php Programming Glossary: investigation
Facebook PHP SDK Throwing an Uncatchable OAuthException base_facebook.php line 1105 Edit 5 1 12 After some more investigation it turns out that this Exception isn't really being treated..
Paypal SandBox IPN always returns INVALID payment else if strcmp res INVALID 0 log for manual investigation Check this out Edit Check out the PayPal troubleshooting tips..
Derived class defined later in the same file “does not exist”? with experience in Zend internals on the matter. The investigation From the PHP parser we can see that when a class declaration..
PHP Curl Paypal Sandbox 0 echo h2 Sorry something went wrong h2 log for manual investigation Also _GET 'tx' look up stops working after ~5 minutes share..
PHP Session Cookies fail with users changing IP then authenticated no longer being present. After a lot of investigation the only thing I can see that is different about this user is..
images in Zend Framework layout solution this baseUrl 'images logo.gif' Edit after further investigation For record and to help others You can access images folder in..
What are PHP nested functions for? for Does anyone use them and what for Here's a small investigation I did php function outer msg function inner msg echo 'inner..
Unable to find the wrapper “https” - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? PHP The problem is in the question. I've done a thorough investigation for solutions in regards to this and I know there are topics..
Somehow php broke doctype in quirks mode and that broke the layout. After a bit of investigation I found that somehow php make some mess. For example If I run..