jquery Programming Glossary: this.offset
jQuery Drag/Resize with CSS Transform Scale http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10212683/jquery-drag-resize-with-css-transform-scale absolute position on the page minus margins PATCH CODE this.offset this.positionAbs getViewOffset this.element 0 END this.offset.. this.positionAbs getViewOffset this.element 0 END this.offset top this.offset.top this.margins.top left this.offset.left this.margins.left.. getViewOffset this.element 0 END this.offset top this.offset.top this.margins.top left this.offset.left this.margins.left..
What type of animation does StackOverflow use for Tag Popup? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14200320/what-type-of-animation-does-stackoverflow-use-for-tag-popup demo 'a.post tag' .hover function var this this var offset this.offset var myPos X offset.left Y offset.top 26 '#tag menu' .css left..
Efficiently Detect When Sibling Elements Overlap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1560926/efficiently-detect-when-sibling-elements-overlap 'div.small' .each function var this this var thisPos this.offset if thisPos.left bigPos.left thisPos.left bigPos.left big.outerWidth.. .each function var this this var thisPos this.offset var i_x thisPos.left thisPos.left this.outerWidth var i_y thisPos.top..
Webkit and jQuery draggable jumping http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3523747/webkit-and-jquery-draggable-jumping The element's absolute position on the page minus margins this.offset this.positionAbs this.element.offset with The element's absolute.. The element's absolute position on the page minus margins this.offset this.positionAbs top this.element 0 .offsetTop left this.element..
Scroll to an element using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4217962/scroll-to-an-element-using-jquery version jQuery.fn.scrollMinimal function smooth var cTop this.offset .top var cHeight this.outerHeight true var windowTop window..
jQuery: Highlight element under mouse cursor? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4698259/jquery-highlight-element-under-mouse-cursor ' ' .mouseover function event var this this div.offset this.offset .width this.width .height this.height return false var div '..
find elements that are stacked under (visually) an element in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5598953/find-elements-that-are-stacked-under-visually-an-element-in-jquery y var elements body .map function var this this var offset this.offset var l offset.left var t offset.top var h this.height var w this.width..
jQuery Drag/Resize with CSS Transform Scale http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10212683/jquery-drag-resize-with-css-transform-scale this.scrollParent this.helper.scrollParent The element's absolute position on the page minus margins PATCH CODE this.offset this.positionAbs getViewOffset this.element 0 END this.offset top this.offset.top this.margins.top left this.offset.left.. absolute position on the page minus margins PATCH CODE this.offset this.positionAbs getViewOffset this.element 0 END this.offset top this.offset.top this.margins.top left this.offset.left this.margins.left .extend this.offset click Where the click happened.. on the page minus margins PATCH CODE this.offset this.positionAbs getViewOffset this.element 0 END this.offset top this.offset.top this.margins.top left this.offset.left this.margins.left .extend this.offset click Where the click happened relative..
What type of animation does StackOverflow use for Tag Popup? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14200320/what-type-of-animation-does-stackoverflow-use-for-tag-popup share improve this question .show time method jsBin demo 'a.post tag' .hover function var this this var offset this.offset var myPos X offset.left Y offset.top 26 '#tag menu' .css left myPos.X top myPos.Y width 300 height 200 .show 400 ^^^TADA..
Efficiently Detect When Sibling Elements Overlap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1560926/efficiently-detect-when-sibling-elements-overlap this var smallArray var big '#big' var bigPos big.offset 'div.small' .each function var this this var thisPos this.offset if thisPos.left bigPos.left thisPos.left bigPos.left big.outerWidth thisPos.top bigPos.top thisPos.top bigPos.top.. var t_y tAxis.top tAxis.top target.outerHeight intersectorsSelector .each function var this this var thisPos this.offset var i_x thisPos.left thisPos.left this.outerWidth var i_y thisPos.top thisPos.top this.outerHeight if t_x 0 i_x 1 t_x 1..
Webkit and jQuery draggable jumping http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3523747/webkit-and-jquery-draggable-jumping hacky workaround replace following in jquery.ui.draggable.js The element's absolute position on the page minus margins this.offset this.positionAbs this.element.offset with The element's absolute position on the page minus margins this.offset this.positionAbs.. this.offset this.positionAbs this.element.offset with The element's absolute position on the page minus margins this.offset this.positionAbs top this.element 0 .offsetTop left this.element 0 .offsetLeft and finally a monkeypatched version of..
Scroll to an element using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4217962/scroll-to-an-element-using-jquery to show version that worked for the OP as well as a smoother version jQuery.fn.scrollMinimal function smooth var cTop this.offset .top var cHeight this.outerHeight true var windowTop window .scrollTop var visibleHeight window .height if cTop windowTop..
jQuery: Highlight element under mouse cursor? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4698259/jquery-highlight-element-under-mouse-cursor Here's what I've got so far but it isn't working very well ' ' .mouseover function event var this this div.offset this.offset .width this.width .height this.height return false var div ' div ' .css 'background color' 'rgba 255 0 0 .5 ' 'position'..
find elements that are stacked under (visually) an element in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5598953/find-elements-that-are-stacked-under-visually-an-element-in-jquery http jsfiddle.net hunter PBAb6 function GetAllElementsAt x y var elements body .map function var this this var offset this.offset var l offset.left var t offset.top var h this.height var w this.width var maxx l w var maxy t h return y maxy y t x maxx..