php Programming Glossary: readability
Displaying a table in PHP with repeated columns rather trade slight performance speed and memory usage for readability and maintainability. The algorithm is short and simple to understand...
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? While this answer stresses that you should care about the readability advantages of dropping mysql_ . There's occasionally also a..
How to become an OpenCart guru? is not actually required but it's recommended for easy readability. It's worth noting that classnames don't take any values from..
What is better in a foreach loop… using the & symbol or reassigning based on key? is a compelling argument for the first method is simple readability . The reference operator is easily overlooked if you're doing..
PHP Parse/Syntax Errors; and How to solve them? can compact code and is useful indeed. But it doesn't aid readability in all cases. Prefer plain if statements while unversed. PHPs..
Find all files with Blank or WS at BOF or EOF blank line at the t of f done done I broke the lines for readability but you can run it as a one liner too. example output blank..
isset() and empty() make code ugly minimizing the impact of strict variable checking on code readability. php source code error reporting share improve this question..
Are PHP short tags acceptable to use? each time and don't chuck in spaces eg php or I don't buy readability as a reason at all. Most serious developers have the option..
SimpleXML how to prepend a child in a node? program. By keeping the two matters separate you improve readability and maintainability. Here's how to extend SimpleXMLElement with..
case insensitive xpath searching in php back into XPath land would be Note truncated alphabets for readability line contains translate text 'ABC...Z' 'abc...z' 'chicago' The..
__get/__set/__call performance questions with PHP way to know for sure it to benchmark. That are also other readability problems with the magic methods. They frequently degenerate..
Highlight keywords in a paragraph ' keyword 'bar' You get broken onto multiple lines for readability p foo span class highlight bar span baz b span class highlight..
How to handle diacritics (accents) when rewriting 'pretty URLs' title of user generated travelblogs. I do this for both readability of URLs and SEO purposes. http gallery 280 Gorges_du_Todra.. do it destroys accuracy in the name of compatibility and readability. All three options are equally compatible but #1 and #2 suffer.. are equally compatible but #1 and #2 suffer in terms of readability. So just run with it and go for whatever looks best option #3...
Escape HTML to PHP or Use Echo? Which is better? throughout the documents. I know there may be some readability issues but I'm not to worried about that. Thanks all Example..
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by [duplicate] 1.0 display document in browser as plain text for readability purposes header Content Type text plain create root element..
What is the best way to store configuration variables in PHP? and numerous others. First method is too messy to me readability and the third is WAY too dangerous to do. I've never thought..
Reference: What is a perfect code sample using the MySQL extension? [closed] Handles unicode and uses loose comparison for readability. Be nice php header 'Content type text html charset utf 8' error_reporting..
how to search in array with preg_match? directly to array_reduce though that kind of decreases readability and is therefore not recommended but it is possible. matches..