php Programming Glossary: ints
Incorrect Integer (2147483647) is inserted into MySQL?
How to find memory used by an object in PHP? (sizeof) I want to find out about is a dictionary with strings and ints in it so it makes it hard to calculate it manually. Also string..
Retrieving Multiple Result sets with stored procedure in php/mysqli mysqli_fetch_assoc array row but for some reason all the ints get returned as blank strings. Any one else come across this..
What is the difference between .= and += in php to integers and all strings evaluate to zero when cast to ints and then adds them so you get 0. If you do this a 10 a . 5 This..
Can PHP tell if the server os it 64-bit? taking advantage of the intval function's way of handling ints based on 32 64 bit. php function is_64bit int 9223372036854775807..
PHP: do arrays have a maximum size? however except on machines with lots of RAM and 32 bit ints you will always hit the memory limit before this becomes an..
PHP: pack / unpack 64bit int on 64bit architecture value 0 It seems as though it can handle signed 64bit ints but can't pack unpack them. According to the docs http
Odd behaviour in a switch statement question It's because of the way php casts strings to ints. When you pass in a 0 you are asking it to do an integer comparison..
RGBA format HEX into RGB format HEX? PHP color to blend with. Edit fix due to not enough space in ints ruining RGBA. RGBA is now handled as a four part array. RGB..