jquery Programming Glossary: this.hide
Extend the bootstrap-typeahead in order to take an object instead of a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12182799/extend-the-bootstrap-typeahead-in-order-to-take-an-object-instead-of-a-string id' this. element .val this.updater val id .change return this.hide return function element options var getSource function return..
jQuery event order and waiting till animation complete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2407592/jquery-event-order-and-waiting-till-animation-complete 500 function Animation complete. #close .hide i supose this.hide br would work also and it is more efficient. share improve..
How do I efficiently highlight element under mouse cursor with an overlay? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4711023/how-do-i-efficiently-highlight-element-under-mouse-cursor-with-an-overlay top null this.top top this.show function show outer.show this.hide function hide outer.hide this.render function render width..
Getting initial selector inside jquery plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5477394/getting-initial-selector-inside-jquery-plugin thisSelected this 0 .selectedIndex var options_clone '' this.hide options_clone ' li rel span ' thisOpts thisSelected .text '..
option in dropdown box that changes an input box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5629263/option-in-dropdown-box-that-changes-an-input-box ONCE THE HIDDEN FIELD IS LOADED .each .viewInput function this.hide SHOWS THE INPUT FIELD ITEM IF SELECTED .viewInput this .val..
Show/hide fields depending on select value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/835259/show-hide-fields-depending-on-select-value .change function hide all .each .viewMap function this.hide show current .viewMap this .val .show share improve this..
Deferring removal of a view so it can be animated http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9925171/deferring-removal-of-a-view-so-it-can-be-animated slow _hideViewChanged function if this.get 'hideView' this.hide .observes 'hideView' hide function var that this this. .hide..
Extend the bootstrap-typeahead in order to take an object instead of a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12182799/extend-the-bootstrap-typeahead-in-order-to-take-an-object-instead-of-a-string .attr 'data value' id this. menu.find '.active' .attr 'data id' this. element .val this.updater val id .change return this.hide return function element options var getSource function return id 2 full_name 'first_name last_name' element.typeahead..
jQuery event order and waiting till animation complete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2407592/jquery-event-order-and-waiting-till-animation-complete
How do I efficiently highlight element under mouse cursor with an overlay? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4711023/how-do-i-efficiently-highlight-element-under-mouse-cursor-with-an-overlay null this.height height if left null this.left left if top null this.top top this.show function show outer.show this.hide function hide outer.hide this.render function render width height left top this.resize width height left top topbox.css..
Getting initial selector inside jquery plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5477394/getting-initial-selector-inside-jquery-plugin function Var var this this var thisOpts 'option' this var thisSelected this 0 .selectedIndex var options_clone '' this.hide options_clone ' li rel span ' thisOpts thisSelected .text ' span ul ' for var index in thisOpts Check to see if option..
option in dropdown box that changes an input box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5629263/option-in-dropdown-box-that-changes-an-input-box HIDES THE INPUT FIELD IF ANOTHER DROPDOWN ITEM IS SELECTED ONCE THE HIDDEN FIELD IS LOADED .each .viewInput function this.hide SHOWS THE INPUT FIELD ITEM IF SELECTED .viewInput this .val .show jquery onchange drop down menu inputbox share improve..
Show/hide fields depending on select value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/835259/show-hide-fields-depending-on-select-value
Deferring removal of a view so it can be animated http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9925171/deferring-removal-of-a-view-so-it-can-be-animated 'tmpl' didInsertElement function this. .hide .show slow _hideViewChanged function if this.get 'hideView' this.hide .observes 'hideView' hide function var that this this. .hide slow function that.remove .append share improve this answer..