php Programming Glossary: really
Are PDO prepared statements sufficient to prevent SQL injection? that truly all I need to do to avoid SQL injections Is it really that easy You can assume MySQL if it makes a difference. Also.. You can assume MySQL if it makes a difference. Also I'm really only curious about the use of prepared statements against SQL..
UTF-8 all the way through does the trick but you have to use it religiously. There's really no way around this as malicious clients can submit data in whatever.. To know what you're doing read not mess it up you really need to know UTF 8 and how it works on the lowest possible level...
Robust and Mature HTML Parser for PHP [duplicate] new regex you write. Regex are fine in some cases but it really depends on your use case. You can write more reliable parsers..
Simple “Long Polling” example code? to send is available say a new message arrives . Here is a really basic example which sends a simple string after 2 10 seconds... which triggers the wait. The 1 second setTimeout is a really basic rate limiter it works fine without this but if msgsrv.php..
How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP? new regex you write. Regex are fine in some cases but it really depends on your use case. You can write more reliable parsers..
How to parse HTML with PHP? [duplicate] new regex you write. Regex are fine in some cases but it really depends on your use case. You can write more reliable parsers..
Convert HTML + CSS to PDF with PHP? and ideally runs on demand via PHP on the Webserver. I really can't believe I'm this stuck. Am I missing something php html..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords If you don ™t know how your password is stored then all you really can depend upon is complexity. This might be common knowledge.. is longer passwords and passwords with unicode characters really increase the entropy of a password and make it harder to crack...
Who needs singletons? [closed] class which in some languages can be very difficult . It really comes down to habits and when people say Globals are bad they..
A simple program to CRUD node and node values of xml file php xml share improve this question If your XML is really that simple you can use SimpleXML to CRUD it. SimpleXml will.. examples and the API description . On a sidenote if you really just have key value pairs you could also use a plain old PHP..
How should a model be structured in MVC? there is not single Model class as explained above you really do not build the model . Instead you start from making Services.. well. The only flaw that I see is that this would be a really strange library because it would return you information from.. even aware of the change. Deleted comments @Dietpixel a really small example with only Model class http 1858985..
Reference: What is a perfect code sample using the MySQL extension? [closed] Every day there is a huge influx of questions with really bad code snippets using the mysql_ family of functions on Stack..
Website screenshots using PHP but you'll need to render the page with something. If you really want to only use php i suggest you HTMLTOPS wich render the..
Symfony 2 - multiple server configuration question Ok I finally figured out what to do for this. Really just required a basic modification to the AppKernel app AppKernel.php..
Run a ffmpeg process in the background the output name to DB Mark the record in DB as processed Really easier than what you first thought isn't it Just don't worry..
hide a folder path when user downloads a file use any fake name That dosent shows up while downloading . Really need a big help on this. can anyone suggest me a good method...
Simultaneous Requests to PHP Script memory that belongs to the process answering your request Really you can have two users sending a request to the same PHP script..
Proper Repository Pattern Design in PHP? All queries are now organized into their own classes. Really at this point repositories exist simply to abstract my database..
PHP Paypal Class really really don't want to store credit card information. Really. If you want to do a save my information kind of thing find..
How to get client's timezone? with it just apply the timezone client side where needed. Really depends on your usecase. In addition to that I suggest you let..
Javascript equivalent of PHP's list() equivalent of PHP's list Really like that function. matches array '12' 'watt' list value unit..
What is the correct way to set up an observer in Magento? perform your action here class Yourmodule_Model_Observer Really you can name the method whatever you want within your observer..
Hash Collision - what are the chances?
Timed Tasks (cron-like) in PHP 4140.html http Detailed 61437.html Really though if you're on any decent shared hosting package you should..
Read a file backwards line by line using fseek ln output output ln '' fclose fl print_r output Really though Jonathan Kuhn has the best answer IMHO above. The only..
PHP framework for Social Networking [closed] date modern books that would outline something like this Really anything for building a modern web app in PHP. php frameworks..
Insert/update helper function using PDO any minor syntax issues I made that should work. EDIT Really though I think I would go for Doctrine ORM or another ORM ...
Magento - Passing data between a controller and a block Passing data between a controller and a block Really quick and simple question but I can't find a decent answer to..
Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object PHP Help any more since that's another question all together... Really the choices are endless. Find something you like and stick with..
Problem with AES-256 between Java and PHP output UTF 8 EDIT Just kidding about bug #2. Really I was wrong I didn't notice it was the decrypt direction. Of..
Regex - Greedyness - matching HTML tags, content and attributes s and methods such as getAttribute setAttribute ... Really take the time to learn DOM it's a great investment share improve..
How many MySQL queries should I limit myself to on a page? PHP / MySQL improve this question As many as needed but not more. Really don't worry about optimization right now . Build it first measure..
is there a way to reverse a hash without rainbow tables? [duplicate] is 2.5x10^4898 times the age of the universe right now. Really it's an enormous number that's beyond our human ability to comprehend.....
json_encode won't encode french characters? unless I force a ISO 8859 1 character set Which I REALLY don't want to do it won't let me use UTF 8. So doing a print_r..
Session VS File VS Memcache for a Cache in PHP? Memcache is your best bet for a lot of reasons It's REALLY fast Everything's in memory and it's highly optimized for situations..
Is there a PDF parser for PHP? [closed] it works. So while something like TFPDF or DOMPDF creates REALLY easy to read PDFs from a machine standpoint Acrobat makes some.. at a time and positioning them independently. While this REALLY simplifies rendering it makes reading MUCH more difficult. The..
Using MySQL, how do I select query result rank of one particular row? of temporary tables and user variables the former I'd REALLY like to avoid the latter I suppose I can live with . Any help..
finding a file in php that is 4 directories up you on your way. Then you can include __DIR__.' .. file REALLY relative to directory of edit file.php' include _SERVER 'DOCUMENT_ROOT'.. can change and break your world include 'an unreliable NOT REALLY relative file.php' Hope it helps share improve this answer..
What is the best way to validate a credit card in PHP? 13 random numbers after 34 to make it an AMEX card number REALLY EXISTS does it actually have an associated account you are unlikely..
Models in the Zend Framework protected _name 'users' protected _rowClass 'User' THIS IS REALLY HELPFUL public function getById id RETURNS ONE INSTANCE OF 'User'..
Why date() works twice as fast if we set time zone from code? can't understand why that happens Anyone THANK YOU GUYS I REALLY APPRECIATE ALL YOUR ANSWERS AND COMMENTS. php datetime timezone..
What is the proper way to document files, classes and constructors? is superfluous because calling setWeight on Person can REALLY be expected to set the Weight on a Person. No need to write..
iPhone - Call a php page asynchronously and be sure it has been loaded would be a phantom call without use of any UIWebView or if REALLY nedded a hidden UIWebView but I'd prefer to avoid this. Could..
Benchmarking Performance of node.js (cluster) with mysql pools : Lighttpd + PHP? Maybe my tests are not complete most likely something is REALLY wrong about node.js or my test code and so if your a node.js..
In PHP how can I access a “:private” array in an object? write your members as protected unless there's a really REALLY good reason to do otherwise. Hope that helps... share improve..
Where do I start with Zend Framework? [closed] used to get data and the database Is there a tutorial that REALLY goes into detail about how you can accomplish things with Zend..