jquery Programming Glossary: headerheight
Vertical text inside table headers using a JavaScript-based SVG library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2705174/vertical-text-inside-table-headers-using-a-javascript-based-svg-library function var RotateCheckboxColumnHeaders function grid headerHeight we use grid as context if one have more as one table on tnhe.. cm grid.getGridParam colModel thead first tr th .height headerHeight headerHeight thead first tr th .height for var iCol 0 iCol cm.length.. colModel thead first tr th .height headerHeight headerHeight thead first tr th .height for var iCol 0 iCol cm.length iCol..
Vertical text inside table headers using a JavaScript-based SVG library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2705174/vertical-text-inside-table-headers-using-a-javascript-based-svg-library rotation 3 IE8 define RotateCheckboxColumnHeaders function var RotateCheckboxColumnHeaders function grid headerHeight we use grid as context if one have more as one table on tnhe page var trHead thead first tr grid.hdiv var cm grid.getGridParam.. one table on tnhe page var trHead thead first tr grid.hdiv var cm grid.getGridParam colModel thead first tr th .height headerHeight headerHeight thead first tr th .height for var iCol 0 iCol cm.length iCol var cmi cm iCol if cmi.formatter 'checkbox' we.. tnhe page var trHead thead first tr grid.hdiv var cm grid.getGridParam colModel thead first tr th .height headerHeight headerHeight thead first tr th .height for var iCol 0 iCol cm.length iCol var cmi cm iCol if cmi.formatter 'checkbox' we must set width..