the user using oAuth. Read more about this on the Twitter Developers documentation site..
Simplest PHP example for retrieving user_timeline with Twitter API version 1.1 use of this API you'll need to change your settings to Read Write if you're doing anything other than standard data retrieval..
When should I use Memcache instead of Memcached? to reload the data and save it again with the new token. Read through callbacks are the best thing since sliced bread. It..
PHP Parse/Syntax Errors; and How to solve them? code indentation or adopting any lofty coding style. Readability prevents irregularities. Using an IDE or editor with.. . Which also help with parens bracket balancing. Reading the language reference in the manual twice. How to read parser.. operators this is usually where you find the culprit. Read the line left to right and imagine what each symbol does. More..
Setting up a deployment / build / CI cycle for PHP projects server Prerequisites Java 1.5 will serve you just fine Read access to the subversion server I have a separate account for..
How can I read PNG Metadata from PHP? to allow you to extract chunks from PNG files. class PNG_Reader private _chunks private _fp function __construct file if file_exists.. 'r' if this _fp throw new Exception 'Unable to open file' Read the magic bytes and verify header fread this _fp 8 if header.. over body and CRC fseek this _fp chunk 'size' 4 SEEK_CUR Read next chunk header chunkHeader fread this _fp 8 function __destruct..
Read a file from line X to line Y? [duplicate] a file from line X to line Y duplicate The closest I've seen..
How do I get the current time zone of MySQL? you absolutely nothing about the data in the database. Read on for details Further discussion If you're in control of the..
Detecting file upload size on the client side? upload share improve this question On MAX_FILE_SIZE Read This ...At http manual en features.file
How to increase my “advanced” knowledge of PHP further? (quickly) The ways I can see as being potentially beneficial are Read blogs Read tutorials Work with someone else Read a book What.. I can see as being potentially beneficial are Read blogs Read tutorials Work with someone else Read a book What would be the.. are Read blogs Read tutorials Work with someone else Read a book What would be the best way s to get to the next level..
Fastest Way to Serve a File Using PHP exit header 'Last Modified '. fileModificationTime Read the file readfile path exit static function mimeType path preg_match..
REST API - why use PUT DELETE POST GET? of REST could use the following CRUD mapping Create Post Read Get Update Put Delete Delete There is an issue with this implementation..
Pulling Track Info From an Audio Stream Using PHP by 8192 bytes of MP3 data followed by a chunk of meta. Read 8192 bytes of data make sure you are not including the header.. The result is the number of bytes to read for metadata. Read those number of bytes into a string variable for you to work..
Doing a while / loop to get 10 random results real answer for the ones that keep downvoting this answer. Read the title that starts with Doing a while and the final part..
Symfony2 collection of Entities - how to add/remove assotiation with existing entities? This form is supposed to render hidden Role ID Role name READ ONLY hidden module READ ONLY hidden description READ ONLY remove.. to render hidden Role ID Role name READ ONLY hidden module READ ONLY hidden description READ ONLY remove x button Module and.. name READ ONLY hidden module READ ONLY hidden description READ ONLY remove x button Module and description are rendered as..
MySQL server has gone away - in exactly 60 seconds transaction_prealloc_size 4096 tx_isolation REPEATABLE READ unique_checks ON updatable_views_with_limit YES version 5.1.36..
PHP: Fastest way possible to read contents of a file files can be huge. So it's very important that it does a READ ONLY to it as fast as possible. Is reading it line by line faster..
How to get imap flags? SELECT mailbox result array_pop result if result . OK READ WRITE Select completed. throw new Exception 'Impossible de..
The way PDO parametrized query works way PDO parametrized query works PLEASE READ THE QUESTION CAREFULLY. It is not usual silly my code doesn't..
A simple program to CRUD node and node values of xml file setting1 'setting1 value' config saveXML 'config.xml' READ config new SimpleXmlElement 'config.xml' echo config setting1..
Attachment email form!? How to create a file upload form to send with email ready made that I can use for this Thanks EDIT PLEASE READ MY FOLLOW UP QUESTION HERE Adding an upload file field to a..
UPDATE/DELETE in mysql and get the list of affected row ids? way of getting the affected rows seem to be 1. Acquire READ LOCK. 2. SELECT to with the WHERE condition of the UPDATE DELETE..