jquery Programming Glossary: helvetica
Changing Body Font-Size based on Font-Family with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1271477/changing-body-font-size-based-on-font-family-with-jquery Arial and such as a fall back like so font 13px Myriad Pro Helvetica Arial sans serif I want to change the font size when Arial or.. sans serif I want to change the font size when Arial or Helvetica are selected. This is what I have in jQuery but it does not..
set colspan dynamically with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1294850/set-colspan-dynamically-with-jquery text css media screen body background color #000 font 16px Helvetica Arial color #fff td text align center style head body table..
<ul>s disappear on zooming with fixed position http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16634239/uls-disappear-on-zooming-with-fixed-position float left line height 52px #menu li a font family Arial Helvetica sans serif font size 15px text decoration none color #ffffff..
Why is my dynamic HTML seemingly randomly placed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17689644/why-is-my-dynamic-html-seemingly-randomly-placed font size 2em color white font family Verdana Arial Helvetica sans serif float left padding top 100px .floatLeft float left..
How to make this into a sliding left/right div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18172716/how-to-make-this-into-a-sliding-left-right-div position relative top 34px color #15ADFF font 16px Arial Helvetica sans serif font weight bold font variant small caps text shadow..
jQuery Pagination by div height (not item) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2030125/jquery-pagination-by-div-height-not-item css media screen body background color white font 16px Helvetica Arial color black .pagination margin auto display block height..
Vertical text inside table headers using a JavaScript-based SVG library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2705174/vertical-text-inside-table-headers-using-a-javascript-based-svg-library and raphael document .ready function var font font '12px Helvetica Arial' var fill fill hsb 120deg .5 1 'tr th div' .each function..
Select text and then calculate its distance from top with Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3170902/select-text-and-then-calculate-its-distance-from-top-with-javascript font size 16px font weight normal font family Trebuchet MS Helvetica Tahoma Arial sans serif padding 10px 5 line height 1.5 min width..
jquery stopPropagation problem with live method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3353275/jquery-stoppropagation-problem-with-live-method .icon image border 0px .service name font family Arial Helvetica sans serif font size 14px line height 24px color #74767A margin..
One function to toggle multiple hidden elements? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5327441/one-function-to-toggle-multiple-hidden-elements script style type text css .county font Trebuchet MS Arial Helvetica sans serif .countystats background color blue display none style..
How to show popup message like in stackoverflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/659199/how-to-show-popup-message-like-in-stackoverflow div Here are the styles applied #message font family Arial Helvetica sans serif position fixed top 0px left 0px width 100 z index..
How would I implement stackoverflow's hovering dialogs? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/758906/how-would-i-implement-stackoverflows-hovering-dialogs size 100 .error notification h2 font family Trebuchet MS Helvetica sans serif font size 140 font weight bold margin bottom 7px..
Phonegap / jquery mobile slide transition not workign properly on first call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8095889/phonegap-jquery-mobile-slide-transition-not-workign-properly-on-first-call data div body And the relevant CSS body margin 0 font 18px Helvetica text align center background color #000 background url .. img..
Show and hide divs at a specific time interval using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/914951/show-and-hide-divs-at-a-specific-time-interval-using-jquery text css media screen body background color #fff font 16px Helvetica Arial color #000 .display width 300px height 200px border 2px..
Dynamically arranging divs using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/929519/dynamically-arranging-divs-using-jquery text css media screen body background color #fff font 16px Helvetica Arial color #000 div.style width 200px height 100px border 1px..
Changing Body Font-Size based on Font-Family with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1271477/changing-body-font-size-based-on-font-family-with-jquery I'm trying to use Myriad Pro as my primary font with Arial and such as a fall back like so font 13px Myriad Pro Helvetica Arial sans serif I want to change the font size when Arial or Helvetica are selected. This is what I have in jQuery but.. as a fall back like so font 13px Myriad Pro Helvetica Arial sans serif I want to change the font size when Arial or Helvetica are selected. This is what I have in jQuery but it does not work function if body .css font Arial body .css font 10px I..
set colspan dynamically with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1294850/set-colspan-dynamically-with-jquery Content type content text html charset utf 8 style type text css media screen body background color #000 font 16px Helvetica Arial color #fff td text align center style head body table class tblSimpleAgenda cellpadding 5 cellspacing 0 tbody tr th..
<ul>s disappear on zooming with fixed position http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16634239/uls-disappear-on-zooming-with-fixed-position text align center position fixed list style none #menu li float left line height 52px #menu li a font family Arial Helvetica sans serif font size 15px text decoration none color #ffffff padding 0px 20px #menu li a hover color #000000 background..
Why is my dynamic HTML seemingly randomly placed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17689644/why-is-my-dynamic-html-seemingly-randomly-placed getNatlBookCritics ...and here's the related CSS .yearBanner font size 2em color white font family Verdana Arial Helvetica sans serif float left padding top 100px .floatLeft float left padding right 20px padding left 5px section.wrapper min width..
How to make this into a sliding left/right div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18172716/how-to-make-this-into-a-sliding-left-right-div solid rgba 204 204 204 0.09 float left display inline block position relative top 34px color #15ADFF font 16px Arial Helvetica sans serif font weight bold font variant small caps text shadow 1px 1px 1px #000 2px 2px 3px rgba 110 110 110 0.7 #left..
jQuery Pagination by div height (not item) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2030125/jquery-pagination-by-div-height-not-item ajax libs jquery 1.3.2 jquery.min.js script style type text css media screen body background color white font 16px Helvetica Arial color black .pagination margin auto display block height 275px width 300px position relative overflow hidden border..
Vertical text inside table headers using a JavaScript-based SVG library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2705174/vertical-text-inside-table-headers-using-a-javascript-based-svg-library UYj58 9 Code looks like this if you include jquery and raphael document .ready function var font font '12px Helvetica Arial' var fill fill hsb 120deg .5 1 'tr th div' .each function index div R Raphael div .attr 'id' 20 100 R.text 4 50 div..
Select text and then calculate its distance from top with Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3170902/select-text-and-then-calculate-its-distance-from-top-with-javascript content text html charset utf 8 style type text css body font size 16px font weight normal font family Trebuchet MS Helvetica Tahoma Arial sans serif padding 10px 5 line height 1.5 min width 680px table border 1px solid black border collapse collapse..
jquery stopPropagation problem with live method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3353275/jquery-stoppropagation-problem-with-live-method important background image url images arrow white.gif important .icon image border 0px .service name font family Arial Helvetica sans serif font size 14px line height 24px color #74767A margin 3px text align left .describe icons position absolute right..
One function to toggle multiple hidden elements? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5327441/one-function-to-toggle-multiple-hidden-elements utf 8 head script type text javascript src jquery.js script style type text css .county font Trebuchet MS Arial Helvetica sans serif .countystats background color blue display none style script type text javascript '.county' .click function ..
How to show popup message like in stackoverflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/659199/how-to-show-popup-message-like-in-stackoverflow This is my Message. span a href # class close notify X a div Here are the styles applied #message font family Arial Helvetica sans serif position fixed top 0px left 0px width 100 z index 105 text align center font weight bold font size 100 color..
How would I implement stackoverflow's hovering dialogs? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/758906/how-would-i-implement-stackoverflows-hovering-dialogs padding 15px padding top 0 position absolute z index 1 font size 100 .error notification h2 font family Trebuchet MS Helvetica sans serif font size 140 font weight bold margin bottom 7px And click here to see it in action. However I think you'd still..
Phonegap / jquery mobile slide transition not workign properly on first call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8095889/phonegap-jquery-mobile-slide-transition-not-workign-properly-on-first-call content END of LOGIN page div div div id log div div id data div body And the relevant CSS body margin 0 font 18px Helvetica text align center background color #000 background url .. img bg_big.png repeat webkit user select none prevent copy paste..
Show and hide divs at a specific time interval using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/914951/show-and-hide-divs-at-a-specific-time-interval-using-jquery Content type content text html charset utf 8 style type text css media screen body background color #fff font 16px Helvetica Arial color #000 .display width 300px height 200px border 2px solid #000 .js .display display none style head body h2 Example..
Dynamically arranging divs using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/929519/dynamically-arranging-divs-using-jquery Content type content text html charset utf 8 style type text css media screen body background color #fff font 16px Helvetica Arial color #000 div.style width 200px height 100px border 1px solid #000000 margin 5px style head body div id container..