jquery Programming Glossary: this.href.replace
How to change the href for a hyperlink using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/179713/how-to-change-the-href-for-a-hyperlink-using-jquery task might be matching then updating only part of the href a href^ 'http stackoverflow.com' .each function this.href this.href.replace ^http beta .stackoverflow .com http stackoverflow.com The first part selects only links where the href starts with http..
Open youtube video in Fancybox jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2542252/open-youtube-video-in-fancybox-jquery type text javascript a.more .fancybox 'titleShow' false 'transitionIn' 'elastic' 'transitionOut' 'elastic' 'href' this.href.replace new RegExp watch v i 'v ' 'type' 'swf' 'swf' 'wmode' 'transparent' 'allowfullscreen' 'true' script This way if the user.. 0 'autoScale' false 'transitionIn' 'none' 'transitionOut' 'none' 'title' this.title 'width' 680 'height' 495 'href' this.href.replace new RegExp watch v i 'v ' 'type' 'swf' 'swf' 'wmode' 'transparent' 'allowfullscreen' 'true' return false as covered..
jQuery add class .active on menu http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4866284/jquery-add-class-active-on-menu
jQuery / Javascript replace <space> in anchor link with %20 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/853804/jquery-javascript-replace-space-in-anchor-link-with-20
call Fancybox in parent from iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8853727/call-fancybox-in-parent-from-iframe 0 'autoScale' false 'transitionIn' 'none' 'transitionOut' 'none' 'title' this.title 'width' 640 'height' 385 'href' this.href.replace new RegExp watch v i 'v ' 'type' 'swf' 'swf' 'wmode' 'transparent' 'allowfullscreen' 'true' return false jquery html..