jquery Programming Glossary: helloworld
lazy load plugin to load images as user scrolls? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4618343/lazy-load-plugin-to-load-images-as-user-scrolls
jQuery Call to WebService returns “No Transport” error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5241088/jquery-call-to-webservice-returns-no-transport-error I have the following web service WebMethod public string HelloWorld return Hello World It's stock standard with no alterations.. method var webMethod http localhost 54473 Service1.asmx HelloWorld .ajax type POST contentType application json charset utf 8 data..
Call webMethod in User control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5638184/call-webmethod-in-user-control I have code WebMethod public static string HelloWorld return helloWOrld In ArticleList.ascx file part of the script.. 'd' return msg.d else return msg url ArticleList.ascx HelloWorld success function msg alert msg and the error from firebug.. which you have in the user control public static string HelloWorld return helloWOrld In the Page class add the web method WebMethod..
Get JSON data with jQuery from a .NET service: confused with ajax setup http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5690882/get-json-data-with-jquery-from-a-net-service-confused-with-ajax-setup straight in my head and I haven't succeeded. There's a HelloWorld .NET 3.5 web service on my local machine. Set up as required.. code .ajax type GET url http localhost 52624 Service1.asmx HelloWorld dataType json accepts can be anything or it can be missing doesn't.. . .ajax type GET url http localhost 52624 Service1.asmx HelloWorld dataType application json accepts can be anything or it can..
What is meant by ?œleaking??into global scope? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5951228/what-is-meant-by-leaking-into-global-scope as a function This œleaks into global scope function HelloWorld alert ˜Howdy ¦just call window.HelloWorld and you will get ˜Howdy.. scope function HelloWorld alert ˜Howdy ¦just call window.HelloWorld and you will get ˜Howdy This œleaks into global scope var myVariable..
can jquery ajax call external webservice? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/727183/can-jquery-ajax-call-external-webservice type POST url http AnotherWebSite.com WebService.asmx HelloWorld data 'name' ' '#price' .val ' contentType application json..
How to call external webservice using jquery “jsonp”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/729771/how-to-call-external-webservice-using-jquery-jsonp msg and this is my service code WebMethod public string HelloWorld return Hello World anyone have examples or can explain this.. http localhost 1096 YourShoppingTest1 WebService.asmx HelloWorld jsonp name test function data alert data.x and the service.. data.x and the service like this WebMethod public string HelloWorld string name return x 10 y 100 But it always give me this error..
Cannot set content-type to 'application/json' in jQuery.ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9754767/cannot-set-content-type-to-application-json-in-jquery-ajax Hello ResponseFormat WebMessageFormat.Json public string HelloWorld string name return hello name But for some reason I can't..
Why do I need RegisterStartupScript for a simple jquery helloworld in asp.net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3866511/why-do-i-need-registerstartupscript-for-a-simple-jquery-helloworld-in-asp-net jquery.min.js script script type text javascript function helloWorld #divSample .append Hello World script head body form id form1.. server div id divSample div script type text javascript helloWorld script form body html I needed to add in codebehind protected.. this.Page.GetType startup script type text javascript helloWorld script base.Render writer In that case it works but I don't..
Defining an implementation independent version of the global object in JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8280137/defining-an-implementation-independent-version-of-the-global-object-in-javascrip script src scopehack.js script script this.global.helloWorld helloWorld global scope this.helloWorld helloWorld ModuleScope.. src scopehack.js script script this.global.helloWorld helloWorld global scope this.helloWorld helloWorld ModuleScope script iframe.. script this.global.helloWorld helloWorld global scope this.helloWorld helloWorld ModuleScope script iframe src module.html iframe..
JQuery post JSON object to a server http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10110805/jquery-post-json-object-to-a-server org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils import javax.ws.rs. @Path helloworld public class GetData @GET @Consumes application json public.. this method while onload function sendData .ajax url ' helloworld' type 'POST' contentType 'application json' data name Bob.. not to alter that json. function sendData .ajax url ' helloworld' type 'POST' contentType 'application json' data JSON.stringify..
jquery ajax get return value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10194684/jquery-ajax-get-return-value index.php when i try this code. index.php just print helloworld script type text javascript src http code.jquery.com jquery..
Why do I need RegisterStartupScript for a simple jquery helloworld in asp.net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3866511/why-do-i-need-registerstartupscript-for-a-simple-jquery-helloworld-in-asp-net do I need RegisterStartupScript for a simple jquery helloworld in asp.net I tried to call my helloworld by just including.. a simple jquery helloworld in asp.net I tried to call my helloworld by just including javascript inside webform but when running..
How to include jquery.js in Grails? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8956799/how-to-include-jquery-js-in-grails grails create app 13 56 40 ~ grailsDev grails create app helloworld Created Grails Application at Users steve grailsDev helloworld.. Created Grails Application at Users steve grailsDev helloworld 13 56 57 ~ grailsDev cd helloworld 13 57 06 ~ grailsDev helloworld.. Users steve grailsDev helloworld 13 56 57 ~ grailsDev cd helloworld 13 57 06 ~ grailsDev helloworld ls al web app js total 8 drwxr..
lazy load plugin to load images as user scrolls? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4618343/lazy-load-plugin-to-load-images-as-user-scrolls
jQuery Call to WebService returns “No Transport” error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5241088/jquery-call-to-webservice-returns-no-transport-error Call to WebService returns &ldquo No Transport&rdquo error I have the following web service WebMethod public string HelloWorld return Hello World It's stock standard with no alterations to the class decorators. I have this jQuery method var webMethod.. no alterations to the class decorators. I have this jQuery method var webMethod http localhost 54473 Service1.asmx HelloWorld .ajax type POST contentType application json charset utf 8 data dataType json url webMethod success function msg alert msg.d..
Call webMethod in User control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5638184/call-webmethod-in-user-control code in asmx or aspx file. Thanks for any help bye in ArticleList.ascx.cs I have code WebMethod public static string HelloWorld return helloWOrld In ArticleList.ascx file part of the script id .ajax type POST contentType application json charset utf.. data else msg eval ' ' data ' ' if msg.hasOwnProperty 'd' return msg.d else return msg url ArticleList.ascx HelloWorld success function msg alert msg and the error from firebug is html head title This type of page is not served. title .. be automatically rendered inside the page. The web method which you have in the user control public static string HelloWorld return helloWOrld In the Page class add the web method WebMethod public static string HelloWorld return ArticleList.HelloWorld..
Get JSON data with jQuery from a .NET service: confused with ajax setup http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5690882/get-json-data-with-jquery-from-a-net-service-confused-with-ajax-setup with ajax setup I've just spent six hours trying to get this straight in my head and I haven't succeeded. There's a HelloWorld .NET 3.5 web service on my local machine. Set up as required . The service returns a List of custom structures. I'm trying.. control the data being sent to the server not received. In code .ajax type GET url http localhost 52624 Service1.asmx HelloWorld dataType json accepts can be anything or it can be missing doesn't matter only depends on dataType success function data.. ... Result error handler called textStatus parseerror . .ajax type GET url http localhost 52624 Service1.asmx HelloWorld dataType application json accepts can be anything or it can be missing doesn't matter only depends on dataType success function..
What is meant by ?œleaking??into global scope? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5951228/what-is-meant-by-leaking-into-global-scope global scope window.jQuery ¦just call window.jQuery and it resolves as a function This œleaks into global scope function HelloWorld alert ˜Howdy ¦just call window.HelloWorld and you will get ˜Howdy This œleaks into global scope var myVariable 10 ¦just call.. and it resolves as a function This œleaks into global scope function HelloWorld alert ˜Howdy ¦just call window.HelloWorld and you will get ˜Howdy This œleaks into global scope var myVariable 10 ¦just call window.myVariable and you will get 10 If..
can jquery ajax call external webservice? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/727183/can-jquery-ajax-call-external-webservice from another domain name or another website Like this .ajax type POST url http AnotherWebSite.com WebService.asmx HelloWorld data 'name' ' '#price' .val ' contentType application json charset utf 8 dataType json success function msg alert msg ..
How to call external webservice using jquery “jsonp”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/729771/how-to-call-external-webservice-using-jquery-jsonp json charset utf 8 dataType jsonp success function msg alert msg and this is my service code WebMethod public string HelloWorld return Hello World anyone have examples or can explain this issue for me UPDATE I wrote the code again to be like this .getJSON.. for me UPDATE I wrote the code again to be like this .getJSON http localhost 1096 YourShoppingTest1 WebService.asmx HelloWorld jsonp name test function data alert data.x and the service like this WebMethod public string HelloWorld string name return.. HelloWorld jsonp name test function data alert data.x and the service like this WebMethod public string HelloWorld string name return x 10 y 100 But it always give me this error when back missing before statement Break on this error x..
Cannot set content-type to 'application/json' in jQuery.ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9754767/cannot-set-content-type-to-application-json-in-jquery-ajax IRestfulService WebInvoke Method POST UriTemplate Hello ResponseFormat WebMessageFormat.Json public string HelloWorld string name return hello name But for some reason I can't call this method with parameters. UPDATE 2 Sorry for not answering..
Why do I need RegisterStartupScript for a simple jquery helloworld in asp.net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3866511/why-do-i-need-registerstartupscript-for-a-simple-jquery-helloworld-in-asp-net src http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.4.1 jquery.min.js script script type text javascript function helloWorld #divSample .append Hello World script head body form id form1 runat server div id divSample div script type text javascript.. .append Hello World script head body form id form1 runat server div id divSample div script type text javascript helloWorld script form body html I needed to add in codebehind protected override void Render HtmlTextWriter writer this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript.. writer this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript this.Page.GetType startup script type text javascript helloWorld script base.Render writer In that case it works but I don't understand why I just can't use the 1st syntax why it's so complicated..
Defining an implementation independent version of the global object in JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8280137/defining-an-implementation-independent-version-of-the-global-object-in-javascrip scopehack.js this.global window.global top.global Consider main.html script src scopehack.js script script this.global.helloWorld helloWorld global scope this.helloWorld helloWorld ModuleScope script iframe src module.html iframe And finally a module.. this.global window.global top.global Consider main.html script src scopehack.js script script this.global.helloWorld helloWorld global scope this.helloWorld helloWorld ModuleScope script iframe src module.html iframe And finally a module module.html.. Consider main.html script src scopehack.js script script this.global.helloWorld helloWorld global scope this.helloWorld helloWorld ModuleScope script iframe src module.html iframe And finally a module module.html script src scopehack.js script..
JQuery post JSON object to a server http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10110805/jquery-post-json-object-to-a-server import net.sf.json.JSONSerializer import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils import javax.ws.rs. @Path helloworld public class GetData @GET @Consumes application json public String getResource JSONObject obj new JSONObject String result.. name return result i have a html file that runs this method while onload function sendData .ajax url ' helloworld' type 'POST' contentType 'application json' data name Bob dataType 'json' alert json posted java jquery ajax json.. you first have to create json then you have to tell jQuery not to alter that json. function sendData .ajax url ' helloworld' type 'POST' contentType 'application json' data JSON.stringify name Bob ... processData false dataType 'json' alert..
jquery ajax get return value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10194684/jquery-ajax-get-return-value return 'null value' but my apache server logs printed i accessed index.php when i try this code. index.php just print helloworld script type text javascript src http code.jquery.com jquery latest.js script script type text javascript function showGetResult..
Why do I need RegisterStartupScript for a simple jquery helloworld in asp.net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3866511/why-do-i-need-registerstartupscript-for-a-simple-jquery-helloworld-in-asp-net do I need RegisterStartupScript for a simple jquery helloworld in asp.net I tried to call my helloworld by just including javascript inside webform but when running it page is blank.. do I need RegisterStartupScript for a simple jquery helloworld in asp.net I tried to call my helloworld by just including javascript inside webform but when running it page is blank on both chrome and firefox. In firefox error..
How to include jquery.js in Grails? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8956799/how-to-include-jquery-js-in-grails being included. Follow up 2 I'm creating my app using grails create app 13 56 40 ~ grailsDev grails create app helloworld Created Grails Application at Users steve grailsDev helloworld 13 56 57 ~ grailsDev cd helloworld 13 57 06 ~ grailsDev helloworld.. create app 13 56 40 ~ grailsDev grails create app helloworld Created Grails Application at Users steve grailsDev helloworld 13 56 57 ~ grailsDev cd helloworld 13 57 06 ~ grailsDev helloworld ls al web app js total 8 drwxr xr x 3 steve staff 102.. grails create app helloworld Created Grails Application at Users steve grailsDev helloworld 13 56 57 ~ grailsDev cd helloworld 13 57 06 ~ grailsDev helloworld ls al web app js total 8 drwxr xr x 3 steve staff 102 Jan 21 13 56 . drwxr xr x 7 steve..