jquery Programming Glossary: this.selected
How to check if an option is selected? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10213620/how-to-check-if-an-option-is-selected to do it would be '#mySelectBox option' .each function if this.selected ... Although if you are just looking for the selected value..
Can't get past “A jquery script reference is required in order to enable Ajax support in the ”WebGrid“ helper” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10987855/cant-get-past-a-jquery-script-reference-is-required-in-order-to-enable-ajax-su '#SelectedInstallations option' .each function i if this.selected true if installations.length 0 installations installations..
jquery ui autocomplete combobox with categories http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11039814/jquery-ui-autocomplete-combobox-with-categories option .each function if this .text .match matcher this.selected valid true return false if valid '#test' .attr 'style'..
jQuery html() in Firefox (uses .innerHTML) ignores DOM changes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1388893/jquery-html-in-firefox-uses-innerhtml-ignores-dom-changes this .each function also not sure but better safe... if this.selected this.setAttribute 'selected' 'selected' else this.removeAttribute..
Jquery ui combobox (autocomplete) disappears http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14955983/jquery-ui-combobox-autocomplete-disappears option .each function if this .text .match matcher this.selected valid true return false if valid remove invalid value as it..
Reset select value to default http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16913094/reset-select-value-to-default
jQuery - If Select Not Selected Being Ignored http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20596546/jquery-if-select-not-selected-being-ignored horizontal td nth child 6 select option .each function this.selected this.text php echo Mage registry 'current_category' getName..
When to use Vanilla JavaScript vs. jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4651923/when-to-use-vanilla-javascript-vs-jquery this.className to get or set an entire class property this.selectedIndex against a select to get the selected index this.options.. to get the checked state of a checkbox Thanks @Tim Down this.selected to get the selected state of an option Thanks @Tim Down this.disabled..
jQuery UI AutoComplete: Only allow selected valued from suggested list http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4952094/jquery-ui-autocomplete-only-allow-selected-valued-from-suggested-list option .each function if this .text .match matcher this.selected valid true return false if valid remove invalid value as it..
jQGrid Column Chooser Modal Overlay http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9687201/jqgrid-column-chooser-modal-overlay apply_perm function 'option' select .each function i if this.selected self.jqGrid showCol colModel this.value .name else self.jqGrid..
How to check if an option is selected? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10213620/how-to-check-if-an-option-is-selected ' selected' ... The non jQuery arguably best practice way to do it would be '#mySelectBox option' .each function if this.selected ... Although if you are just looking for the selected value try '#mySelectBox' .val If you are looking for the selected..
Can't get past “A jquery script reference is required in order to enable Ajax support in the ”WebGrid“ helper” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10987855/cant-get-past-a-jquery-script-reference-is-required-in-order-to-enable-ajax-su function formCreateSubmit formToSubmit var installations '#SelectedInstallations option' .each function i if this.selected true if installations.length 0 installations installations this.value this line submits the form data to the JsonCreate..
jquery ui autocomplete combobox with categories http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11039814/jquery-ui-autocomplete-combobox-with-categories this .val i valid false select.children option .each function if this .text .match matcher this.selected valid true return false if valid '#test' .attr 'style' 'display block ' remove invalid value as it didn't match..
jQuery html() in Firefox (uses .innerHTML) ignores DOM changes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1388893/jquery-html-in-firefox-uses-innerhtml-ignores-dom-changes 'checked' else this.removeAttribute 'checked' option this .each function also not sure but better safe... if this.selected this.setAttribute 'selected' 'selected' else this.removeAttribute 'selected' return oldHTML.apply this optional to override..
Jquery ui combobox (autocomplete) disappears http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14955983/jquery-ui-combobox-autocomplete-disappears ^ .ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex value i valid false select.children option .each function if this .text .match matcher this.selected valid true return false if valid remove invalid value as it didn't match anything element .val .attr title value didn't..
Reset select value to default http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16913094/reset-select-value-to-default
jQuery - If Select Not Selected Being Ignored http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20596546/jquery-if-select-not-selected-being-ignored option not selected ' setTimeout function jQuery div.amfinder horizontal td nth child 6 select option .each function this.selected this.text php echo Mage registry 'current_category' getName jQuery div.amfinder horizontal td nth child 6 select option..
When to use Vanilla JavaScript vs. jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4651923/when-to-use-vanilla-javascript-vs-jquery properties set on its option elements or radio inputs in Safari. this.className to get or set an entire class property this.selectedIndex against a select to get the selected index this.options against a select to get a list of option elements this.text.. td th this.parentNode to get a direct parent this.checked to get the checked state of a checkbox Thanks @Tim Down this.selected to get the selected state of an option Thanks @Tim Down this.disabled to get the disabled state of an input Thanks @Tim..
jQuery UI AutoComplete: Only allow selected valued from suggested list http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4952094/jquery-ui-autocomplete-only-allow-selected-valued-from-suggested-list this .val i valid false select.children option .each function if this .text .match matcher this.selected valid true return false if valid remove invalid value as it didn't match anything this .val select.val input.data autocomplete..
jQGrid Column Chooser Modal Overlay http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9687201/jqgrid-column-chooser-modal-overlay get the permutation array and pass it to the done function apply_perm function 'option' select .each function i if this.selected self.jqGrid showCol colModel this.value .name else self.jqGrid hideCol colModel this.value .name var perm fixedCols.slice..