php Programming Glossary: invoke
How to create a secure mysql prepared statement in php? mysqli_stmt_bind_result fields To use it just invoke it instead of calling bind_result stmt store_result resultrow..
file_get_contents behind a proxy? setting I can set so that internally whenever it tries to invoke something like file_get_contents it always goes through a proxy..
Invoking a PHP script from a mysql trigger a PHP script from a mysql trigger Is there anyway invoke a PHP page function when a record being inserted in to the mysql.. application through a UDF Yes. For example a trigger could invoke the sys_exec UDF available at MySQL Forge here http
PHP Parse/Syntax Errors; and How to solve them? ini_set display_errors 1 include . broken script.php Then invoke the failing code by accessing this wrapper script. It also helps..
Reference: mod_rewrite, URL rewriting and “pretty links” explained and serve it if so. If the file ends in .php it will invoke the PHP interpreter and then return the result. All this association..
Asynchronous shell exec in PHP shell exec in PHP I've got a PHP script that needs to invoke a shell script but doesn't care at all about the output. The..
using jquery $.ajax to call a PHP function Use .ajax to call a server context or URL or whatever to invoke a particular 'action'. What you want is something like .ajax.. and the corresponding value should point to the method to invoke e.g. if isset _POST 'action' empty _POST 'action' action _POST..
PHP Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context be foobar new foobar correct foobar foobarfunc You can not invoke method this way because it is not static method. foobar foobarfunc..
sudo in php exec() be enough however the sudo is for some reason necessary to invoke some response from the system. If the sudo could be somehow..
Php/Java Integration Interface and it requires no additional components to invoke Java procedures from PHP or PHP procedures from Java. share..
How can I extract images from a PDF file? [closed] with Perl PHP or any other UNIX based app which I would invoke with the exec function from PHP php perl pdf share improve..
Calling closure assigned to object property directly the magic __call method to intercept the call and invoke the callback which is not possible for StdClass of course because..
How can I run a PHP script in the background after a form is submitted? a file to write to. I'm using the following line to invoke the email script shell_exec path to php path to send_notifications.php..
PHP __get and __set magic methods get and set. For example the following statements should invoke the __get method echo foo bar var foo bar and the following.. this question __get __set __call and __callStatic are invoked when the method or property is inaccessible. Your bar is public..
When inserting an entity with associations, is there a way to just use the FK instead of retrieving the entity? entity's properties referring to the assocations and then invoke the persist method. php orm doctrine doctrine2 share improve..
Running command-line application from PHP as specific user setup sudo 8 to allow the user running your webserver to invoke it. Editing the sudoers file with visudo 8 you can use something..
Call PHP from virtual/custom “web server” help much. As far as I can tell there are three ways to invoke PHP via command line eg php f path to script.php via CGI via..
Easy way to export a SQL table without access to the server or phpMyADMIN INTO TABLE `##table##` The other option is to use PHP to invoke a system command on the server and run 'mysqldump' file 'backups..
How to make a PHP SOAP call using the SoapClient class array Contact contact description Barrel of Oil amount 500 Invoke webservice method with your parameters in this case Function1..
Access parent's overriden method from parent's context in PHP e.g. parent Draw . I'd like a third function e.g. parent InvokeDraw to call my drawing method from within the parent's context... class ClassA function Draw Drawing code ... function InvokeDraw this Draw class ClassB extends ClassA function Draw parent.. Draw class ClassB extends ClassA function Draw parent InvokeDraw Drawing code ... The problem I'm facing is that InvokeDraw..
Image upload performance issue with Amazon S3 and jqueryfileupload plugin in some other threads in Stackoverflow. Approach 2. Invoke the code for creating resized versions as a separate asynchronous..
Doc to PDF with PHP + Openoffice value return oStruct function word2pdf doc_url output_url Invoke the service manager osm new COM