php Programming Glossary: reaching
When do you know it's time to rewrite an application from point A to point B but having the firm goal of reaching point B the improved design . You can still make breaking changes..
Not able to send cookies with file_get_contents laptop. It may be that your web server is having trouble reaching the site your local machine has a cached copy or some other..
How does PHP max_execution_time work? to do with each other. A script can run for hours without reaching the memory limit. If it does then often due to a loop where..
Handle fatal errors in PHP using register_shutdown_function() has occured due to a fatal error or due to the script reaching its end. Additionally the debug backtrace functions seem to..
Why would one omit the close tag? headers earlier than the normal course may have far reaching consequences. Below are just a few of them that happened to..
Uploading a file larger than 2GB using PHP to alter as well the max_input_time in PHP. But you are reaching high limits maybe you could try a rich client flash js on the..
PHP custom error page request is handled by one file and ends in this file so by reaching end of this file I'm sure that everything went OK. With this..
PHP global in functions when using OOP because OOP is about encapsulation and by reaching out to the global scope you are breaking encapsulation. All..
Unique key generation only hope would be the heat death of the universe before reaching that point. Even the best random number generator has a possibility..
Which compression method to use in PHP? stream to save it on the web server end. To prevent from reaching any memory limits data is separated into 500kB chunks for each..
How to call a closure that is a class variable? method MyClass lambda So what is the correct syntax for reaching class variables php lambda closures anonymous function share..
Walk array recursively and print the path of the walk instructions on how to walk recursively an array and when reaching the last element print the full path to it A simple echo will..
Connecting to WS-Security protected Web Service with PHP was no good. The problem is that I can't even tell if I'm reaching the remote site at all let alone whether it is refusing the..
PHP/Apache/AJAX - POST limit? So I'm wondering if there's some sort of data limit I'm reaching in Apache2 PHP or the browser itself I'm using Google Chrome..