php Programming Glossary: react
PHP: Am I mixing up event-driven programming with signals-aware interfaces (Singal and Slots / Observer Pattern)? changes. Other components listen to that event and react however they wish to. The well known observer pattern is an..
PHP Regex for human names that it thinks is wrong ... And how do you think one would react when an application tells him your name is not valid Depending..
PHP to Quickbooks - how do I connect the two if she's running on a desktop? ... what error messages QuickBooks threw etc. and then react appropriately with your code or manually. You won't need cron..
How can I scrape website content in PHP from a website that requires a cookie login? the HEAD request doesn't work because the server will only react to a full GET . Instead of retrieving the body this way it is..
How to IPC between PHP clients and a C Daemon Server? and response latency is critical. How would the daemon react if the PHP script sends a request while it is sleeping I have..
What is correct HTTP status code when redirecting to a login page? that wish to make unambiguously clear which kind of reaction is expected of the client. 10.3.4 303 See Other The response.. 302 status code may be used instead since most user agents react to a 302 response as described here for 303. 10.3.5 304 Not..
ACL implementation .. you can pretend that it is the original object it will react the same But there are one major issue with this method too..
php mail function: legitimate mails marked as spam by gmail and hotmail theese because they have been tested are well designed and react to changes in their developement The next thing you could do..
Handle fatal errors in PHP using register_shutdown_function() Error occured. So my question is what's the best way to react on Fatal Errors especially undefined function calls while keeping..
How server can check ajax requests not from site, X-Requested-With how do I check this header and what's the right way to react of this header is missing or wrong redirect throw exception..
REPL Environment for the Web [closed] that can be executed on a web page and that the server can react to. Is there anything out there I'd assume it would have to..
Cache AJAX requests preferably the way I want it to be . How will the browser react when I try to AJAX request a cached request URL Will the AJAX..
Exception catching: when not to catch them? the other hand if there are some errors to which you can react sensibly catch those and rethrow anything else. A typical example..