php Programming Glossary: introduce
Error logging, in a smooth way they are a standard part of PHP which does not introduce extra dependencies to your code. What to do with them When an..
migration to Yii framework file was a well intended gesture. The least harmful way to introduce external code and replace existing components in so messed up..
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? their purpose. The original implementation in PHP2 FI introduced it explicitly with just quotes will be automatically escaped.. with mSQL as that supported ASCII only. Then PHP3 Zend reintroduced magic_quotes for MySQL and misdocumented it. But originally.. pdo_query is also just a frontend onto it. Unless you also introduce parameter binding or can utilize something else from the nicer..
How can I scrape website content in PHP from a website that requires a cookie login? have to get the login page. We use a special User Agent to introduce ourselves in order both to be recognizable we don't want to..
The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead and will be removed in the future. It was originally introduced in PHP v2.0 for MySQL v3.23 and no new features have been added.. more modern extensions test thoroughly. You can later introduce further refinements to reap the rewards of the benefits they..
What is better in a foreach loop… using the & symbol or reassigning based on key? and what have you rather defeats the point. For one it introduces extra overhead which will eat away at the performance benefits.. slower If speed is an issue you can optimize your code and introduce references to your loops then. When writing new code go for..
array_splice() for associative arrays array color red taste sweet season summer and I want to introduce a new element into it texture bumpy behind the 2nd item but..
Bare Minimum of a Pagination? [closed] that change are the offset and the current page. If you introduce filters into your queries then in addition to the former 2 the..
How exactly is a PHP script executed? question I wonder the same thing. In this presentation we introduce a new language construct to demonstrate how one might go about..
Can PHP restart Apache? does a proper restart of Apache. Using a cron script will introduce a delay up to 60s if you run it each minute but apart from that..
PHP: get classname from static call in extended class rather than when it is defined. While the feature does not introduce a new magic constant to tell you the classname you were called..
Compiling an AST back to source code code and this makes it impossible. So you need a way to introduce newlines for AST nodes representing major language elements..
PhpUnit private method testing with a private method result inside a class. Let me introduce with an example class A public function b some code this c some..
Is it important to verify that the uploaded file is an actual image file? application does uploads all the time. You might want to introduce some upload queue so the upload is already done but the file..
Is include()/require() with “side effects” a bad practice? their equivalents in other languages should normally only introduce new functions into the current scope and never trigger their..
PHP simpleXML how to save the file in a formatted way? area blah area ... And so on. All in a single line. How to introduce line breaks How do I make it like this name blah name class..
Natural sorting algorithm in PHP with support for Unicode? its original value as setting a locale using setlocale can introduce side effects in other running PHP script please see PHP manual..
php singleton database connection, is this code bad practice? improve this question Singletons are bad news. They introduce global state into a program. Most programmers should be familiar.. should be familiar with why global state is bad. They introduce tight coupling between the singleton and any class that uses..
how to verify the requesting server in php? server that both can access to verify requests. This will introduce latency which may slow down the request a bit. A fourth method..