php Programming Glossary: readfile
Secure files for download
Compile a referenced LESS file into CSS with PHP automatically file '.. ' . file . '.css' header 'Content type text css' readfile '.. ' . file . '.css' This will compile the LESS file eg styles..
Forcing to download a file using PHP
Can I serve MP3 files with PHP? if that's the problem though. I would also recommend using readfile to output the file readfile rSong Also it can't hurt to use.. I would also recommend using readfile to output the file readfile rSong Also it can't hurt to use an exhaustive Content Type header..
check if download is completed attachment filename filename buffered read not using readfile file if fp fopen bestand 'rb' while feof fp buf fread fp 4096..
Resumable downloads when using PHP to send the file? header Content Disposition attachment filename fileName readfile file Unfourtunately we noticed that downloads passed through..
download multiple files as zip in php header 'Content Length ' . filesize zipfilename readfile zipname The second line forces the browser to present a download..
Output an Image in PHP
deleting a file after user download it header Content Disposition attachment filename readfile file i want to delete this file after user download it how can..
PHP - send file to user improve this question Assuming that it's on the server readfile Outputs a file Example from http manual en function.readfile.php.. a file Example from http manual en function.readfile.php if file_exists file header 'Content Description File Transfer'..
Fastest Way to Serve a File Using PHP 'Last Modified '. fileModificationTime Read the file readfile path exit static function mimeType path preg_match . a z0 9.. your web server to help you the only solution remaining is readfile it's available in all php versions currently in use and work..
Show a PDF files in users browser via PHP/Perl documentation php header 'Content type application pdf' readfile 'the.pdf' Also my google search result perl code open PDF the.pdf.. header 'Content Disposition inline filename the.pdf ' @readfile file edit Now the code is working. But the loading progress.. Encoding binary' header 'Content Length ' . filesize file @readfile file edit All my problems solved. Here's the final code php..
How to force download of a file? Content disposition attachment filename . file_name. readfile file_url exit I just tested it and it works for me. Please note.. I just tested it and it works for me. Please note that for readfile to be able to read a remote url you need to have your fopen_wrappers..
Force Browser to download Image with Javascript jpg header Content disposition attachment filename . file. readfile file But it doesn't work. What am I doing wrong Thanks in advance..
How to force file download with PHP disposition attachment filename . basename file_url . readfile file_url do the double download dance dirty but worky Also make..
Headers already sent by PHP print echo printf trigger_error vprintf ob_flush var_dump readfile passthru among others and user defined functions. Raw HTML areas..