jquery Programming Glossary: this.getattribute
preventDefault won't work on Firefox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1367195/preventdefault-wont-work-on-firefox id #newPost .fadeToggle event.preventDefault var id this.getAttribute 'href' #newPostContent .load id #newPost .show fast Can anyone.. a .click function event #newPost .fadeToggle var id this.getAttribute 'href' #newPostContent .load id #newPost .show fast return false..
jQuery UI: How to change the color of a ProgressBar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1476573/jquery-ui-how-to-change-the-color-of-a-progressbar function event ui var selector # this.id div var value this.getAttribute aria valuenow if value 10 selector .css 'background' 'Red'..
How can I check classes that ends with? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19001883/how-can-i-check-classes-that-ends-with
apply !important CSS style using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2655925/apply-important-css-style-using-jquery function a return this.getAttribute a CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.setProperty function styleName..
Difference between $(this) and this in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3633270/difference-between-this-and-this-in-jquery .click function ev returns the desired value alert this.getAttribute 'id' Gives an error sayin function is not defined alert this..
jQuery to prepend URL in img src attribute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4815398/jquery-to-prepend-url-in-img-src-attribute 'src' function index src return 'http cdn.something.com' this.getAttribute 'data path' This should do it. You could replace this.getAttribute.. 'data path' This should do it. You could replace this.getAttribute by this .data 'path' since jQuery parses those data attributes..
.prop() vs .attr() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5874652/prop-vs-attr new function prop . selector .click function instead of this.getAttribute 'style' do i use this .prop 'style' or this .attr 'style' or..
this.href vs $(this).attr('href') http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6977049/this-href-vs-this-attrhref return tab 04 EDIT Doug you are right on the money with this.getAttribute 'href' javascript jquery share improve this question The..
how to wait for an ajax call to return http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7387852/how-to-wait-for-an-ajax-call-to-return .ajax url script.php global false type POST data id this.getAttribute 'id' dataType html async false success function msg alert msg..
jQuery Selectable Customization http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9208849/jquery-selectable-customization event var test .ui selected this .each function test this.getAttribute Categoryid button input submit .button button#selectall .click..
Can I keep on same jQuery tab on page refresh or when I have navigated away from the page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9497320/can-i-keep-on-same-jquery-tab-on-page-refresh-or-when-i-have-navigated-away-from location.hash first #nav a .click function var hash this.getAttribute href if hash.substring 0 1 # hash hash.substring 1 location.hash..
preventDefault won't work on Firefox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1367195/preventdefault-wont-work-on-firefox seems Firefox would just ignore this #permalink a .click function id #newPost .fadeToggle event.preventDefault var id this.getAttribute 'href' #newPostContent .load id #newPost .show fast Can anyone suggest a cross browser script for preventing defaults javascript.. and the load in a rational manner. So this should work #permalink a .click function event #newPost .fadeToggle var id this.getAttribute 'href' #newPostContent .load id #newPost .show fast return false You can freely replace return false with event.preventDefault..
jQuery UI: How to change the color of a ProgressBar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1476573/jquery-ui-how-to-change-the-color-of-a-progressbar event like this #pbar0 .bind 'progressbarchange' function event ui var selector # this.id div var value this.getAttribute aria valuenow if value 10 selector .css 'background' 'Red' else if value 30 selector .css 'background' 'Orange' else if..
How can I check classes that ends with? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19001883/how-can-i-check-classes-that-ends-with
apply !important CSS style using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2655925/apply-important-css-style-using-jquery if isStyleFuncSupported CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.getPropertyValue function a return this.getAttribute a CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.setProperty function styleName value priority this.setAttribute styleName value var priority..
Difference between $(this) and this in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3633270/difference-between-this-and-this-in-jquery fundamental difference between using this vs this '.viewComments' .click function ev returns the desired value alert this.getAttribute 'id' Gives an error sayin function is not defined alert this .getAttribute 'id' returns the desired value alert this .attr..
jQuery to prepend URL in img src attribute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4815398/jquery-to-prepend-url-in-img-src-attribute src '' data path ' img picture1.jpg' JS function 'img' .attr 'src' function index src return 'http cdn.something.com' this.getAttribute 'data path' This should do it. You could replace this.getAttribute by this .data 'path' since jQuery parses those data.. function index src return 'http cdn.something.com' this.getAttribute 'data path' This should do it. You could replace this.getAttribute by this .data 'path' since jQuery parses those data attributes into it's node data hash. But this would create another jQuery..
.prop() vs .attr() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5874652/prop-vs-attr vs .attr So jQuery 1.6 has the new function prop . selector .click function instead of this.getAttribute 'style' do i use this .prop 'style' or this .attr 'style' or in this case do they do the same thing And if I do have to..
this.href vs $(this).attr('href') http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6977049/this-href-vs-this-attrhref or do what is necessary this.href so that it would only return tab 04 EDIT Doug you are right on the money with this.getAttribute 'href' javascript jquery share improve this question The href property in plain Javascript have a semantic attached..
how to wait for an ajax call to return http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7387852/how-to-wait-for-an-ajax-call-to-return question Yes you can do request synchronously var bodyContent .ajax url script.php global false type POST data id this.getAttribute 'id' dataType html async false success function msg alert msg .responseText Source http api.jquery.com jQuery.ajax However..
jQuery Selectable Customization http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9208849/jquery-selectable-customization .bind selectablestop function event var test .ui selected this .each function test this.getAttribute Categoryid button input submit .button button#selectall .click function event When select all button clicked Add css..
Can I keep on same jQuery tab on page refresh or when I have navigated away from the page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9497320/can-i-keep-on-same-jquery-tab-on-page-refresh-or-when-i-have-navigated-away-from p .html Loaded at new Date .appendTo document.body showTab location.hash first #nav a .click function var hash this.getAttribute href if hash.substring 0 1 # hash hash.substring 1 location.hash hash showTab hash return false function showTab hash..