jquery Programming Glossary: this.options
jQuery Drag/Resize with CSS Transform Scale http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10212683/jquery-drag-resize-with-css-transform-scale .ui.draggable.prototype._mouseStart function event var o this.options Create and append the visible helper this.helper this._createHelper.. function event var o this.options scroll this.cssPosition 'absolute' this.scrollParent 0 document..
Using 'window', 'document' and 'undefined' as arguments in anonymous function that wraps a jQuery plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15777519/using-window-document-and-undefined-as-arguments-in-anonymous-function-th the default options for future instances of the plugin this.options .extend defaults options this._defaults defaults this._name.. and the options via the instance e.g. this.element and this.options A really lightweight plugin wrapper around the constructor..
JQuery UI Tabs caching http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2624228/jquery-ui-tabs-caching load function index index this._getIndex index var o this.options a this.anchors.eq index 0 try if o.itemOptions index .cache..
Getting the height of an option element with javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4240385/getting-the-height-of-an-option-element-with-javascript document .ready function #mySelect .change function alert this.options this.selectedIndex .height Here is a demo http jsfiddle.net..
When to use Vanilla JavaScript vs. jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4651923/when-to-use-vanilla-javascript-vs-jquery against a select to get the selected index this.options against a select to get a list of option elements this.text..
get current value selected in dropdown using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4874124/get-current-value-selected-in-dropdown-using-jquery
jQuery UI Autocomplete Combobox Very Slow With Large Select Lists http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5073612/jquery-ui-autocomplete-combobox-very-slow-with-large-select-lists this.element.val i match .grep this.options.source function value return matcher.test value.label if.. value as it didn't match anything this.element.val if this.options.selectElement this.options.selectElement.val super .ui.autocomplete.prototype._change.call.. anything this.element.val if this.options.selectElement this.options.selectElement.val super .ui.autocomplete.prototype._change.call..
Drag the Range of a UI Input Range Slider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5955343/drag-the-range-of-a-ui-input-range-slider false _mouseCapture function event var o this.options if o.disabled return false if event.target this.range.get 0.. null this._rangeStart newVal var oldValLeft this.options.values 0 oldValRight this.options.values 1 slideDist newVal.. newVal var oldValLeft this.options.values 0 oldValRight this.options.values 1 slideDist newVal this._rangeStart newValueLeft oldValLeft..
jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5980194/jquery-plugin-template-best-practice-convention-performance-and-memory-impac Shorthand accessors to data entries this.id this.data.id this.options this.data.options Initialises the plugin. Internal.prototype.init.. hash.cb YOUR CODE main function _main options this.options options .extend true defaults options var def .Deferred Identity.. self.destroy self.destroy function _destroy delete this.options custom destruction logic remove elements and other events..
How can I extend jQueryUI datepicker to accept an additional argument? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7733904/how-can-i-extend-jqueryui-datepicker-to-accept-an-additional-argument _init function var el this.element el.datepicker this.options if this.options this.options.trigger this.options.trigger .bind.. function var el this.element el.datepicker this.options if this.options this.options.trigger this.options.trigger .bind click function.. el this.element el.datepicker this.options if this.options this.options.trigger this.options.trigger .bind click function el.datepicker..
jQuery $(“#field”) is null? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/777062/jquery-field-is-null function #ppsub_ppterm_id .change function var term this.options this.selectedIndex .text if term Eenmalig .idealtd .show..
How can I get jquery to execute animations in exact parallel? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/811750/how-can-i-get-jquery-to-execute-animations-in-exact-parallel animations opts Overwrite the default options .extend this.options opts Create a set of rules to follow in our animation for var.. var self this var start_time new Date .getTime var freq 1 this.options.duration var interval setInterval function var elapsed_time..
How to chain ajax calls using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8612894/how-to-chain-ajax-calls-using-jquery question With a custom object function DeferredAjax opts this.options opts this.deferred .Deferred this.country opts.country DeferredAjax.prototype.invoke..
retaining selected dropdown option on postback http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8737025/retaining-selected-dropdown-option-on-postback javascript select id hospitalDropDown onchange window.open this.options this.selectedIndex .value '_top' option disabled disabled Select..
Javascript Template Engine Use with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9520241/javascript-template-engine-use-with-jquery file on these lines _initTemplates function var options this.options options.templateContainer document.createElement this._files.prop..
jQuery Drag/Resize with CSS Transform Scale http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10212683/jquery-drag-resize-with-css-transform-scale it and chain var oldFn .ui.draggable.prototype._mouseStart .ui.draggable.prototype._mouseStart function event var o this.options Create and append the visible helper this.helper this._createHelper event Cache the helper size this._cacheHelperProportions.. the multiplication of the movement by a scale factor .ui.draggable.prototype._generatePosition function event var o this.options scroll this.cssPosition 'absolute' this.scrollParent 0 document .ui.contains this.scrollParent 0 this.offsetParent 0 this.offsetParent..
Using 'window', 'document' and 'undefined' as arguments in anonymous function that wraps a jQuery plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15777519/using-window-document-and-undefined-as-arguments-in-anonymous-function-th first object is generally empty because we don't want to alter the default options for future instances of the plugin this.options .extend defaults options this._defaults defaults this._name pluginName this.init Plugin.prototype.init function Place initialization.. logic here You already have access to the DOM element and the options via the instance e.g. this.element and this.options A really lightweight plugin wrapper around the constructor preventing against multiple instantiations .fn pluginName function..
JQuery UI Tabs caching http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2624228/jquery-ui-tabs-caching _load25624 .ui.tabs.prototype.load itemOptions load function index index this._getIndex index var o this.options a this.anchors.eq index 0 try if o.itemOptions index .cache false .data a cache.tabs false catch e return this._load25624..
Getting the height of an option element with javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4240385/getting-the-height-of-an-option-element-with-javascript
When to use Vanilla JavaScript vs. jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4651923/when-to-use-vanilla-javascript-vs-jquery this.className to get or set an entire class property this.selectedIndex against a select to get the selected index this.options against a select to get a list of option elements this.text against an option to get its text content this.rows against..
get current value selected in dropdown using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4874124/get-current-value-selected-in-dropdown-using-jquery
jQuery UI Autocomplete Combobox Very Slow With Large Select Lists http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5073612/jquery-ui-autocomplete-combobox-very-slow-with-large-select-lists abc this if this.selectedItem var matcher new RegExp ^ .ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex this.element.val i match .grep this.options.source function value return matcher.test value.label if match.length match 0 .option.selected true else remove invalid.. match 0 .option.selected true else remove invalid value as it didn't match anything this.element.val if this.options.selectElement this.options.selectElement.val super .ui.autocomplete.prototype._change.call this event _swapMenu.. true else remove invalid value as it didn't match anything this.element.val if this.options.selectElement this.options.selectElement.val super .ui.autocomplete.prototype._change.call this event _swapMenu function var input this.element..
Drag the Range of a UI Input Range Slider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5955343/drag-the-range-of-a-ui-input-range-slider function .ui.slider.prototype._create.apply this arguments this._rangeCapture false _mouseCapture function event var o this.options if o.disabled return false if event.target this.range.get 0 o.rangeDrag true o.range true this._rangeCapture true this._rangeStart.. .ui.slider.prototype._slide.apply this arguments if this._rangeStart null this._rangeStart newVal var oldValLeft this.options.values 0 oldValRight this.options.values 1 slideDist newVal this._rangeStart newValueLeft oldValLeft slideDist newValueRight.. this arguments if this._rangeStart null this._rangeStart newVal var oldValLeft this.options.values 0 oldValRight this.options.values 1 slideDist newVal this._rangeStart newValueLeft oldValLeft slideDist newValueRight oldValRight slideDist allowed..
jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5980194/jquery-plugin-template-best-practice-convention-performance-and-memory-impac this. elem element this.elem element this.data this.getData Shorthand accessors to data entries this.id this.data.id this.options this.data.options Initialises the plugin. Internal.prototype.init function Object customOptions var data this.getData.. were done and return the deffered. return .when.apply defs .then hash.cb YOUR CODE main function _main options this.options options .extend true defaults options var def .Deferred Identity returns this the elem. TODO Replace with custom logic def.resolve.. return def Wrap function var self Object.create Base var destroy self.destroy self.destroy function _destroy delete this.options custom destruction logic remove elements and other events data not stored on . elem destroy.apply this arguments set..
How can I extend jQueryUI datepicker to accept an additional argument? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7733904/how-can-i-extend-jqueryui-datepicker-to-accept-an-additional-argument less intrusively with your own jQuery plugin .widget ui.datepicker2 _init function var el this.element el.datepicker this.options if this.options this.options.trigger this.options.trigger .bind click function el.datepicker show Similar usage except.. with your own jQuery plugin .widget ui.datepicker2 _init function var el this.element el.datepicker this.options if this.options this.options.trigger this.options.trigger .bind click function el.datepicker show Similar usage except use datepicker2.. own jQuery plugin .widget ui.datepicker2 _init function var el this.element el.datepicker this.options if this.options this.options.trigger this.options.trigger .bind click function el.datepicker show Similar usage except use datepicker2 or whatever..
jQuery $(“#field”) is null? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/777062/jquery-field-is-null I have a selectbox with month periods in it. Here is my code function #ppsub_ppterm_id .change function var term this.options this.selectedIndex .text if term Eenmalig .idealtd .show else .idealtd .hide #ppsub_amount option selected..
How can I get jquery to execute animations in exact parallel? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/811750/how-can-i-get-jquery-to-execute-animations-in-exact-parallel options duration 250 rules init function animations opts Overwrite the default options .extend this.options opts Create a set of rules to follow in our animation for var i in animations this.rules i element animations i .element.. 2 unit px Start the animation start function var self this var start_time new Date .getTime var freq 1 this.options.duration var interval setInterval function var elapsed_time new Date .getTime start_time if elapsed_time self.options.duration..
How to chain ajax calls using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8612894/how-to-chain-ajax-calls-using-jquery jquery ajax jquery deferred deferred share improve this question With a custom object function DeferredAjax opts this.options opts this.deferred .Deferred this.country opts.country DeferredAjax.prototype.invoke function var self this data country..
retaining selected dropdown option on postback http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8737025/retaining-selected-dropdown-option-on-postback refresh so user knows what he she selected using jquery or javascript select id hospitalDropDown onchange window.open this.options this.selectedIndex .value '_top' option disabled disabled Select Hospital option option value http mysite.com events Pages..
Javascript Template Engine Use with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9520241/javascript-template-engine-use-with-jquery Wordpress blog I get some errors in my jquery.fileupload ui.js file on these lines _initTemplates function var options this.options options.templateContainer document.createElement this._files.prop 'nodeName' options.uploadTemplate tmpl options.uploadTemplateId..