php Programming Glossary: recipients
Is this mail() function safe from header injection? body text i.e. the abuser has not only added additional recipients but they've managed to supply their own body text too. However..
Sending mass email using PHP function work function massmail content '...' foreach recipients as r _content content . ' img src http xxx trackOpenRate.php..
send email using Gmail SMTP server through PHP Mailer this following error Mailer Error SMTP Error The following recipients failed SMTP server error SMTP AUTH..
PHPMailer AddAddress() PHPMailer function i need the email to be sent to multiple recipients so i tried to obj.. 'Third Name' you could use an array to store the recipients and then use a for loop. Hope it helps. share improve this..
How to decode a JSON String date 29 03 2010 time 21 24 10 utcOffsetSeconds 3600 recipients address 55512351 name 55512351 deliveryStatus notRequested body.. date 29 03 2010 time 21 24 12 utcOffsetSeconds 3600 recipients address 55512351 name 55512351 deliveryStatus notRequested body.. date 29 03 2010 time 21 24 13 utcOffsetSeconds 3600 recipients address 55512351 name 55512351 deliveryStatus notRequested body..
Why shouldn't I use PHP's mail() function? In some cases mails send via PHP mail did not receive the recipients although it was send by WB without any error message. The most..
Creating a threaded private messaging system like facebook and gmail can read or you would have the ability to specify multiple recipients just like with an e mail. Perhaps you can explain more about.. unread by that user. Note that if you want to have single recipients this design holds and if you want to have multiple recipients.. this design holds and if you want to have multiple recipients you can use an intersection table to hold the list of recipients..
PHP mail: Multiple recipients? mail Multiple recipients I have this code php include db.php result mysql_query SELECT..
How to use special characters in recipients name when using PHP's mail function to use special characters in recipients name when using PHP's mail function How can I send an email.. áâãäåæçèéêëìÃîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ ' Transaction aborted no recipients specified If possible I would like to keep the special characters..