php Programming Glossary: ip2long
Match IPv4 address given IP range/mask? this function that I found in a comment at on the ip2long function. function ip_in_network ip net_addr net_mask if net_mask.. if net_mask 0 return false ip_binary_string sprintf 032b ip2long ip net_binary_string sprintf 032b ip2long net_addr return substr_compare.. sprintf 032b ip2long ip net_binary_string sprintf 032b ip2long net_addr return substr_compare ip_binary_string net_binary_string..
How to detect fake users ( crawlers ) and cURL Get useful info attached to our user... session_start ip ip2long _SERVER 'REMOTE_ADDR' session_id session_id Check if IP is already..
What is the most accurate way to retrieve a user's correct IP address in PHP? false return false self ip sprintf ' u' ip2long ip you seem to want this return true Also your HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR..
Store IPv6 in database IP's with PHP in MySQL database There's a function called ip2long but this is just for IPv4. But what about IPv6 I know a php..
INET_ATON() and INET_NTOA() in PHP? thing I came across is http manual en function.ip2long.php So I tested it ip _SERVER 'REMOTE_ADDR' echo ip2long ip.. So I tested it ip _SERVER 'REMOTE_ADDR' echo ip2long ip And it outputs nothing. In the example they gave it seems.. it seems to work but then again I'm not exactly sure if ip2long does the same thing as INET_ATON . Does someone know a PHP function..
Working with IPv6 Addresses in PHP IP Address @param bool Should the IP be converted using ip2long @return string long The IP Address function GetRealRemoteIp..
Getting list IPs from CIDR notation in PHP cidr range array cidr explode ' ' cidr range 0 long2ip ip2long cidr 0 1 32 int cidr 1 range 1 long2ip ip2long cidr 0 pow 2.. 0 long2ip ip2long cidr 0 1 32 int cidr 1 range 1 long2ip ip2long cidr 0 pow 2 32 int cidr 1 1 return range var_dump cidrToRange..
eval base64_decode php virus array my_ip2long sprintf u ip2long _SERVER 'REMOTE_ADDR' foreach stop_ips_masks.. array my_ip2long sprintf u ip2long _SERVER 'REMOTE_ADDR' foreach stop_ips_masks as IPs first_d.. foreach stop_ips_masks as IPs first_d sprintf u ip2long IPs 0 second_d sprintf u ip2long IPs 1 if my_ip2long first_d..
matching an IP to a CIDR mask in php5? share improve this question If only using IPv4 use ip2long to convert the IPs and the subnet range into long integers convert.. cidr_match ip range list subnet bits explode ' ' range ip ip2long ip subnet ip2long subnet mask 1 32 bits subnet mask # nb in.. list subnet bits explode ' ' range ip ip2long ip subnet ip2long subnet mask 1 32 bits subnet mask # nb in case the supplied..
IP address storing in mysql database VARCHAR as you might expect . You convert them using PHP's ip2long and back using either MySQL's INET_NTOA function or PHP's longtoip..
Using Facebook PHP-SDK 3.x to register/login user with Codeigniter 2.1.0 this load model user_model privileges 1 loginLocation ip2long _SERVER 'REMOTE_ADDR' active 1 this user_model add_user user_profile..