jquery Programming Glossary: this.responsetext
Jquery Ajax, not working in Internet explorer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11672727/jquery-ajax-not-working-in-internet-explorer function if this.contentType.match xml var dom new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLDOM dom.async false dom.loadXML this.responseText completeCallback 200 success dom else completeCallback 200 success this.responseText xdr.ontimeout function completeCallback.. dom.async false dom.loadXML this.responseText completeCallback 200 success dom else completeCallback 200 success this.responseText xdr.ontimeout function completeCallback 408 error The request timed out. xdr.onerror function completeCallback 404..
Can anyone explain what JSONP is, in layman terms? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3839966/can-anyone-explain-what-jsonp-is-in-layman-terms xhr.onreadystatechange function if xhr.readyState 4 xhr.status 200 document.getElementById output .innerHTML eval ' ' this.responseText ' ' .bar xhr.open GET somewhere.php true xhr.send JSONP function foo response document.getElementById output .innerHTML..
Programmatic way to see if client browser supports PUT / DELETE methods http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6627998/programmatic-way-to-see-if-client-browser-supports-put-delete-methods query xdr.open action url ' ' .param query else xdr.open action url xdr.onload function var data .parseJSON this.responseText show_data data xdr.send else if query null .ajax url url data query type action success function data console.log..
Getting requests from a website and retrieving the response? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6701476/getting-requests-from-a-website-and-retrieving-the-response function evt if this.readyState 4 this.status 200 Done status OK . var jsonObj null try jsonObj JSON.parse this.responseText FF code. Chrome catch err if DEBUG console.log err if DEBUG console.log this.readyState this.status this.responseText.. FF code. Chrome catch err if DEBUG console.log err if DEBUG console.log this.readyState this.status this.responseText PHASE 2 Filter as much as possible at this stage. For this site jsonObj should be an object like so s..