jquery Programming Glossary: helpstring
How to view particular page of an pdf using HTML in browser? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18306485/how-to-view-particular-page-of-an-pdf-using-html-in-browser interface IAcroAXDocShim IDispatch id 0x00000001 propget helpstring property src HRESULT src out retval BSTR pVal id 0x00000001.. src HRESULT src out retval BSTR pVal id 0x00000001 propput helpstring property src HRESULT src in BSTR pVal id 0x00000002 helpstring.. property src HRESULT src in BSTR pVal id 0x00000002 helpstring method LoadFile HRESULT LoadFile in BSTR fileName out retval..
How to view particular page of an pdf using HTML in browser? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18306485/how-to-view-particular-page-of-an-pdf-using-html-in-browser like there is a way to find the total number of pages though. interface IAcroAXDocShim IDispatch id 0x00000001 propget helpstring property src HRESULT src out retval BSTR pVal id 0x00000001 propput helpstring property src HRESULT src in BSTR pVal id.. IDispatch id 0x00000001 propget helpstring property src HRESULT src out retval BSTR pVal id 0x00000001 propput helpstring property src HRESULT src in BSTR pVal id 0x00000002 helpstring method LoadFile HRESULT LoadFile in BSTR fileName out retval.. HRESULT src out retval BSTR pVal id 0x00000001 propput helpstring property src HRESULT src in BSTR pVal id 0x00000002 helpstring method LoadFile HRESULT LoadFile in BSTR fileName out retval VARIANT_BOOL ret id 0x00000003 helpstring method setShowToolbar..