php Programming Glossary: invoice
How to Save Uploaded File's Name on Database name safe. jimport 'joomla.filesystem.file' file 'name' 'invoice' JFile makeSafe file 'name' 'invoice' Move the uploaded file.. file 'name' 'invoice' JFile makeSafe file 'name' 'invoice' Move the uploaded file into a permanent location. if isset.. file into a permanent location. if isset file 'name' 'invoice' Make sure that the full file path is safe. filepath JPath..
Convert number to letter with php [duplicate] 1 2 3 to a string one two three in PHP I'm programming an invoice script. I'm looking for a php script that convert number to.. a php script that convert number to letter. Exemple the invoice show this value 155 p The script put automatically ONE HUNDRED..
ACL implementation object do not depend on database. When you are creating an invoice it does not matter where data comes from. It can be either from..
Magento: adding duties/taxes to a quote during review to every entity with financial part quote_address order invoice . For instance it should be base_your_attribute_code and your_attribute_code.. will be used for copying calculated data into order or invoice config global fieldsets copies data from quote address to order.. sales_convert_quote_address copies data from order to invoice shipment creditmemo during their creation sales_convert_order..
PHP Redirect with POST data get the post data store inside database and generate invoice number. After that we would post the customer data and invoice.. number. After that we would post the customer data and invoice number to thirdparty payment gateway. The problem is how to.. gateway did give us the API sample the sample is POST the invoice number together with customer detail. We don't want the system..
How should a model be structured in MVC? be where you define how to validate data before sending an invoice or to compute the total cost of an order. At the same time Domain..
Converting HTML to PDF using PHP? [duplicate] and if so how can it be done Specifically the page is an invoice generated dynamically. So I would like it loaded using http.. dynamically. So I would like it loaded using http invoices 3333 And the HTML output would have to be converted to PDF...
Something like Crystal Reports for PHP? need to have a layout setup that means I can output invoices just by inserting the data and then send it to a printer. The.. I'd like to have something that could generate an invoice based on a template preferably XML based and then output it.. Another requirement is that this must be FLOSS php report invoice share improve this question Use XML XSL FO with Apache FOP..
Magento - Quote/order product item attribute based on user input to be saved to order quote items and displayed on orders invoices and such. It should also be configurable by the customer in.. item. This value should be displayed on any and all invoices orders sales emails. I want to control output with a template.. to the order item How do I display this value on the order invoice sales emails and such pages How do I filter an order collection..
HTML2PDF in PHP - convert utilities & scripts - examples & demos like get the HTML content of the file we want to convert invoice file_get_contents http index.php s invoices print.. invoice file_get_contents http index.php s invoices print invoice_no . _GET 'invoice_no' replace the CSS style.. http index.php s invoices print invoice_no . _GET 'invoice_no' replace the CSS style from a print version..