php Programming Glossary: re
PDO MySQL: Use PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES or not? Use PDO ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES or not This is what I've read so far about PDO ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES PDO's prepare emulation.. I've read so far about PDO ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES PDO's prepare emulation is better for performance since MySQL's native.. read so far about PDO ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES PDO's prepare emulation is better for performance since MySQL's native prepare..
How to: URL re-writing in PHP? to URL re writing in PHP I am trying to implement URL rewriting in my.. to URL re writing in PHP I am trying to implement URL rewriting in my PHP application. Can someone share a step by step.. URL rewriting in my PHP application. Can someone share a step by step procedure of implementing URL rewriting in PHP..
Replace URLs in text with HTML links URLs in text with HTML links Here is a design though For example is I put a link such as http.. example is I put a link such as http in textarea . How do I get PHP to detect it ™s a http link and then print.. to detect it ™s a http link and then print it as print a href 'htttp' http a I remember doing something..
Use global variables in a class global variables in a class I'm trying to create a pagination class and use a variable from outside the class... to the database include_once pagi.php pagination new pagi records pagination get_records SELECT FROM `table` And this is.. pagi.php pagination new pagi records pagination get_records SELECT FROM `table` And this is the pagi.php file class..
PHP: Truncate HTML, ignoring tags from a database or text file but it contains HTML so as a result the tags are included and less text will be returned. This.. or text file but it contains HTML so as a result the tags are included and less text will be returned. This can then result.. so as a result the tags are included and less text will be returned. This can then result in tags not being closed or being..
Is there a PDF parser for PHP? [closed] there a PDF parser for PHP closed Hi I know about several PDF Generators.. dompdf etc. What I want to know is about a parser. For reasons beyond my control certain information I need is only in.. it to an array. Any suggestions php pdf parsing share improve this question I've written one before for similar..
Can you “compile” PHP code? PHP code I know that PHP is compiled to byte code before it is run on the server and then that byte code can be cached.. can be cached so that the whole script doesn't have to be re interpreted with every web access. But can you compile php and.. so that the whole script doesn't have to be re interpreted with every web access. But can you compile php and upload..
Can I include code into a PHP class? I just include that file into the class body I have good reasons why I want to seperate this. In short I'll have a backend.. the business logic of a class while all other things must remain untouched. The system maintains all the ORM and other stuff.. for me. But if this is a bad idea it might be better to re generate the whole class file after editing the business logic..
List of Big-O for PHP functions prime_array array 2 3 5 7 11 13 .... 104729 ... result_array array foreach array_of_number number result_array.. array 2 3 5 7 11 13 .... 104729 ... result_array array foreach array_of_number number result_array number in_array number.. ... result_array array foreach array_of_number number result_array number in_array number large_prime_array speed is..
Best way to allow plugins for a PHP application new web application in PHP and this time around I want to create something that people can extend by using a plugin interface... can attach to specific events php plugins architecture hook share improve this question You could use an Observer.. to specific events php plugins architecture hook share improve this question You could use an Observer pattern. A..
How to find all Youtube video ids in a string using a regex? to find all Youtube video ids in a string using a regex I have a textfield where users can write anything. For example.. video ids in a string using a regex I have a textfield where users can write anything. For example Lorem Ipsum is simply.. a textfield where users can write anything. For example Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. http watch v DUQi_R4SgWo..
Compiling an AST back to source code an AST back to source code I'm currently in the process of building a PHP Parser written in PHP as.. Parser written in PHP as no existing parser came up in my previous question . The parser itself works fairly well. Now obviously.. a normal Visitor pattern should do. What my problem currently is is how to compile the AST back to source. There are basically..
How should a model be structured in MVC? should a model be structured in MVC I am just getting a grasp on the MVC framework and.. often I wonder how much code should go in the model. I trend of have a data access class that has methods like this public.. . WHERE Username Username Execute statement return this ExecuteObject connection sql data catch Exception e..
Stop people uploading malicious PHP files via forms malicious PHP files via forms I have an upload form created in php on my website where people are able to upload a zip.. I have an upload form created in php on my website where people are able to upload a zip file. The zip file is then extracted.. an upload form created in php on my website where people are able to upload a zip file. The zip file is then extracted and..
MySQL: Reorder/Reset auto increment primary key? Reorder Reset auto increment primary key I have a MySQL table with an auto increment.. primary key I have a MySQL table with an auto increment primary keys... I deleted some rows in the middle of the.. 19 20... I deleted the 15 16 18 and 19 rows.... I want to reassing reset reorder the primary keys so I have continuity.....
insert multiple rows via a php array into mysql it. I am using the codeigniter framework so its functions are also available to me. php mysql codeigniter insert bulkinsert.. to me. php mysql codeigniter insert bulkinsert share improve this question Assembling one INSERT statement with.. be running into string handling problems in PHP which is really an algorithm problem not a language one. Basically when..
Run PHP Task Asynchronously large web application and the backend is mostly in PHP. There are several places in the code where I need to complete some.. web application and the backend is mostly in PHP. There are several places in the code where I need to complete some task.. is mostly in PHP. There are several places in the code where I need to complete some task but I don't want to make the user..
Re-index numeric array keys index numeric array keys I have an array that is built using..
Creating and serving zipped files with php Thanks php zip gzip unzip share improve this question Re zipping it every time it is requested is not a good idea. Try..
Anatomy of a Distributed System in PHP both your client and the back end worker code in PHP. Re your question about a Gearman Server compiled for Windows I..
Sorting multidimensional array in PHP custom anonymous function in conjunction with usort . EDIT Re your comment. Hopefully this will put you on the right track...
PHP recursive directory path spaces file strong br getDirectory path file level 1 Re call this same function but on a new directory. this is what.. recursion share improve this question Try to use RecursiveIteratorIterator in combination with RecursiveDirectoryIterator.. Try to use RecursiveIteratorIterator in combination with RecursiveDirectoryIterator path realpath ' path you want to search..
How to decode a JSON String with several objects in PHP? json decode share improve this question New answer Re your revised question foreach actually works with properties.. Issac Tad Frank draft Eric Sergei Old answer s Begin edit Re your comment Now I would like to know how to decode JSON string..
Creating an XML sitemap with PHP should contain PHP code . At least two possible solutions Re configure your server so XML files go through the PHP interpreter.. Have a sitemap.php file that contains the code And use a RewriteRule so the sitemap.xml URL actually points to the sitemap.php..
Turn database result into array 'completename' 'Ctenodactylidae' '_parent' '573167' Re your comment about calculating depth or really length of each..
Is MVC + Service Layer common in zend or PHP? PHP or Ruby framework have just barely moved from Active Record solves everything to the new shiny Data Mapper solves everything... five years. They won't get to Service Layer for a while. Re comment from @ktutnik No the Service Layer pattern is different.. @ktutnik No the Service Layer pattern is different from Repository pattern. Repository is about abstracting database access..
PHP image upload security check list php security upload share improve this question Re process the image using GD or Imagick and save the processed..
How to parse Wikipedia XML with PHP? allpages gaplimit 2 gapfilterredir nonredirects gapfrom Re prop revisions rvprop content format xml Edit code php define.. allpages gaplimit 2 gapfilterredir nonredirects gapfrom Re prop revisions rvprop content format xml xml curl_exec ch xml_reader.. content format xml xml curl_exec ch xml_reader new XMLReader xml_reader xml xml UTF 8 echo xml api query pages page rev..
How to Remove Array Element and Then Re-Index Array? to Remove Array Element and Then Re Index Array I have some troubles.. to Remove Array Element and Then Re Index Array I have some troubles with an array. I have one..
How can I automatically create an email address for my website members?
Magento - Programatically added bundle product isn't showing up in frontend bundle through the back end updates the indexes normally. Re indexing simply ignores the added bundle product as far as those.. 'current_product' product Section of Bundle Options Required Properties of Bundle Options are 1. title 2. option_id.. 'FooOption' 'delete' '' Section of Bundle Selections Required Properties of Bundle Selections 1. selection_id 2. option_id..
Doing calculations in MySQL vs PHP 1 day in SQL to select all users created in last 24 hours Return capitalized first name and last name of all users Concatenating.. consistency than about putting all the logic in one place. Re specific examples... I know this isn't what you're referring..
Cannot simply use PostgreSQL table name (“relation does not exist”) spelling as the table is defined. SELECT FROM SF_Bands Re your comment you can add a schema to the search_path so that..
GeoLocation API PS Asia PT Europe PW Australia PY South America QA Asia RE Africa RO Europe RS Europe RU Europe RW Africa SA Asia SB Australia..
how to allow users logged in to UPDATE / EDIT their profile settings/information mysql_query SELECT id username FROM members WHERE username ' _SESSION 'username' ' AND pass ' .md5 _POST 'password1'.. UPDATE members SET pass ' .md5 _POST 'passwordnew1' . ' WHERE username ' _SESSION 'username' ' result mysql_query querynewpass.. country _POST 'country' etc...or is that not correct RE EDIT Would something like this be applicable id _SESSION 'id'..
How to load classes based on pretty URLs in MVC-like page? controller function __construct this url _GET 'url' HNEM RES AZ URL if this url '' empty this url require 'application.. file require file this controller new this url 0 K RELEM ALATT VAN AZ ALOLDAL if isset this url 1 L TEZIK A MET.. rewrite_url url HA NAGYBETÅ° VAN AZ URL BEN VAGY ' ' RE V GZ DIK if preg_match ' A Z ' url substr url 1 ' ' NAGYBETÅ°S..
How do I convert unicode codepoints to hexadecimal HTML entities? ' U0 0 9a fA F 1 5 ' ' #x 1 ' fileContents Testing the RE PS 'some U00e8 string with U2019 embedded Unicode' replace '..
REST API - why use PUT DELETE POST GET? API why use PUT DELETE POST GET So i was looking through.. GET So i was looking through some articles on creating REST API's. And some of them suggest using all types of HTTP requests.. example index.php and write API this way method _SERVER 'REQUEST_METHOD' request split substr @ _SERVER 'PATH_INFO' 1 switch..
What is the difference between echo('exit'); die; and die('exit');? is faster Do you need your program to die really quickly RE Your update ... any inherent difference in when it would end.. to do with blocks and flow control in C style languages. RE Your comment second update Which way you die is a matter of..