jquery Programming Glossary: this.jqgrid
Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12281463/local-form-editing-demo-and-jqgrid-4-4-1 the data in the grid if grid_p.treeGrid true if addMode this.jqGrid addChildNode new_id grid_p.selrow postdata else this.jqGrid.. addChildNode new_id grid_p.selrow postdata else this.jqGrid setTreeRow rowid postdata else if addMode we need unformat.. cmName .unformat.date.call this postdata cmName cm this.jqGrid addRowData new_id postdata options.addedrow else this.jqGrid..
jqGrid : issue loading nested sub grid with local datatype http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13767408/jqgrid-issue-loading-nested-sub-grid-with-local-datatype tr.jqgrow td.ui sgcollapsed .filter function var rowData this.jqGrid getLocalRow this .closest tr.jqgrow .attr id return rowData.subgrid.. col2 32 removeSubgridIcon function var this this idPrefix this.jqGrid getGridParam idPrefix this.find tbody tr.jqgrow td.ui sgcollapsed.. tr.jqgrow td.ui sgcollapsed .filter function var rowData this.jqGrid getLocalRow .jgrid.stripPref idPrefix this .closest tr.jqgrow..
why doesn't Jqgrid frozen column seem to work with filter rows and filter heading? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8564198/why-doesnt-jqgrid-frozen-column-seem-to-work-with-filter-rows-and-filter-headin this this newCapture filters rules rule op i iOp postData this.jqGrid getGridParam postData isFiltering this.jqGrid getGridParam search.. iOp postData this.jqGrid getGridParam postData isFiltering this.jqGrid getGridParam search if isFiltering true typeof postData.filters.. rule.data ' if i 1 rules.length newCapture newCapture this.jqGrid setCaption newCapture fixPositionsOfFrozenDivs.call this where..
jqgrid client side sorting with server side paging - data disappears http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9030302/jqgrid-client-side-sorting-with-server-side-paging-data-disappears reloadGrid loadComplete function data var this this if this.jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'datatype' 'json' because one use repeatitems.. is very easy. We can set data parameter to data.rows this.jqGrid 'setGridParam' datatype 'local' data data.rows pageServer data.page.. need update internal _index parameter this.refreshIndex if this.jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'sortname' '' we need reload grid only if we..
Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12281463/local-form-editing-demo-and-jqgrid-4-4-1 undefined grid.jqGrid 'getCell' rowid grid_p.sortname save the data in the grid if grid_p.treeGrid true if addMode this.jqGrid addChildNode new_id grid_p.selrow postdata else this.jqGrid setTreeRow rowid postdata else if addMode we need unformat.. data in the grid if grid_p.treeGrid true if addMode this.jqGrid addChildNode new_id grid_p.selrow postdata else this.jqGrid setTreeRow rowid postdata else if addMode we need unformat all date fields before calling of addRowData for cmName in.. 0 cm colModel iCol if cm cm.formatter date postdata cmName .unformat.date.call this postdata cmName cm this.jqGrid addRowData new_id postdata options.addedrow else this.jqGrid setRowData rowid postdata if addMode options.closeAfterAdd..
jqGrid : issue loading nested sub grid with local datatype http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13767408/jqgrid-issue-loading-nested-sub-grid-with-local-datatype 32 removeSubgridIcon function var this this this.find tbody tr.jqgrow td.ui sgcollapsed .filter function var rowData this.jqGrid getLocalRow this .closest tr.jqgrow .attr id return rowData.subgrid null .unbind click .html isHasSubrids function data.. m2 subgridId s2a id 1 d1 2xx d2 2xy d3 2xz id 3 col1 31 col2 32 removeSubgridIcon function var this this idPrefix this.jqGrid getGridParam idPrefix this.find tbody tr.jqgrow td.ui sgcollapsed .filter function var rowData this.jqGrid getLocalRow.. idPrefix this.jqGrid getGridParam idPrefix this.find tbody tr.jqgrow td.ui sgcollapsed .filter function var rowData this.jqGrid getLocalRow .jgrid.stripPref idPrefix this .closest tr.jqgrow .attr id return rowData.subgrid null .unbind click .html..
why doesn't Jqgrid frozen column seem to work with filter rows and filter heading? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8564198/why-doesnt-jqgrid-frozen-column-seem-to-work-with-filter-rows-and-filter-headin of loadComplete to the following loadComplete function var this this newCapture filters rules rule op i iOp postData this.jqGrid getGridParam postData isFiltering this.jqGrid getGridParam search if isFiltering true typeof postData.filters undefined.. function var this this newCapture filters rules rule op i iOp postData this.jqGrid getGridParam postData isFiltering this.jqGrid getGridParam search if isFiltering true typeof postData.filters undefined filters .parseJSON postData.filters newCapture.. op .jgrid.search.odata iOp newCapture rule.field op ' rule.data ' if i 1 rules.length newCapture newCapture this.jqGrid setCaption newCapture fixPositionsOfFrozenDivs.call this where the array arOps are defined as var arOps eq ne lt le gt ge..
jqgrid client side sorting with server side paging - data disappears http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9030302/jqgrid-client-side-sorting-with-server-side-paging-data-disappears function this .setGridParam datatype 'json' .triggerHandler reloadGrid loadComplete function data var this this if this.jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'datatype' 'json' because one use repeatitems false option and uses no jsonmap in the colModel the setting.. and uses no jsonmap in the colModel the setting of data parameter is very easy. We can set data parameter to data.rows this.jqGrid 'setGridParam' datatype 'local' data data.rows pageServer data.page recordsServer data.records lastpageServer data.total.. because we changed the value of the data parameter we need update internal _index parameter this.refreshIndex if this.jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'sortname' '' we need reload grid only if we use sortname parameter but the server return unsorted data..