jquery Programming Glossary: this.off
BackboneJS Rendering Problems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12004534/backbonejs-rendering-problems override to setup jQuery plugin instances stage function destroy the view destroy function this.unstage this.remove this.off if this.collection this.collection.off null null this if this.model this.model.off null null this Updating my previous..
Modify jQuery autocomplete not to submit eagerly on Enter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18749924/modify-jquery-autocomplete-not-to-submit-eagerly-on-enter cancelAutocompleteSumbission We need to restore the input to it's initial state detach the keypress callback. else this.off 'keypress' cancelAutocompleteSumbission Call the cached function with the give this scope and paramteres. return oldAutocomplete.apply..
how to select all text in textarea on focus (in safari) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6201278/how-to-select-all-text-in-textarea-on-focus-in-safari
What's the difference between jQuery.bind() and jQuery.on()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9113783/whats-the-difference-between-jquery-bind-and-jquery-on now call .on and .off bind function types data fn return this.on types null data fn unbind function types fn return this.off types null fn live function types data fn jQuery this.context .on types this.selector data fn return this die function types..