php Programming Glossary: introduces
PHP: Get file extension not working on uploads to S3 from the clinet tdirectly to yourself twice. And this also introduces risk and increased possible failure points. In response to Doesn't..
What do the ENT_HTML5, ENT_HTML401, … modifiers on html_entity_decode do? on html_entity_decode do Since php 5.4 html_entity_decode introduces four new flags with a minimal explanation ENT_HTML401 Handle..
How do I convert a script using mysql_ functions to use mysqli_ functions? first parameter. But what if the connection failed mysqli_ introduces a small set of functions that don't require the connection object..
How to install PHP pthreads extension on Ubuntu [closed] another option is to keep PHP from updating. Anyway this introduces some extra work and makes the setup more complicated. We work..
Using namespaces with classes created from a variable That makes name resolution ambiguous at best and easily introduces weird problems. namespace Foo class 'Baz' namespace Bar new..
Reference: What is variable scope, which variables are accessible from where and what are “undefined variable” errors? functions and classes Every new function declaration introduces a new scope it's that simple. anonymous functions inside functions..
What is better in a foreach loop… using the & symbol or reassigning based on key? and what have you rather defeats the point. For one it introduces extra overhead which will eat away at the performance benefits..
What exactly is late-static binding in PHP? the child as you might expect. Late static binding introduces a new use for the static keyword which addresses this particular..
Convert String To date in PHP
What does new self(); mean in PHP? and can sometimes cause problems. That's why PHP 5.3 introduces a new usage for the static keyword it can now be used exactly..
Having the option of customized classes but a unified class name for a smart trick or pattern that uses as little code and introduces as little new functionality as possible. php oop share improve..
How do you implement a good profanity filter? [closed] based approach. A system that removes anonymity and introduces accountability something that Stack Overflow does well is helpful..
Will enabling XDebug on a production server make PHP slower? the engine to stop at breakpoints and this is BAD because introduces a high performance blow to have another process stopping or..
PHP DateTime::modify adding and subtracting months you can use one of the PHP 5.3's new functionality that introduces the relative time stanza first day of . This stanza can be used..
PHP type-hinting to primitive values? types type hinting share improve this question PHP 5 introduces type hinting. Functions are now able to force parameters to..
Serial comm with PHP on Windows found 2 solutions on the net one which is not totally free introduces deliberate delays on the function and another with limited capability..
Grouping WHERE clauses in Codeigniter problem comes because I am using this db or_where which introduces a OR clause that throws the operator precedence into disarray..
What is the php_binary serialization handler? all they are totally different. The differences igbinary introduces are documented within the projects readme. I assume you're asking..
How to serve documents from outside the web root using PHP? to restrict access to the whole directory. But that introduces problems including cleartext passwords no graceful logout method..
Modify an Existing PHP Function to Return a String a string. However that would be so inefficient because it introduces a lot of code duplicate. php function get_header_wrapper var..