jquery Programming Glossary: hidden
HTML-encoding in JavaScript/jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1219860/html-encoding-in-javascript-jquery jQuery I ™m using JavaScript to pull a value out from a hidden field and display it in a textbox. The value in the hidden field.. hidden field and display it in a textbox. The value in the hidden field is encoded. For example input id 'hiddenId' type 'hidden'.. in the hidden field is encoded. For example input id 'hiddenId' type 'hidden' value 'chalk amp cheese' gets pulled into input..
jQuery: How to position one element relative to another? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/158070/jquery-how-to-position-one-element-relative-to-another How to position one element relative to another I have a hidden DIV which contains a toolbar like menu. I have a number of DIVs.. before calling position ... the plugin can't position hidden elements. Update notes 3 years later in 2012 The original solution..
Testing if something is hidden with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/178325/testing-if-something-is-hidden-with-jquery if something is hidden with jQuery In jQuery it is possible to toggle the visibility.. or .toggle . But how would you test if an element has been hidden or shown using jQuery jquery visibility share improve this..
jQuery “Please Wait, Loading…” animation? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1964839/jquery-please-wait-loading-animation it some flair Start by setting display none to make this hidden. Then we position it in relation to the viewport window with.. the loading class we turn the scrollbar off with overflow hidden body.loading overflow hidden Anytime the body has the loading.. scrollbar off with overflow hidden body.loading overflow hidden Anytime the body has the loading class our modal element will..
Getting jQuery to recognise .change() in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/208471/getting-jquery-to-recognise-change-in-ie In Firefox if you click a radio button one table row is hidden and the other one is shown immediately. However in IE 6 and.. Here's the jQuery I'm using document .ready function .hiddenOnLoad .hide #viewByOrg .change function .visibleOnLoad .show.. .hide #viewByOrg .change function .visibleOnLoad .show .hiddenOnLoad .hide #viewByProduct .change function .visibleOnLoad..
jQuery: Get height of hidden element in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2345784/jquery-get-height-of-hidden-element-in-jquery Get height of hidden element in jQuery I need to get height of an element that is.. to get height of an element that is within a div that is hidden. Right now I show the div get the height and hide the parent.. Optional if #myDiv is already absolute visibility 'hidden' display 'block' optionHeight #myDiv .height #myDiv .css position..
Post data to JsonP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2699277/post-data-to-jsonp there if you're willing to go to a lot of effort inserting hidden iframe s and mucking about with their properties. share improve..
jqGrid: Disable form fields when editing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3405029/jqgrid-disable-form-fields-when-editing a new item and not when in editing mode they should be hidden and or disabled . Example The company I'm working for sells..
How to disable scrolling temporarily? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4770025/how-to-disable-scrolling-temporarily gets really ugly Of course I could do a body .css overflow hidden and then put it back to auto when the animation stops but it..
How to show popup message like in stackoverflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/659199/how-to-show-popup-message-like-in-stackoverflow how Stackoverflow does it This is the markup initially hidden so we can fade it in div id 'message' style display none span..
How to send FormData objects with Ajax-requests in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6974684/how-to-send-formdata-objects-with-ajax-requests-in-jquery Ajax requests . Btw this is a new feature in the past the hidden iframe trick was used read about that in my other question ...
jQuery Data vs Attr? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7261619/jquery-data-vs-attr the naming convention for data attributes has a bit of a hidden gotcha HTML a id bar data foo bar baz fizz buzz href # fizz..
jQuery to get Hidden Field Value in Table Row http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10817041/jquery-to-get-hidden-field-value-in-table-row to get Hidden Field Value in Table Row I have a table with a hidden filed.. the row var associateID this .parents 'tr first .wrapperDivHidden input type hidden ' .val alert associateID return false script.. #A7A7A6 font weight bold width 60px div id wrapperDivHidden class wrapperDivHidden input type hidden name ctl00 detailContentPlaceholder..
Jquery File Upload Hidden IFrame http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11369726/jquery-file-upload-hidden-iframe File Upload Hidden IFrame I needed a quick explanation on how to get an AJAX style..
File upload validation with jQuery Validate plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15147793/file-upload-validation-with-jquery-validate-plugin this question Your code appears to be working just fine. Hidden fields are ignored by the Validate plugin. However when you..
Hidden Columns in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1661800/hidden-columns-in-jqgrid Columns in jqGrid Is there any way to hide a column in a jqGrid..
Simple Modal issues - Multiples, Disappearing Content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1662226/simple-modal-issues-multiples-disappearing-content id link 2 link2 a a href # class basic id link 3 link3 a Hidden content via CSS or inline style div id link 1 content style..
JQuery Add Hidden HTML Elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20120938/jquery-add-hidden-html-elements Add Hidden HTML Elements HTML input type 'button' value 'Show Picture'..
Jquery Hidden Field http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2027062/jquery-hidden-field Hidden Field Why can't I get the value of this hidden field I have.. get the value of this hidden field I have a control... asp HiddenField ID HiddenFieldServerDateTime runat server Which renders.. this hidden field I have a control... asp HiddenField ID HiddenFieldServerDateTime runat server Which renders as... input type..
jQuery - add additional parameters on submit (NOT ajax) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2530635/jquery-add-additional-parameters-on-submit-not-ajax Firefox firebug to check whether the element was inserted. Hidden elements do get posted back in the form collection only read..
Hidden div height (changing my advice) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2861671/hidden-div-height-changing-my-advice div height changing my advice Ok I was going to answer someone's..
Overriding check box in JavaScript with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2875236/overriding-check-box-in-javascript-with-jquery javascript function ' div input type checkbox name makeHidden id makeHidden checked checked Make Hidden div ' .appendTo 'body'.. function ' div input type checkbox name makeHidden id makeHidden checked checked Make Hidden div ' .appendTo 'body' ' div id.. name makeHidden id makeHidden checked checked Make Hidden div ' .appendTo 'body' ' div id displayer style display none..
How to make jQuery slidetoggle effect for multiple div on same page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3044331/how-to-make-jquery-slidetoggle-effect-for-multiple-div-on-same-page class plus more details a div id div1 class description p Hidden content here p div a class plus more details a div id div2 class.. class plus more details a div id div2 class description p Hidden content here p div a class plus more details a div id div3 class.. class plus more details a div id div3 class description p Hidden content here p div javascript jquery css xhtml share improve..
Jquery JscrollPane - Is it possible to force always show Vertical Scrollbar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4245551/jquery-jscrollpane-is-it-possible-to-force-always-show-vertical-scrollbar to force always show Vertical Scrollbar in JscrollPane Hidden setting API function Preferably without touching Content Pane..
jQuery animate height http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4603397/jquery-animate-height the text as default so I put height to 30px and overflow Hidden. When I click on the H2 element I want animate the text to slideDown..
jqgrid recreateform width setting, only working for edit, not for add http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6127940/jqgrid-recreateform-width-setting-only-working-for-edit-not-for-add true edittype select editoptions value '1' 'Active' '0' 'Hidden' search true stype 'select' searchoptions value '' 'All' '1'.. 'select' searchoptions value '' 'All' '1' 'Active' '0' 'Hidden' value Both 1 Active 0 Hidden search caption Search... Find.. '' 'All' '1' 'Active' '0' 'Hidden' value Both 1 Active 0 Hidden search caption Search... Find Find Reset Reset matchText match..
Whose fault is it? CSS or JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6179174/whose-fault-is-it-css-or-javascript 40px background url paging_bg2.png no repeat display none Hidden by default will be later shown with jQuery .paging a padding..
Multiple Row Auto Calculation and CheckBox? How to reduce it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8571405/multiple-row-auto-calculation-and-checkbox-how-to-reduce-it record_count calculate the total ammount due Hidden fields echo ' INPUT TYPE hidden NAME eg_invoice_ Value '. invoiceNoArr..
Best dynamic JavaScript/JQuery Grid [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8677298/best-dynamic-javascript-jquery-grid FixedColumns KeyTable and more It's free State saving Hidden columns Dynamic creation of tables Ajax auto loading of data..
HTML-encoding in JavaScript/jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1219860/html-encoding-in-javascript-jquery encoding in JavaScript jQuery I ™m using JavaScript to pull a value out from a hidden field and display it in a textbox. The value in the hidden field is encoded. For example input id 'hiddenId' type 'hidden'.. jQuery I ™m using JavaScript to pull a value out from a hidden field and display it in a textbox. The value in the hidden field is encoded. For example input id 'hiddenId' type 'hidden' value 'chalk amp cheese' gets pulled into input type 'text'.. out from a hidden field and display it in a textbox. The value in the hidden field is encoded. For example input id 'hiddenId' type 'hidden' value 'chalk amp cheese' gets pulled into input type 'text' value 'chalk amp cheese' via some jQuery to..
jQuery: How to position one element relative to another? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/158070/jquery-how-to-position-one-element-relative-to-another How to position one element relative to another I have a hidden DIV which contains a toolbar like menu. I have a number of DIVs which are enabled to show the menu DIV when the mouse hovers.. eventuality. Note that you'll have to show the menu element before calling position ... the plugin can't position hidden elements. Update notes 3 years later in 2012 The original solution is archived here for posterity So it turns out that the..
Testing if something is hidden with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/178325/testing-if-something-is-hidden-with-jquery if something is hidden with jQuery In jQuery it is possible to toggle the visibility of an element. You can use the functions .hide .show or .toggle.. of an element. You can use the functions .hide .show or .toggle . But how would you test if an element has been hidden or shown using jQuery jquery visibility share improve this question As the question refers to a single element this..
jQuery “Please Wait, Loading…” animation? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1964839/jquery-please-wait-loading-animation modal Place at bottom of page div The CSS Next let's give it some flair Start by setting display none to make this hidden. Then we position it in relation to the viewport window with position fixed. Width height top and left speak speak for themselves... FhHRx.gif' 50 50 no repeat When the body has the loading class we turn the scrollbar off with overflow hidden body.loading overflow hidden Anytime the body has the loading class our modal element will be visible body.loading .modal.. 50 no repeat When the body has the loading class we turn the scrollbar off with overflow hidden body.loading overflow hidden Anytime the body has the loading class our modal element will be visible body.loading .modal display block And finally the..
Getting jQuery to recognise .change() in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/208471/getting-jquery-to-recognise-change-in-ie To elaborate when you load the page everything looks fine. In Firefox if you click a radio button one table row is hidden and the other one is shown immediately. However in IE 6 and 7 you click the radio button and nothing will happen until you.. IE redraw the page hiding and showing the relevant elements. Here's the jQuery I'm using document .ready function .hiddenOnLoad .hide #viewByOrg .change function .visibleOnLoad .show .hiddenOnLoad .hide #viewByProduct .change function .visibleOnLoad.. the jQuery I'm using document .ready function .hiddenOnLoad .hide #viewByOrg .change function .visibleOnLoad .show .hiddenOnLoad .hide #viewByProduct .change function .visibleOnLoad .hide .hiddenOnLoad .show Here's the part of the XHTML that..
jQuery: Get height of hidden element in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2345784/jquery-get-height-of-hidden-element-in-jquery Get height of hidden element in jQuery I need to get height of an element that is within a div that is hidden. Right now I show the div get.. Get height of hidden element in jQuery I need to get height of an element that is within a div that is hidden. Right now I show the div get the height and hide the parent div. This seems a bit silly. Is there a better way I'm using.. position if it's already absolute #myDiv .css position 'absolute' Optional if #myDiv is already absolute visibility 'hidden' display 'block' optionHeight #myDiv .height #myDiv .css position 'static' Again optional if #myDiv is already absolute..
Post data to JsonP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2699277/post-data-to-jsonp
jqGrid: Disable form fields when editing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3405029/jqgrid-disable-form-fields-when-editing thing some fields may only be enabled or visible when adding a new item and not when in editing mode they should be hidden and or disabled . Example The company I'm working for sells vending towers and there are several types different sizes and..
How to disable scrolling temporarily? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4770025/how-to-disable-scrolling-temporarily is that when you scroll while scrollTo is animating it gets really ugly Of course I could do a body .css overflow hidden and then put it back to auto when the animation stops but it would be better if the scrollbar was still show but inactive...
How to show popup message like in stackoverflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/659199/how-to-show-popup-message-like-in-stackoverflow show how to do this or just go straight to the example . Here's how Stackoverflow does it This is the markup initially hidden so we can fade it in div id 'message' style display none span Hey This is my Message. span a href # class close notify X..
How to send FormData objects with Ajax-requests in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6974684/how-to-send-formdata-objects-with-ajax-requests-in-jquery interface enables appending File objects to XHR requests Ajax requests . Btw this is a new feature in the past the hidden iframe trick was used read about that in my other question . This is how it works example var xhr new XMLHttpRequest fd..
jQuery Data vs Attr? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7261619/jquery-data-vs-attr outputs baz as the value has been updated on the object Also the naming convention for data attributes has a bit of a hidden gotcha HTML a id bar data foo bar baz fizz buzz href # fizz buzz a JS console.log '#bar' .data 'fooBarBaz' outputs fizz..
jQuery to get Hidden Field Value in Table Row http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10817041/jquery-to-get-hidden-field-value-in-table-row to get Hidden Field Value in Table Row I have a table with a hidden filed in each row. I need to Alert the value of hidden filed when.. to get the parent row and then the required columns in the row var associateID this .parents 'tr first .wrapperDivHidden input type hidden ' .val alert associateID return false script HTML td XXXXX input type submit name ctl00 detailContentPlaceholder.. class actionButtonNational style color White background color #A7A7A6 font weight bold width 60px div id wrapperDivHidden class wrapperDivHidden input type hidden name ctl00 detailContentPlaceholder grdSubscirbedAssociates ctl04 hdnAssociateID..
Jquery File Upload Hidden IFrame http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11369726/jquery-file-upload-hidden-iframe File Upload Hidden IFrame I needed a quick explanation on how to get an AJAX style file upload going using a hidden iframe. Here's the portion..
File upload validation with jQuery Validate plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15147793/file-upload-validation-with-jquery-validate-plugin upload twitter bootstrap jquery validate share improve this question Your code appears to be working just fine. Hidden fields are ignored by the Validate plugin. However when you show the file upload field via radio button it will validate..
Hidden Columns in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1661800/hidden-columns-in-jqgrid Columns in jqGrid Is there any way to hide a column in a jqGrid table but have it show as read only when the row is edited..
Simple Modal issues - Multiples, Disappearing Content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1662226/simple-modal-issues-multiples-disappearing-content a href # class basic id link 1 link1 a a href # class basic id link 2 link2 a a href # class basic id link 3 link3 a Hidden content via CSS or inline style div id link 1 content style display none p content p div div id link 2 content style display..
JQuery Add Hidden HTML Elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20120938/jquery-add-hidden-html-elements Add Hidden HTML Elements HTML input type 'button' value 'Show Picture' id 'add' div class 'input'style 'display none ' img src http..
Jquery Hidden Field http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2027062/jquery-hidden-field Hidden Field Why can't I get the value of this hidden field I have a control... asp HiddenField ID HiddenFieldServerDateTime runat.. Hidden Field Why can't I get the value of this hidden field I have a control... asp HiddenField ID HiddenFieldServerDateTime runat server Which renders as... input type hidden name ctl00 cph_main HiddenFieldServerDateTime.. Hidden Field Why can't I get the value of this hidden field I have a control... asp HiddenField ID HiddenFieldServerDateTime runat server Which renders as... input type hidden name ctl00 cph_main HiddenFieldServerDateTime id ctl00_cph_main_HiddenFieldServerDateTime..
jQuery - add additional parameters on submit (NOT ajax) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2530635/jquery-add-additional-parameters-on-submit-not-ajax Also checked the ID of the FORM form1 in my case used the Firefox firebug to check whether the element was inserted. Hidden elements do get posted back in the form collection only read only fields are discarded. Michel share improve this answer..
Hidden div height (changing my advice) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2861671/hidden-div-height-changing-my-advice div height changing my advice Ok I was going to answer someone's question here on SO about why their script wasn't working...
Overriding check box in JavaScript with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2875236/overriding-check-box-in-javascript-with-jquery src .. js jquery 1.4.2.min.js script script type text javascript function ' div input type checkbox name makeHidden id makeHidden checked checked Make Hidden div ' .appendTo 'body' ' div id displayer style display none Was Hidden div '.. js jquery 1.4.2.min.js script script type text javascript function ' div input type checkbox name makeHidden id makeHidden checked checked Make Hidden div ' .appendTo 'body' ' div id displayer style display none Was Hidden div ' .appendTo 'body'.. script type text javascript function ' div input type checkbox name makeHidden id makeHidden checked checked Make Hidden div ' .appendTo 'body' ' div id displayer style display none Was Hidden div ' .appendTo 'body' '#makeHidden' .click function..
How to make jQuery slidetoggle effect for multiple div on same page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3044331/how-to-make-jquery-slidetoggle-effect-for-multiple-div-on-same-page like #div1 #div2 div#3 . edit This is situation in html a class plus more details a div id div1 class description p Hidden content here p div a class plus more details a div id div2 class description p Hidden content here p div a class plus more.. div id div1 class description p Hidden content here p div a class plus more details a div id div2 class description p Hidden content here p div a class plus more details a div id div3 class description p Hidden content here p div javascript jquery.. div id div2 class description p Hidden content here p div a class plus more details a div id div3 class description p Hidden content here p div javascript jquery css xhtml share improve this question function document .ready function '#div1..
Jquery JscrollPane - Is it possible to force always show Vertical Scrollbar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4245551/jquery-jscrollpane-is-it-possible-to-force-always-show-vertical-scrollbar to force always show Vertical Scrollbar Is it possible to force always show Vertical Scrollbar in JscrollPane Hidden setting API function Preferably without touching Content Pane its height and so. javascript jquery jquery plugins jscrollpane..
jQuery animate height http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4603397/jquery-animate-height expand Lot of text here.... div I want to show just 2 rows of the text as default so I put height to 30px and overflow Hidden. When I click on the H2 element I want animate the text to slideDown and if i click another time it will slideUp to the..
jqgrid recreateform width setting, only working for edit, not for add http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6127940/jqgrid-recreateform-width-setting-only-working-for-edit-not-for-add index 'active_mdt' width 20 align left sortable true editable true edittype select editoptions value '1' 'Active' '0' 'Hidden' search true stype 'select' searchoptions value '' 'All' '1' 'Active' '0' 'Hidden' value Both 1 Active 0 Hidden search caption.. editoptions value '1' 'Active' '0' 'Hidden' search true stype 'select' searchoptions value '' 'All' '1' 'Active' '0' 'Hidden' value Both 1 Active 0 Hidden search caption Search... Find Find Reset Reset matchText match rulesText rules gridComplete.. '0' 'Hidden' search true stype 'select' searchoptions value '' 'All' '1' 'Active' '0' 'Hidden' value Both 1 Active 0 Hidden search caption Search... Find Find Reset Reset matchText match rulesText rules gridComplete function var ids jQuery #rowed2..
Whose fault is it? CSS or JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6179174/whose-fault-is-it-css-or-javascript paging stays on the top layer text align center line height 40px background url paging_bg2.png no repeat display none Hidden by default will be later shown with jQuery .paging a padding 5px text decoration none color #fff .paging a.active font weight..
Multiple Row Auto Calculation and CheckBox? How to reduce it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8571405/multiple-row-auto-calculation-and-checkbox-how-to-reduce-it onClick calculateSum td tr tr td td php amountDueTotal amount_dueArr record_count calculate the total ammount due Hidden fields echo ' INPUT TYPE hidden NAME eg_invoice_ Value '. invoiceNoArr record_count .' ' echo ' INPUT TYPE hidden NAME..
Best dynamic JavaScript/JQuery Grid [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8677298/best-dynamic-javascript-jquery-grid of 2600 unit tests Wide variety of plug ins inc. TableTools FixedColumns KeyTable and more It's free State saving Hidden columns Dynamic creation of tables Ajax auto loading of data Custom DOM positioning Single column filtering Alternative..