php Programming Glossary: realm
How do you document your PHP functions and classes inline? this externally for a project. It's generally left in the realm of the IDE to generate a template while you code. Eclipse actually..
Get contacts using Yahoo Contacts API valid credentials. OAuth oauth_problem signature_invalid realm yahoo description yahoo error v1 user ' . guid 1 . ' contacts' 'Authorization OAuth realm '. 'oauth_consumer_key '. yahoo_consumer_key.'..
PHP Business Rule Engine BPEL WS BPEL were developed in the application server realm. Business Rules tend to be highly stated processes of which..
Cross Domain Single Selective Sign In and mysite are conceptually in the same security realm but OpenID identifies realms by URL patterns and since they're.. in the same security realm but OpenID identifies realms by URL patterns and since they're on different domains they..
REST Authentication in PHP (CodeIgniter) 'HTTP 1.1 401 Unauthorized' header 'WWW Authenticate Basic realm My Realm ' echo 'You must login to use this service' User sees..
Implode and Explode Multi dimensional arrays [duplicate] structure to the string in which case you are into the realm of serialisation for which functions already exist serialize..
Best way to implement Single-Sign-On with all major providers? the example. this select_id false function setup identity realm assoc_handle attributes here we should check the requested.. . scope email header Location url exit function checkid realm attributes try authenticating code isset _GET code _GET code..
Why don't people use PHP for desktop applications? [closed] for GUI programming. I think that as PHP moves into OOP realm in PHP 5 and especially PHP 6 you're going to see better tools..
Sending basic authentication information via form once the browser has authed once it's authorised in that realm i.e. it will stay logged in. The previous article does it in..
Xdebug And Netbeans Problem UDP locally which would be super odd but not out of the realm of possibility or that port 9000 isn't already used by another..
curl http authentication with Zend _SERVER 'PHP_AUTH_USER' header 'WWW Authenticate Basic realm My Realm ' header 'HTTP 1.0 401 Unauthorized' echo User name..
How to use an authenticated user in a Symfony2 functional test? firewalls secured area pattern ^ demo secured http_basic realm Secured Demo Area As you can see there is HTTP Authentication..
Simple Twitter Oauth authorization asking for credentials every time ' urlParts parse_url url oauth 'Authorization OAuth realm ' . urlParts 'path' . ' ' foreach oauthHeaders as name value..
Luracast Restler Authentication user return TRUE header 'WWW Authenticate Basic realm '.self REALM.' ' throw new RestException 401 'Basic Authentication..
PHP Authentication (beginner) 'HTTP 1.1 401 Unauthorized' header 'WWW Authenticate Basic realm '.'hello' if _SERVER 'PHP_AUTH_USER' user _SERVER 'PHP_AUTH_PW'.. 'HTTP 1.1 401 Unauthorized' header 'WWW Authenticate Basic realm '.'hello' exit 'Exiting' else user 'user' pass 'pass' if _SERVER.. 'HTTP 1.1 401 Unauthorized' header 'WWW Authenticate Basic realm '.'hello' exit 'Exiting' REST OF WEBSITE I'd appreciate it..