jquery Programming Glossary: this.readystate
How to know if JQuery has finished loading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11160948/how-to-know-if-jquery-has-finished-loading oCallback IE 6 7 oScript.onreadystatechange function if this.readyState 'complete' oCallback oHead.appendChild oScript Alternatively..
custom XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15768369/custom-xmlhttprequest-prototype-open this.addEventListener readystatechange function event if this.readyState 4 var self this var response method method uri uri responseText.. self.responseText console.log response else console.log this.readyState false open.call this method uri async user pass I am trying.. I suppose the closest thing would be to check above if this.readyState 1 Would the code above cause any ajax libraries like jQuery..
How to embed Javascript widget that depends on jQuery into an unknown environment http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2170439/how-to-embed-javascript-widget-that-depends-on-jquery-into-an-unknown-environmen script.onreadystatechange function if loaded d this.readyState d loaded d complete callback j window.jQuery .noConflict 1..
Consuming JSON data without jQuery (sans getJSON) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3238457/consuming-json-data-without-jquery-sans-getjson script.onload script.onreadystatechange function if done this.readyState this.readyState loaded this.readyState complete done true.. function if done this.readyState this.readyState loaded this.readyState complete done true success complete.. function if done this.readyState this.readyState loaded this.readyState complete done true success complete Handle memory leak in..
jQuery plugins with node.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3987768/jquery-plugins-with-node-js ' __dirname ' some.library.js' script.onload function if this.readyState 'complete' fn window createWindow function window Do your..
Can JQuery listen to AJAX calls from other javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4406606/can-jquery-listen-to-ajax-calls-from-other-javascript console.warn 'HTTP request ready state changed ' this.readyState if this._onreadystatechange return this._onreadystatechange.apply..
load jQuery from external source if not loaded http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4523263/load-jquery-from-external-source-if-not-loaded function Same thing but for IE if this.readyState 'complete' this.readyState 'loaded' callback script_tag.onerror.. Same thing but for IE if this.readyState 'complete' this.readyState 'loaded' callback script_tag.onerror function loadjQuery script..
jQuery Upload Progress and AJAX file upload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4856917/jquery-upload-progress-and-ajax-file-upload total 1000 10 ' ' xhr.onreadystatechange function e if 4 this.readyState console.log 'xhr upload complete' e xhr.open 'post' url true..
Possible to defer loading of jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5852767/possible-to-defer-loading-of-jquery script.onload script.onreadystatechange function if done this.readyState this.readyState 'loaded' this.readyState 'complete' done true.. script.onreadystatechange function if done this.readyState this.readyState 'loaded' this.readyState 'complete' done true success script.onload.. function if done this.readyState this.readyState 'loaded' this.readyState 'complete' done true success script.onload script.onreadystatechange..
Bookmarklet wait until Javascript is loaded http://stackoverflow.com/questions/756382/bookmarklet-wait-until-javascript-is-loaded script.onload script.onreadystatechange function if done this.readyState this.readyState loaded this.readyState complete done true Continue.. script.onreadystatechange function if done this.readyState this.readyState loaded this.readyState complete done true Continue your code.. function if done this.readyState this.readyState loaded this.readyState complete done true Continue your code callback Handle memory..
How to know if JQuery has finished loading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11160948/how-to-know-if-jquery-has-finished-loading oScript.src sScriptSrc most browsers oScript.onload oCallback IE 6 7 oScript.onreadystatechange function if this.readyState 'complete' oCallback oHead.appendChild oScript Alternatively you could use one of the tiny libraries that does this work..
custom XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15768369/custom-xmlhttprequest-prototype-open function method uri async user pass this.addEventListener readystatechange function event if this.readyState 4 var self this var response method method uri uri responseText self.responseText console.log response else console.log.. var self this var response method method uri uri responseText self.responseText console.log response else console.log this.readyState false open.call this method uri async user pass I am trying to listen for XHR before they are being sent. Something similar.. My goal is to listen for all XHR's before they are being sent. I suppose the closest thing would be to check above if this.readyState 1 Would the code above cause any ajax libraries like jQuery to malfunction because I use prototype on XMLHttpRequest javascript..
How to embed Javascript widget that depends on jQuery into an unknown environment http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2170439/how-to-embed-javascript-widget-that-depends-on-jquery-into-an-unknown-environmen script.type text javascript script.src media jquery.js script.onload script.onreadystatechange function if loaded d this.readyState d loaded d complete callback j window.jQuery .noConflict 1 loaded true j script .remove document.getElementsByTagName..
Consuming JSON data without jQuery (sans getJSON) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3238457/consuming-json-data-without-jquery-sans-getjson if jsonp var done false Attach handlers for all browsers script.onload script.onreadystatechange function if done this.readyState this.readyState loaded this.readyState complete done true success complete Handle memory leak in IE script.onload.. false Attach handlers for all browsers script.onload script.onreadystatechange function if done this.readyState this.readyState loaded this.readyState complete done true success complete Handle memory leak in IE script.onload script.onreadystatechange.. for all browsers script.onload script.onreadystatechange function if done this.readyState this.readyState loaded this.readyState complete done true success complete Handle memory leak in IE script.onload script.onreadystatechange null if head..
jQuery plugins with node.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3987768/jquery-plugins-with-node-js 'script' jsdom.jQueryify window function script.src 'file ' __dirname ' some.library.js' script.onload function if this.readyState 'complete' fn window createWindow function window Do your jQuery stuff window. 'body' .hide Source http blog.davidpadbury.com..
Can JQuery listen to AJAX calls from other javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4406606/can-jquery-listen-to-ajax-calls-from-other-javascript send.apply this arguments function onReadyStateChangeReplacement console.warn 'HTTP request ready state changed ' this.readyState if this._onreadystatechange return this._onreadystatechange.apply this arguments window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open openReplacement..
load jQuery from external source if not loaded http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4523263/load-jquery-from-external-source-if-not-loaded callback Run callback once jQuery has loaded script_tag.onreadystatechange function Same thing but for IE if this.readyState 'complete' this.readyState 'loaded' callback script_tag.onerror function loadjQuery script jquery 1.6.1.js main document.getElementsByTagName.. once jQuery has loaded script_tag.onreadystatechange function Same thing but for IE if this.readyState 'complete' this.readyState 'loaded' callback script_tag.onerror function loadjQuery script jquery 1.6.1.js main document.getElementsByTagName head..
jQuery Upload Progress and AJAX file upload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4856917/jquery-upload-progress-and-ajax-file-upload 'xhr.upload progress ' done ' ' total ' ' Math.floor done total 1000 10 ' ' xhr.onreadystatechange function e if 4 this.readyState console.log 'xhr upload complete' e xhr.open 'post' url true xhr.send file false script So basically what it comes down..
Possible to defer loading of jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5852767/possible-to-defer-loading-of-jquery var head document.getElementsByTagName 'head' 0 done false script.onload script.onreadystatechange function if done this.readyState this.readyState 'loaded' this.readyState 'complete' done true success script.onload script.onreadystatechange null head.removeChild.. 'head' 0 done false script.onload script.onreadystatechange function if done this.readyState this.readyState 'loaded' this.readyState 'complete' done true success script.onload script.onreadystatechange null head.removeChild script.. 'head' 0 done false script.onload script.onreadystatechange function if done this.readyState this.readyState 'loaded' this.readyState 'complete' done true success script.onload script.onreadystatechange null head.removeChild script head.appendChild script..
Bookmarklet wait until Javascript is loaded http://stackoverflow.com/questions/756382/bookmarklet-wait-until-javascript-is-loaded url Attach handlers for all browsers var done false script.onload script.onreadystatechange function if done this.readyState this.readyState loaded this.readyState complete done true Continue your code callback Handle memory leak in IE script.onload.. handlers for all browsers var done false script.onload script.onreadystatechange function if done this.readyState this.readyState loaded this.readyState complete done true Continue your code callback Handle memory leak in IE script.onload script.onreadystatechange.. var done false script.onload script.onreadystatechange function if done this.readyState this.readyState loaded this.readyState complete done true Continue your code callback Handle memory leak in IE script.onload script.onreadystatechange null head.removeChild..