jquery Programming Glossary: height
Can somebody explain jQuery queue to me? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1058158/can-somebody-explain-jquery-queue-to-me map.delay 2000 resize the div map.animate width 250 height 250 marginLeft 250 marginTop 250 resized geocode something map.queue.. 3000 and resize the map again map.animate width 500 height 500 marginLeft 0 marginTop 0 resized Another custom queue example..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14550396/jquery-mobile-markup-enhancement-of-dynamically-added-content jsfiddle.net Gajotres mwB22 Get correct maximum content height In case page header and footer has a constant height content.. height In case page header and footer has a constant height content div can be easily set to cover full available space.. This method can be used to get correct maximum content height and it must be used with a pageshow event. function getRealContentHeight..
Get real image width and height with JavaScript in Safari/Chrome? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/318630/get-real-image-width-and-height-with-javascript-in-safari-chrome real image width and height with JavaScript in Safari Chrome I am creating a jQuery plugin... a jQuery plugin. How do I get real image width and height with Javascript in Safari Following works with Firefox 3 IE7.. to remove these in of case img element has set width and height pic.removeAttr width pic.removeAttr height var pic_real_width..
How to get image size (height & width) using JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/623172/how-to-get-image-size-height-width-using-javascript to get image size height width using JavaScript Are there any JavaScript or jQuery APIs..
jQuery scroll To Element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6677035/jquery-scroll-to-element #div1 .offset .top 2000 script div id div1 style height 1000px width 100px Test div br div id div2 style height 1000px.. height 1000px width 100px Test div br div id div2 style height 1000px width 100px Test 2 div button id click Click me button..
Auto-size dynamic text to fill fixed size container http://stackoverflow.com/questions/687998/auto-size-dynamic-text-to-fill-fixed-size-container var ourText 'span visible first' this var maxHeight this .height var maxWidth this .width var textHeight var textWidth do ourText.css.. do ourText.css 'font size' fontSize textHeight ourText.height textWidth ourText.width fontSize fontSize 1 while textHeight.. html is like this div class 'jtextfill' style 'width 100px height 50px ' span My Text Here span div This is my first jquery plugin..
jQuery Screen Resolution Height Adjustment http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1271675/jquery-screen-resolution-height-adjustment Screen Resolution Height Adjustment In order to better balance out a page I am working..
What are available solutions of a browser / mobile phone detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15055277/what-are-available-solutions-of-a-browser-mobile-phone-detection getCapability 'resolution_width' li li Resolution Height php echo requestingDevice getCapability 'resolution_height'..
Difference between screen.availHeight and window.height http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3044230/difference-between-screen-availheight-and-window-height between screen.availHeight and window.height I am executing the following Javascript on.. browser Firefox . console.debug Screen height screen.availHeight outputs 770 console.debug Window Height window .height outputs.. height screen.availHeight outputs 770 console.debug Window Height window .height outputs 210 I am using jQuery as well What is..
HTML5 Canvas 100% Width Height of Viewport? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4288253/html5-canvas-100-width-height-of-viewport Canvas 100 Width Height of Viewport I am trying to create a canvas element that takes.. a function that resizes the canvas to the window.innerHeight and window.innerWidth. Example http jsfiddle.net jaredwilli.. canvas.width window.innerWidth canvas.height window.innerHeight Your drawings need to be inside this function otherwise they..
jQuery UI Tabs - Automatic Height http://stackoverflow.com/questions/436587/jquery-ui-tabs-automatic-height UI Tabs Automatic Height In previous versions of jQuery tabs there was an option to.. tallest tab in the group using '#container' .tabs fxAutoHeight true However this does not seem to work in jQuery UI 1.5.3...
How to get the position of a draggable object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4903530/how-to-get-the-position-of-a-draggable-object Y span span li li id width Width span span li li id height Height span span li ul div div id dropHere div css #dragThis width..
JavaScript jQuery Animate to Auto Height http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5003220/javascript-jquery-animate-to-auto-height jQuery Animate to Auto Height Hi I want to animate a div from 200px to Auto height. I cant.. improve this question Save the current height var curHeight '#first' .height Temporarily switch the height to auto '#first'.. '#first' .css 'height' 'auto' Get the auto height var autoHeight '#first' .height Switch back to curHeight and animate to autoHeight..
Height equal to dynamic width (CSS fluid layout) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5445491/height-equal-to-dynamic-width-css-fluid-layout equal to dynamic width CSS fluid layout Is it possible to set..
Transform in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5610171/transform-in-jquery transform rotate 90deg height 200px 400 but then even the Height doesn't change. any advice would help thanks Link to the JSFiddle..
jquery: how do I get the height of a div's full content? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6853293/jquery-how-do-i-get-the-height-of-a-divs-full-content height of the scrollable content area. I have tried .scrollHeight and the browser doesn't even recognize it. The overflow area.. jquery scroll height share improve this question scrollHeight is a property of a DOM object not a function Height of the scroll.. scrollHeight is a property of a DOM object not a function Height of the scroll view of an element it includes the element padding..
Jquery Change Height based on Browser Size/Resize http://stackoverflow.com/questions/838137/jquery-change-height-based-on-browser-size-resize Change Height based on Browser Size Resize I was wondering if there was a..
Fancybox2 - different content for tooltip and image title, both from title attribute? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8418721/fancybox2-different-content-for-tooltip-and-image-title-both-from-title-attri Sculpture name and the image title to say Sculpture name Height 123cm Is there a way to do this Many thanks. My current HTML.. current HTML a class fancybox rel works title Sculpture1 Height 1232mm href images Sculpture1_large_res.jpg imagetag alt Sculpture1.. images Sculpture1_large_res.jpg imagetag alt Sculpture1 Height 1232mm src images thumbs Sculpture1_thumb.jpg class thumb a..
Can somebody explain jQuery queue to me? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1058158/can-somebody-explain-jquery-queue-to-me we resized google.maps.event.trigger map 'resize' wait 2 seconds map.delay 2000 resize the div map.animate width 250 height 250 marginLeft 250 marginTop 250 resized geocode something map.queue function next find stackoverflow's whois address geocoder.geocode.. next after we find stack overflow wait 3 more seconds map.delay 3000 and resize the map again map.animate width 500 height 500 marginLeft 0 marginTop 0 resized Another custom queue example Run example on jsFiddle var theQueue jQuery on an empty..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14550396/jquery-mobile-markup-enhancement-of-dynamically-added-content text' ctx .text newText return jQuery Working example http jsfiddle.net Gajotres mwB22 Get correct maximum content height In case page header and footer has a constant height content div can be easily set to cover full available space with a.. http jsfiddle.net Gajotres mwB22 Get correct maximum content height In case page header and footer has a constant height content div can be easily set to cover full available space with a little css trick #content padding 0 position absolute.. with Google maps api3 demo http jsfiddle.net Gajotres 7kGdE This method can be used to get correct maximum content height and it must be used with a pageshow event. function getRealContentHeight var header .mobile.activePage.find div data role..
Get real image width and height with JavaScript in Safari/Chrome? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/318630/get-real-image-width-and-height-with-javascript-in-safari-chrome real image width and height with JavaScript in Safari Chrome I am creating a jQuery plugin. How do I get real image width and height with Javascript.. width and height with JavaScript in Safari Chrome I am creating a jQuery plugin. How do I get real image width and height with Javascript in Safari Following works with Firefox 3 IE7 and Opera 9 var pic img need to remove these in of case img.. works with Firefox 3 IE7 and Opera 9 var pic img need to remove these in of case img element has set width and height pic.removeAttr width pic.removeAttr height var pic_real_width pic.width var pic_real_height pic.height But in Webkit browsers..
How to get image size (height & width) using JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/623172/how-to-get-image-size-height-width-using-javascript to get image size height width using JavaScript Are there any JavaScript or jQuery APIs or methods to get the dimensions of an image on the page..
jQuery scroll To Element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6677035/jquery-scroll-to-element function this .animate function 'html body' .animate scrollTop #div1 .offset .top 2000 script div id div1 style height 1000px width 100px Test div br div id div2 style height 1000px width 100px Test 2 div button id click Click me button html..
Auto-size dynamic text to fill fixed size container http://stackoverflow.com/questions/687998/auto-size-dynamic-text-to-fill-fixed-size-container function options var fontSize options.maxFontPixels var ourText 'span visible first' this var maxHeight this .height var maxWidth this .width var textHeight var textWidth do ourText.css 'font size' fontSize textHeight ourText.height textWidth.. .height var maxWidth this .width var textHeight var textWidth do ourText.css 'font size' fontSize textHeight ourText.height textWidth ourText.width fontSize fontSize 1 while textHeight maxHeight textWidth maxWidth fontSize 3 return this jQuery.. function '.jtextfill' .textfill maxFontPixels 36 and my html is like this div class 'jtextfill' style 'width 100px height 50px ' span My Text Here span div This is my first jquery plugin so it's probably not as good as it should be. Pointers..
jQuery Screen Resolution Height Adjustment http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1271675/jquery-screen-resolution-height-adjustment Screen Resolution Height Adjustment In order to better balance out a page I am working on I would like to find a way to increase the top margin..
What are available solutions of a browser / mobile phone detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15055277/what-are-available-solutions-of-a-browser-mobile-phone-detection 'preferred_markup' li li Resolution Width php echo requestingDevice getCapability 'resolution_width' li li Resolution Height php echo requestingDevice getCapability 'resolution_height' li ul p b Query WURFL by providing the user agent b p form method..
Difference between screen.availHeight and window.height http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3044230/difference-between-screen-availheight-and-window-height between screen.availHeight and window.height I am executing the following Javascript on my browser Firefox . console.debug Screen height screen.availHeight.. window.height I am executing the following Javascript on my browser Firefox . console.debug Screen height screen.availHeight outputs 770 console.debug Window Height window .height outputs 210 I am using jQuery as well What is the difference between.. Javascript on my browser Firefox . console.debug Screen height screen.availHeight outputs 770 console.debug Window Height window .height outputs 210 I am using jQuery as well What is the difference between the two Is 770 in pixels and 210 in..
HTML5 Canvas 100% Width Height of Viewport? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4288253/html5-canvas-100-width-height-of-viewport Canvas 100 Width Height of Viewport I am trying to create a canvas element that takes up 100 of the width and height of the viewport. You can see.. the browser is resized you need to run your draw loop within a function that resizes the canvas to the window.innerHeight and window.innerWidth. Example http jsfiddle.net jaredwilli qFuDr HTML canvas id canvas canvas JavaScript function var canvas.. 'resize' resizeCanvas false function resizeCanvas canvas.width window.innerWidth canvas.height window.innerHeight Your drawings need to be inside this function otherwise they will be reset when you resize the browser window and the..
jQuery UI Tabs - Automatic Height http://stackoverflow.com/questions/436587/jquery-ui-tabs-automatic-height UI Tabs Automatic Height In previous versions of jQuery tabs there was an option to automatically set the height of the tab to that of the tallest.. to automatically set the height of the tab to that of the tallest tab in the group using '#container' .tabs fxAutoHeight true However this does not seem to work in jQuery UI 1.5.3. Has this option been removed If so is there another way to get..
How to get the position of a draggable object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4903530/how-to-get-the-position-of-a-draggable-object li li id finalX Final X span span li li id finalY Final Y span span li li id width Width span span li li id height Height span span li ul div div id dropHere div css #dragThis width 8em height 8em padding 0.5em border 3px solid #ccc border radius..
JavaScript jQuery Animate to Auto Height http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5003220/javascript-jquery-animate-to-auto-height jQuery Animate to Auto Height Hi I want to animate a div from 200px to Auto height. I cant seem to make it work though anyone know how Here's the code.. height auto 1000 javascript jquery jquery animate share improve this question Save the current height var curHeight '#first' .height Temporarily switch the height to auto '#first' .css 'height' 'auto' Get the auto height var autoHeight.. '#first' .height Temporarily switch the height to auto '#first' .css 'height' 'auto' Get the auto height var autoHeight '#first' .height Switch back to curHeight and animate to autoHeight '#first' .height curHeight .animate height autoHeight..
Height equal to dynamic width (CSS fluid layout) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5445491/height-equal-to-dynamic-width-css-fluid-layout equal to dynamic width CSS fluid layout Is it possible to set same height as width ratio 1 1 Example body 1 3 div 1..
Transform in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5610171/transform-in-jquery rotate 30deg I've tried this this .stop .animate webkit transform rotate 90deg height 200px 400 but then even the Height doesn't change. any advice would help thanks Link to the JSFiddle jquery css transform rotation share improve this question..
jquery: how do I get the height of a div's full content? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6853293/jquery-how-do-i-get-the-height-of-a-divs-full-content get the scrollbar to work if I am able to figure out the height of the scrollable content area. I have tried .scrollHeight and the browser doesn't even recognize it. The overflow area has a fixed position. jquery scroll height share improve.. even recognize it. The overflow area has a fixed position. jquery scroll height share improve this question scrollHeight is a property of a DOM object not a function Height of the scroll view of an element it includes the element padding but.. jquery scroll height share improve this question scrollHeight is a property of a DOM object not a function Height of the scroll view of an element it includes the element padding but not its margin. Given this div id x style height 100px..
Jquery Change Height based on Browser Size/Resize http://stackoverflow.com/questions/838137/jquery-change-height-based-on-browser-size-resize Change Height based on Browser Size Resize I was wondering if there was a way to determine the height width of a browser. What i'm trying..
Fancybox2 - different content for tooltip and image title, both from title attribute? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8418721/fancybox2-different-content-for-tooltip-and-image-title-both-from-title-attri and the image title. eg I would like the tooltip to say Sculpture name and the image title to say Sculpture name Height 123cm Is there a way to do this Many thanks. My current HTML a class fancybox rel works title Sculpture1 Height 1232mm href.. name Height 123cm Is there a way to do this Many thanks. My current HTML a class fancybox rel works title Sculpture1 Height 1232mm href images Sculpture1_large_res.jpg imagetag alt Sculpture1 Height 1232mm src images thumbs Sculpture1_thumb.jpg.. a class fancybox rel works title Sculpture1 Height 1232mm href images Sculpture1_large_res.jpg imagetag alt Sculpture1 Height 1232mm src images thumbs Sculpture1_thumb.jpg class thumb a a class fancybox rel works title Sculpture2 Height 1232mm href..
How to enlarge image from thumbnail in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13575061/how-to-enlarge-image-from-thumbnail-in-jquery demo jQuery POPUP WINDOW var scrT window .scrollTop window .scroll function scrT window .scrollTop GET and use WINDOW HEIGHT .getDocHeight function var D document return Math.max Math.max D.body.scrollHeight D.documentElement.scrollHeight Math.max..
Why would jquery return 0 for an offsetHeight when firebug says it's 34? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/636474/why-would-jquery-return-0-for-an-offsetheight-when-firebug-says-its-34 PUBLIC W3C DTD HTML Strict EN META http equiv Content Type content text html charset utf 8 HTML style OVERFLOW hidden HEIGHT 100 xmlns http www.w3.org 1999 xhtml BODY FORM id aspnetForm name aspnetForm action blah.aspx method post DIV id container.. 1597px POSITION absolute TOP 67px DIV class TransparentBg id TransparentDiv style MARGIN TOP 10px MARGIN RIGHT 10px HEIGHT 94px TEXT ALIGN center DIV DIV class Foreground id ForegroundId style MARGIN TOP 10px MARGIN RIGHT 10px TEXT ALIGN center.. 10px MARGIN RIGHT 10px TEXT ALIGN center DIV id ctl00_BodyContentPlaceHolder_Navigation1 style WIDTH 52px COLOR black HEIGHT 52px BACKGROUND COLOR transparent moz user focus normal IMG style FILTER progid DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader..
Multiple Row Auto Calculation and CheckBox? How to reduce it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8571405/multiple-row-auto-calculation-and-checkbox-how-to-reduce-it b Ammount b td td b Outstanding b td td b Pay b td tr tr td width 512px colspan 5 IMG SRC rule black.gif WIDTH 800 HEIGHT 11 br td tr php echo ' INPUT TYPE hidden NAME record Value '. record.' ' amountDueTotal 0 for record_count 0 record_count.. checkbox name pay value onClick calculateSum td tr tr td width 512px colspan 5 IMG SRC rule black.gif WIDTH 800 HEIGHT 11 br td tr td Total ammount to pay td td td td td td input type text name total value php echo amountDueTotal input..