

php Programming Glossary: receipt

Delivery reports and read receipts in PHP mail


reports and read receipts in PHP mail Does anyone of you know off by hand what mail.. by hand what mail headers to add in order to get a read receipt and delivery report This now being when you use the normal PHP..

Verify receipt for in App purchase


receipt for in App purchase I have been playing around with in app.. works fine up until the point where I try to validate the receipt with the app store as i am constantly getting back an invalid.. getting back an invalid status. I am passing the receipt data to my PHP server then forwarding from there to the app..

Is there a way to determine whether an e-mail reaches its destination?


to retrieve the full message again allowing you to track receipt. How far you take these ideas depends on why you need to know..

iOS7 - receipts not validating at sandbox - error 21002 (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException)


receipts not validating at sandbox error 21002 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.. so now I'm trying the recommended methods to retrieve the receipt and then encode in base 64 NSData working NSData dataWithContentsOfURL.. 64 or 76 chars line and LF or CR line endings NSString receipt working base64EncodedStringWithOptions kNilOptions The above..

PHP: Check who had read sent email?


to do something like this img src http yourdomain.com emailreceipt.php receipt email of receiver And log it in a database although.. like this img src http yourdomain.com emailreceipt.php receipt email of receiver And log it in a database although again this..

How can I join Excel documents using PHPExcel?


PHPExcel I'm using PHPExcel to dynamically generate order receipts. I'd like to be able to generate a summary Excel file containing.. to generate a summary Excel file containing all the order receipts one per worksheet . Is there a way to join two or more Excel.. like this should work function getReceiptWorksheet receiptNumber Do something here to retrieve return your existing receipt..

How do I verify Android in-app-billing transactions on MY server?


so they cannot be replayed. Be aware that a single data receipt and signature pair could contain many order numbers though its..