php Programming Glossary: invest
CMS Routing in MVC something so complicated as cms with framework you might invest some additional time in researching OOP. I would recommend to..
How easy is it to extend / modify Zend Framework? much of it to make it more RAD friendly. So before I invest a lot of time digging into the framework I was hoping someone..
Typo3 V6: How to create a content element container? (without TV) for the most simple solution here. I prefer not having to invest a lot of learning time in a solution like flux and whatnot http..
Secure login: public key encryption in PHP and Javascript it takes to be a certification authority. These companies invest millions in order to keep the communication secure and sure..
Reading/Writing a MS Word file in PHP I think it just depends on how much time you'll invest. Perhaps you can have a look at PHPExcel which is a library..
Is it worth learning Python over Ruby and PHP for Web Development? [closed] you can design. If you're trying to decide which one to invest time in learning for web development to me the choice is definitely..
Where can I learn web programming from start to mastery? Geoff Adams pretty much sums up my post Play around the invest in books. And it will take time. I'm till nowhere near perfect...
No PHP for large projects? Why not? our own framework and approach but still I don't want to invest further if I'm wasting my time. Thoughts php scalability projects..
Fastest way to retrieve a <title> in PHP If you need something more powerful it might not hurt to invest a bit of time into researching HTML parsers. EDIT Added a bit..
PHP Framework for a beginner, expecting a longlasting relationship with it [duplicate] is in beta and php5 has been around for a while should i invest on it im confused actually lured by the expectation around Zend.. want a long lasting relationship with it so it's worth to invest in learning the one that talks to you the most. About PHP5 vs..