php Programming Glossary: inverse
Convert MD5 to base62 for URL md5 'your url here' 16 62 public base 62 hash and the inverse echo bc_base_convert 'base 62 encoded value here' 62 16 private..
Having the option of customized classes but a unified class name refer to the User classes. So basically you just use the inverse of the logic you described. If the explanation above isn't clear..
Generate Random Numbers with Probabilistic Distribution 0 1 value U just calculate b log 1 u ^ 1 a . This is the inverse function of 1 P X x in case I miscalculated something. share..
problem understanding relation mapping in doctrine 2 type integer private id @ManyToOne targetEntity Comments inversedBy keywords private comment @Column type text private text.. You have to understand the difference between owning and inverse side. Just having a One To Many uni directional relation requires.. . InversedBy has somewhat the same meaning just that inversedBy is always specified on the owning side mappedBy on the inverse..
Generate Random Weighted value also be possible swapping EVP and MVP should produce an inverse of the graph below. Here's an image that I hope will convey..
PHP implementation for an URL shortening algorithm x so that f x y . This is necessary so that you can find a inverse function g 'abc' 123 for your f 123 'abc' function. I would..
Doctrine 2 Inheritance Mapping with Association OneToMany not One Many ToOne. One user has many pets. The inverse association is OneToOne but it's targeting User which has no..
Can I define a variable in a PHP if condition? truthy value then the condition wil be met. CodePad . The inverse is also true... If nothing is returned by the function I want..
Colorizing and swapping colors with PHP GD Image Library? question use Blue #0276DB instead of orange and then inverse the image using IMAGE_FILTER_NEGATE to get orange and black...
Create variable from print_r output [duplicate] var_import function exists in php var_import would be the inverse of var_export He is a use case a var_import 'Array 0 foo 1 bar..
Great Circle Distance question position decimal latitude and longitude . This is the inverse function to GreatCircleDist . void GreatCirclePos dist course..
How to design a sequential hash-like function encode it with base64_encode . For decoding simply do the inverse of these operations. Sample 2^24 long unique sequence function..