php Programming Glossary: involving
When should I use parenthesis in require/include statements? Parenthesis become useful when you use complex expressions involving calculations and string concatenations but in such a simple..
$_SESSION v. $_COOKIE remember when I last visit and preferences. Another thing involving cookies is that when websites use advertisements for example.. back to the site And this How to store a cookie with php involving uniqid . For those wanting to know about the login I use email..
PHP Type-Juggling and (strict) Greater/Lesser Than Comparisons NAN NAN bool false Note The fact that any comparison involving NAN is always false is not specific to PHP. It is mandated by..
PHP best practices for user authentication and password security should be considered the standard for new PHP development involving user authentication. php authentication share improve this..
Symfony 1.4 with TCPDF: How to retreive data from a database and show it as a .pdf file? create a pdf file using TCPDF with the content of a query involving multiple tables. Here my code in the actions.class.php public..
What's the best method to use / store encryption keys in MySQL up an entire new area that needs to be secured. Probably involving more key's and more encryption layers thereby increasing the..
Peek ahead when iterating an array in PHP Is there any elegant solution for my problem perhaps involving SPL php arrays foreach spl share improve this question ..
Best solution to anti-spam in PHP? empty and then if you really have to other techniques involving turing test of some sorts captcha being the worst in terms of..
In regards to for(), why use i++ rather than ++i? in the comments then of course you need to code loops involving such classes with extreme care as opposed to doing simple things..
how to prevent PHP's file_get_contents( )
Prevent application from introducing harmful changes on the server side need OS support for creating these sandboxes. Any approach involving filtering the source code is going to have security problems..
Is there any way to have PHP detect a corrupted image? share improve this question Javascript solution with involving jQuery though this should be possible to do without it too script..
What's the best approach to sending email to hundreds of recipients from a Zend Framework application? there must be a more professional approach to doing this involving the queuing of emails. I suppose the ideal approach would be..
How to implement unit testing in PHP? [closed] almost like writing code examples . There's a good guide involving a bowling game here that gives you an insight to both PHPUnit..
error_get_last() and custom error handler you could possibly get this back by doing something involving a stack trace inside the error handler or at the very least..
How to store Birthdate and Age so that Age can be updated daily in PHP/MySQL? to store the Age AND the Birthdate so that when searches involving the Age are made I don't have to calculate each Age on the fly..