jquery Programming Glossary: hidedialog
jquery is(“:visible”) and is(“:animated”) bug during animation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3719722/jquery-isvisible-and-isanimated-bug-during-animation over function showDialog this timeout 500 out function hideDialog this .closedialog .click function var dialog this .parent .parent.. var dialog this .parent .parent dialog.removeData clicked hideDialog dialog.prev .flyouticon function showDialog button var dialog.. gets called alert hide else dialog.removeData clicked hideDialog this .prev .flyouticon var offset button.offset dialog.offset..
jquery is(“:visible”) and is(“:animated”) bug during animation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3719722/jquery-isvisible-and-isanimated-bug-during-animation showDialog this return false '.flyouticon' .hoverIntent over function showDialog this timeout 500 out function hideDialog this .closedialog .click function var dialog this .parent .parent dialog.removeData clicked hideDialog dialog.prev .flyouticon.. out function hideDialog this .closedialog .click function var dialog this .parent .parent dialog.removeData clicked hideDialog dialog.prev .flyouticon function showDialog button var dialog button.next .flyoutdialog alert dialog.is visible false alert.. this 0 dialog 0 this equal thing is false so the hidedialog gets called alert hide else dialog.removeData clicked hideDialog this .prev .flyouticon var offset button.offset dialog.offset top offset.top 5 left offset.left 25 dialog.show blind..