jquery Programming Glossary: this.offsetleft
Open popup at clicked position http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10492910/open-popup-at-clicked-position e.pageX mouseY e.pageY To Get the relative position if this.offsetLeft undefined mouseX e.pageX this.offsetLeft if this.offsetTop undefined.. position if this.offsetLeft undefined mouseX e.pageX this.offsetLeft if this.offsetTop undefined mouseY e.pageY this.offsetTop if..
Get accurate position for a click on a linked image using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1128643/get-accurate-position-for-a-click-on-a-linked-image-using-jquery clickTag #taggable .click function e var x e.pageX this.offsetLeft var y e.pageY this.offsetTop var url this .attr href courl url..
Horizontal scroll on mouseMove - wide div in smaller div with overflow:hidden (Can't get the math to work) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16050564/horizontal-scroll-on-mousemove-wide-div-in-smaller-div-with-overflowhidden-c fidderence ratio bl.mousemove function e mX e.pageX this.offsetLeft mX2 Math.min Math.max 0 mX mPadd mmAA mmAAr setInterval function..
jQuery animation for a hover with 'mouse direction' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3627042/jquery-animation-for-a-hover-with-mouse-direction to the center of the DIV and normalize it var x e.pageX this.offsetLeft w 2 w h h w 1 var y e.pageY this.offsetTop h 2 h w w h 1 the..
Mouse position relative to div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3824332/mouse-position-relative-to-div ui var x ui.position.left ui.offset.left tired event.pageX this.offsetLeft var y ui.position.top ui.offset.top tired event.pageY this.offsetTop..
jQuery - how to add mark to image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6962930/jquery-how-to-add-mark-to-image .click function e e.preventDefault var x e.pageX this.offsetLeft var y e.pageY this.offsetTop var img ' img ' img.css 'top' y..
Open popup at clicked position http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10492910/open-popup-at-clicked-position document .ready function document .mousemove function e mouseX e.pageX mouseY e.pageY To Get the relative position if this.offsetLeft undefined mouseX e.pageX this.offsetLeft if this.offsetTop undefined mouseY e.pageY this.offsetTop if mouseX 0 mouseX 0.. function e mouseX e.pageX mouseY e.pageY To Get the relative position if this.offsetLeft undefined mouseX e.pageX this.offsetLeft if this.offsetTop undefined mouseY e.pageY this.offsetTop if mouseX 0 mouseX 0 if mouseY 0 mouseY 0 windowWidth window..
Get accurate position for a click on a linked image using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1128643/get-accurate-position-for-a-click-on-a-linked-image-using-jquery absolutely boggled. JS document .ready function clickTag function clickTag #taggable .click function e var x e.pageX this.offsetLeft var y e.pageY this.offsetTop var url this .attr href courl url ' x ' x ' y ' y .ajax type GET url courl dataType script..
Horizontal scroll on mouseMove - wide div in smaller div with overflow:hidden (Can't get the math to work) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16050564/horizontal-scroll-on-mousemove-wide-div-in-smaller-div-with-overflowhidden-c mousemove available area mmAAr blW mmAA get available mousemove fidderence ratio bl.mousemove function e mX e.pageX this.offsetLeft mX2 Math.min Math.max 0 mX mPadd mmAA mmAAr setInterval function posX mX2 posX damp zeno's paradox equation catching delay..
jQuery animation for a hover with 'mouse direction' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3627042/jquery-animation-for-a-hover-with-mouse-direction center of the div from that x and y. gets the x value relative to the center of the DIV and normalize it var x e.pageX this.offsetLeft w 2 w h h w 1 var y e.pageY this.offsetTop h 2 h w w h 1 the angle and the direction from where the mouse came in went out..
Mouse position relative to div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3824332/mouse-position-relative-to-div state default hoverClass ui state hover drop function event ui var x ui.position.left ui.offset.left tired event.pageX this.offsetLeft var y ui.position.top ui.offset.top tired event.pageY this.offsetTop ' div style margin top ' y 'px margin left ' x 'px..
jQuery - how to add mark to image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6962930/jquery-how-to-add-mark-to-image div Example JS using jQuery document .ready function #container .click function e e.preventDefault var x e.pageX this.offsetLeft var y e.pageY this.offsetTop var img ' img ' img.css 'top' y img.css 'left' x img.attr 'src' 'http img34.imageshack.us img34..