php Programming Glossary: intval
Resumable downloads when using PHP to send the file? ' bytes d d ' _SERVER 'HTTP_RANGE' matches offset intval matches 1 length intval matches 2 offset else partialContent.. 'HTTP_RANGE' matches offset intval matches 1 length intval matches 2 offset else partialContent false file fopen file 'r'..
Get image color blue color 'blue' borderSize height width 2 color 'red' intval red borderSize color 'green' intval green borderSize color 'blue'.. width 2 color 'red' intval red borderSize color 'green' intval green borderSize color 'blue' intval blue borderSize Update.. color 'green' intval green borderSize color 'blue' intval blue borderSize Update I put some more refined code on github..
“Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by” error [duplicate] . ' NULL break case long case int theValue theValue intval theValue NULL break case double theValue theValue doubleval..
Is there any particular difference between intval and (int)? there any particular difference between intval and int Is there any particular difference between intval and.. intval and int Is there any particular difference between intval and int Example product_id intval _GET 'pid' product_id int.. difference between intval and int Example product_id intval _GET 'pid' product_id int _GET 'pid' Is there any particular..
Insert/update helper function using PDO _POST field . ' return substr set 0 2 used like this id intval _POST 'id' fields explode name surname lastname address zip..
Are mysql_real_escape_string() and mysql_escape_string() sufficient for app security? GrabbedURLs ' . 'WHERE ' . column . ' ' . 'LIMIT ' . intval limit statement execute array value while data statement fetch..
How to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP? start end adj a b result if result a start result b intval start result a 1 adj 1 result a adj intval start result a 1.. start result b intval start result a 1 adj 1 result a adj intval start result a 1 adj 1 if result a end result b intval result.. adj intval start result a 1 adj 1 if result a end result b intval result a adj result a adj intval result a adj return result..
How to include a PHP variable inside a MySQL insert statement have to cast it to its type implicitly. For example limit intval _GET 'limit' casting to int type query SELECT FROM table LIMT..