php Programming Glossary: invoking
Triggering __call() in PHP even when method exists about the __call magic method __call is triggered when invoking inaccessible methods in an object context. Is there a way I..
How to enable DDoS protection? i.e. logging in your application Which users are doing the invoking and from which IPs i.e. logging in your application What queries..
Calling Math Editor Math Editor Is there is a library for invoking math symbols formula not sure what to call which are design..
Convert function from recursion to iteration one by creating a stack stack array And instead of invoking this findroute push your parameters onto this stack stack array..
PHPUnit: stub methods undefined 'mrMethod' will this returnValue 'doing stuff' But upon invoking the stubbed method I get an exception stub mrMethod PHP Fatal..
How to create Server-side Progress indicator in JavaScript? that 'myId' give it a value of '1'. Whether you do that by invoking a process of some sort etc is up to you. Then in your callback..
Calling java from PHP exec Also I realized there's no reason to use that method of invoking mxmlc. So here's the final working command exec 'export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH..
Why do I need to use a popular framework? another has setters that are expected to be called before invoking methods you will lose users because they can't get a feel for..
Running MySQL *.sql files in PHP answer . You should run your .sql script in PHP by invoking the mysql tool for instance with shell_exec . I got this test..
How to get system info in PHP? also HDD space info in PHP. Is there any way to do without invoking commands using system calls system ... Note I am not looking..
Is a good idea have a BaseController and make all controllers extend that class? Action helpers are kind of a lazy load alternative invoking functionality precisely when and where you need it. Also the..
How to do a PHP nested class or nested methods? database query is done you actually evaluate the query by invoking execute that in my case would return a boolean that would represent..
PHP cURL, extract an XML response cURL extract an XML response I am invoking PHP cURL method on a server and the response is XML type. cURL..
Can't execute PHP script using PHP exec run this the output execoutput.txt contains a copy of the invoking script page not hello world as I expected. Why can't I get this..
invoking a php method from java [closed] a php method from java closed i need to invoke a PHP method..
Calling PHP from Java [duplicate] PHP from Java duplicate Possible Duplicate invoking a php method from java I am writing a Java class. And I have.. performs some computation and returns the result to the invoking Java method. Can I do that with something like the following..
Importing variable namespaces and use that in most places where you'd need it like invoking new . namespace ' foo bar' class 'baz' fully_qualified namespace..
How to add/remove PKCS7 padding from an AES encrypted string? . Instead you could simply take 16 here for AES instead of invoking the function. pad block strlen str block This calculates the..
Connecting to WS-Security protected Web Service with PHP certificate authentication on creating the client when invoking the service not when fetching the WSDL see here . There are..