jquery Programming Glossary: this.render
How can I keep the context of 'this' in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1043556/how-can-i-keep-the-context-of-this-in-jquery jquery I have something like this var Something function this.render function window .resize function this.render The trouble is.. function this.render function window .resize function this.render The trouble is that inside the anonymous function 'this' refers.. I know I could do something like var Something function this.render function var tempThis this window .resize function tempThis.render..
Turning your jQuery code into a Backbone.js structure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11967378/turning-your-jquery-code-into-a-backbone-js-structure 'render' this.listenTo this.model.matches 'reset' this.render activate function this. el.addClass 'active' this.render deactivate.. this.render activate function this. el.addClass 'active' this.render deactivate function this. el.removeClass 'active' this. el.html..
backbone collection fetch doesn't fire reset() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15603107/backbone-collection-fetch-doesnt-fire-reset this.collection.fetch this.collection.bind 'reset' this.render this render function this. el.html '' this.collection.each function.. this. el.html '' this.collection.each function item this.renderMessage item this return this renderMessage function item var..
How do I efficiently highlight element under mouse cursor with an overlay? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4711023/how-do-i-efficiently-highlight-element-under-mouse-cursor-with-an-overlay show outer.show this.hide function hide outer.hide this.render function render width height left top this.resize width height..
Integrating JSON feed with Backbone JS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5629972/integrating-json-feed-with-backbone-js new StatusList null view this this.status.bind refresh this.render events click #updateStatus getStatus getStatus function this.status.value.. new StatusList null view this this.status.bind refresh this.render events click #updateStatus getStatus getStatus function.. new StatusList null view this this.status.bind refresh this.render events click #updateStatus getStatus getStatus function this.status.value..
Cleaning views with backbone.js? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9079491/cleaning-views-with-backbone-js this Edit Here's what the entire file would look like. this.render will be another function of myRouter. var myRouter Backbone.Router.extend.. to users' 'users' account function view new AccountView this.render view users function view new UserView this.render view render.. this.render view users function view new UserView this.render view render function view Close the current view if this.currentView..
How can I keep the context of 'this' in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1043556/how-can-i-keep-the-context-of-this-in-jquery can I keep the context of 'this' in jquery I have something like this var Something function this.render function window .resize function this.render The trouble is that inside the anonymous function 'this' refers to the window.. of 'this' in jquery I have something like this var Something function this.render function window .resize function this.render The trouble is that inside the anonymous function 'this' refers to the window object. I know I could do something like.. the anonymous function 'this' refers to the window object. I know I could do something like var Something function this.render function var tempThis this window .resize function tempThis.render but is there a better way This doesn't look very elegant...
Turning your jQuery code into a Backbone.js structure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11967378/turning-your-jquery-code-into-a-backbone-js-structure initialize function _.bindAll this 'activate' 'deactivate' 'render' this.listenTo this.model.matches 'reset' this.render activate function this. el.addClass 'active' this.render deactivate function this. el.removeClass 'active' this. el.html.. 'render' this.listenTo this.model.matches 'reset' this.render activate function this. el.addClass 'active' this.render deactivate function this. el.removeClass 'active' this. el.html render function var html '' if this.model.get term html..
backbone collection fetch doesn't fire reset() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15603107/backbone-collection-fetch-doesnt-fire-reset Backbone.View.extend el '#messages' initialize function this.collection.fetch this.collection.bind 'reset' this.render this render function this. el.html '' this.collection.each function item this.renderMessage item this return this renderMessage.. this.collection.bind 'reset' this.render this render function this. el.html '' this.collection.each function item this.renderMessage item this return this renderMessage function item var messageView new mssg.MessageView model item this. el.append..
How do I efficiently highlight element under mouse cursor with an overlay? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4711023/how-do-i-efficiently-highlight-element-under-mouse-cursor-with-an-overlay null this.left left if top null this.top top this.show function show outer.show this.hide function hide outer.hide this.render function render width height left top this.resize width height left top topbox.css top this.top left this.left width this.width..
Integrating JSON feed with Backbone JS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5629972/integrating-json-feed-with-backbone-js _.bindAll this render to solve the this issue this.status new StatusList null view this this.status.bind refresh this.render events click #updateStatus getStatus getStatus function this.status.value #statusBar .val this.status.fetch this.status.value.. _.bindAll this render to solve the this issue this.status new StatusList null view this this.status.bind refresh this.render events click #updateStatus getStatus getStatus function this.status.value #statusBar .val this.status.fetch this.status.value.. _.bindAll this render to solve the this issue this.status new StatusList null view this this.status.bind refresh this.render events click #updateStatus getStatus getStatus function this.status.value #statusBar .val this.status.fetch render function..
Cleaning views with backbone.js? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9079491/cleaning-views-with-backbone-js is going to hold up in the long run but it looks something like this Edit Here's what the entire file would look like. this.render will be another function of myRouter. var myRouter Backbone.Router.extend routes 'path to account' 'account' 'path to users'.. routes 'path to account' 'account' 'path to users' 'users' account function view new AccountView this.render view users function view new UserView this.render view render function view Close the current view if this.currentView .. 'path to users' 'users' account function view new AccountView this.render view users function view new UserView this.render view render function view Close the current view if this.currentView this.currentView.remove render the new view view.render..