php Programming Glossary: rd
Highlight row when the checkbox is true value getTypeID editrules edithidden true name 'Order1' index 'Order1' width 80 align 'center' sortable false editable.. getTypeID editrules edithidden true name 'Order1' index 'Order1' width 80 align 'center' sortable false editable true edittype.. textarea editoptions size 30 maxlength 30 name 'Order2' index 'Order2' width 80 align 'center' sortable false editable..
Android file uploader with server-side php setContentView R.layout.main String exsistingFileName sdcard uploader data testfile String lineEnd r n String twoHyphens.. Log.e Tag error ioe.getMessage ioe try BufferedReader rd new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader conn .getInputStream.. conn .getInputStream String line while line rd.readLine null Log.e Dialoge Box Message line rd.close catch..
regex for textual dates? (aka source code for php's strtotime ) on the search box for an events website. I've been recording the searches people make and alot of people are entering.. people make and alot of people are entering a date keyword combo. example searches jazz 5th november dj shadow tonight.. within the text and then try parsing those b # match a word boundary # either... # match the following one to three times..
Simplest way to detect a mobile device ar ch go as te us attw au di m r s avan be ck ll nq bi lb rd bl ac az br e v w bumb bw n u c55 capi ccwa cdm cell chtm cldc..
MySQL get a random value between two values 0 i 100000 i r mysql_query 'SELECT ROUND RAND 200 10 10 as rd 200 as two 10 as ten FROM dual' r mysql_fetch_array r end microtime.. The major difference it seems comes from the number of records return to PHP and not the randomization system itself. So if..