jquery Programming Glossary: hh
Parsing a date in long format from ATOM feed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1416296/parsing-a-date-in-long-format-from-atom-feed mo datestr.substring 5 7 var dd datestr.substring 8 10 var hh datestr.substring 11 13 var mi datestr.substring 14 16 var ss.. 17 19 var tzs datestr.substring 19 20 var tzhh datestr.substring 20 22 var tzmi datestr.substring 23 25 var.. datestr.substring 23 25 var myutc Date.UTC yy 0 mo 1 dd 0 hh 0 mi 0 ss 0 var tzos tzs tzhh 60 tzmi 1 60000 return new Date..
Elapsed time from a given time in the database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15001152/elapsed-time-from-a-given-time-in-the-database rendered dynamically in the table with format dd MMM yyyy hh mm ss something like this should do the trick html head script..
jQuery Validation plugin doesn't validate dynamically created form elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18022224/jquery-validation-plugin-doesnt-validate-dynamically-created-form-elements var from ' input type text name from class input mini span hh mm span ' var to ' input type text name to class input mini.. ' var to ' input type text name to class input mini span hh mm span ' if typeof stime 'undefined' id.attr 'value' stime.id.. type text id from 0 name from 0 class input mini span hh mm span ' rowIdx var to .validator.format ' input type text..
Formatting and pretty printing dates with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2557672/formatting-and-pretty-printing-dates-with-jquery jquery. In some situations I need the typical yyyy mm dd hh mma type of formatting with all of it's different permutations...
jqGrid multiselect is very slow with large local data and jQueryUI 1.8, jQueryUI 1.7 is fine http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3883328/jqgrid-multiselect-is-very-slow-with-large-local-data-and-jqueryui-1-8-jqueryui id 1 aa aa1 bb bb1 cc cc1 dd dd1 ee ee1 ff ff1 gg gg1 hh hh1 ii ii1 jj jj1 kk kk1 ll ll1 mm mm1 nn nn1 ... My basic jqGrid.. id 1 aa aa1 bb bb1 cc cc1 dd dd1 ee ee1 ff ff1 gg gg1 hh hh1 ii ii1 jj jj1 kk kk1 ll ll1 mm mm1 nn nn1 ... My basic jqGrid.. rowid colNames 'id' 'aa' 'bb' 'cc' 'dd' 'ee' 'ff' 'gg' 'hh' 'ii' 'jj' 'kk' 'll' 'mm' 'nn' colModel name 'id' width 40..
How do I format date in jQuery datetimepicker? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4802190/how-do-i-format-date-in-jquery-datetimepicker too. I want to set date time format this way dd mm yyyy @ hh mm '#timePicker' .datetimepicker dateFormat 'dd mm yyyy' separator..
jqgrid mask edit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8408104/jqgrid-mask-edit and mask the entry such that the user is prompted to enter hh mm where hh hours and mm minutes. I'm using the digitalBush.. entry such that the user is prompted to enter hh mm where hh hours and mm minutes. I'm using the digitalBush masked jquery.. is wrong time. br Please enter the time in the form b hh mm b script jquery jqgrid mask share improve this question..
ASP.NET MVC + jQuery + IIS6: Multiple Ajax requests http://stackoverflow.com/questions/860478/asp-net-mvc-jquery-iis6-multiple-ajax-requests trackingNumber return Content status requestStart.ToString hh mm ss.FFF DateTime.Now.ToString hh mm ss.FFF None of the timestamps.. requestStart.ToString hh mm ss.FFF DateTime.Now.ToString hh mm ss.FFF None of the timestamps overlap. So the controller..
Regex for AM PM time format for jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8820372/regex-for-am-pm-time-format-for-jquery to mask the input field. I want to Limit input to hh mm AM PM format. And I can't get this regex to work. I use this..
Time Input Field [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1038754/time-input-field Field closed I am building a form to accept a time value HH MM how can I filter the user input and show the colon in the..
Jquery time difference in hours from two fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11883768/jquery-time-difference-in-hours-from-two-fields another field. My inputted form times are in the format HH MM SS So far I have tried... '#start_time #end_time' .on 'change'..
Leading 0 missing from data and time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17996874/leading-0-missing-from-data-and-time HumanDate date return moment date .format 'MM DD YYYY HH mm' usage example alert HumanDate Date 1373875200000 alerts..
jquery function to convert datetime, split date time “2010-10-18 10:06” to return “18/10/2010” and “10:06” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2402386/jquery-function-to-convert-datetime-split-date-time-2010-10-18-1006-to-retur '2010 10 18 10 06 AM' alert d1.toString 'dd mm yyyy HH mm ss GMT' It's currently the best library around share improve..
Having problem with jQuery Countdown? Function serverSync: serverTime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2608838/having-problem-with-jquery-countdown-function-serversync-servertime April 9 2010 22 38 10 return dt.ToString dddd dd MMMM yyyy HH mm ss c# asp.net jquery share improve this question I..
How countdown get Synchronise with jquery using “jquery.countdown.js” plugin? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2609028/how-countdown-get-synchronise-with-jquery-using-jquery-countdown-js-plugin April 9 2010 22 38 10 return dt.ToString dddd dd MMMM yyyy HH mm ss html file script type text javascript src Scripts jquery..
Convert MySql DateTime stamp into JavaScript's Date format http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3075577/convert-mysql-datetime-stamp-into-javascripts-date-format how I can take a mysql datetime stamp such as YYYY MM DD HH MM SS and either parse it or convert it to work in JavaScript's.. in JavaScript's Date function such as.. Date 'YYYY MM DD HH MM SS Thank you php javascript jquery mysql share improve..
how to get the metadata of jsTree. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3604790/how-to-get-the-metadata-of-jstree
What is the best way of showing progress on an Ajax call? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3901495/what-is-the-best-way-of-showing-progress-on-an-ajax-call while true Response.Write Delimiter DateTime.Now.ToString HH mm ss.FFF Response.Flush Suspend the thread for 1 2 a second..
Converting milliseconds to a date (jQuery/JS) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4673527/converting-milliseconds-to-a-date-jquery-js 1294862756114 to a more readable date like DD MM YYYY HH MM SS So basically I'm looking for JavaScripts equivelant of..
How to get of two time values using jQuery/Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5285172/how-to-get-of-two-time-values-using-jquery-javascript I'd like to get the sum of and the total value are in HH MM 00 00 format. Thanks javascript jquery time share improve..
Pass Date Values from Ajax Call to MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6076961/pass-date-values-from-ajax-call-to-mvc FOUND Converting the json date to this format mm dd yyyy HH MM ss is the whole trick dateFormat is a function in jsondate.. time format var _meetStartTime dateFormat now mm dd yyyy HH MM ss c# jquery asp.net mvc asp.net mvc 3 jquery ajax share.. Converting the json date to this format mm dd yyyy HH MM ss is the whole trick dateFormat is a function in jsondate..
Parsing a date in long format from ATOM feed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1416296/parsing-a-date-in-long-format-from-atom-feed myDateParser datestr var yy datestr.substring 0 4 var mo datestr.substring 5 7 var dd datestr.substring 8 10 var hh datestr.substring 11 13 var mi datestr.substring 14 16 var ss datestr.substring 17 19 var tzs datestr.substring 19 20 var.. 11 13 var mi datestr.substring 14 16 var ss datestr.substring 17 19 var tzs datestr.substring 19 20 var tzhh datestr.substring 20 22 var tzmi datestr.substring 23 25 var myutc Date.UTC yy 0 mo 1 dd 0 hh 0 mi 0 ss 0 var tzos tzs tzhh.. 19 20 var tzhh datestr.substring 20 22 var tzmi datestr.substring 23 25 var myutc Date.UTC yy 0 mo 1 dd 0 hh 0 mi 0 ss 0 var tzos tzs tzhh 60 tzmi 1 60000 return new Date myutc tzos javascript alert myDateParser 2009 09 02T07 35..
Elapsed time from a given time in the database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15001152/elapsed-time-from-a-given-time-in-the-database very little Javascript. Assuming that the Created time is rendered dynamically in the table with format dd MMM yyyy hh mm ss something like this should do the trick html head script src http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.9.1 jquery.min.js..
jQuery Validation plugin doesn't validate dynamically created form elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18022224/jquery-validation-plugin-doesnt-validate-dynamically-created-form-elements .append ' span class add on i class icon calendar ' var from ' input type text name from class input mini span hh mm span ' var to ' input type text name to class input mini span hh mm span ' if typeof stime 'undefined' id.attr 'value'.. ' input type text name from class input mini span hh mm span ' var to ' input type text name to class input mini span hh mm span ' if typeof stime 'undefined' id.attr 'value' stime.id dateField.attr 'value' stime.date from.attr 'value' stime.from.. on i class icon calendar ' var from .validator.format ' input type text id from 0 name from 0 class input mini span hh mm span ' rowIdx var to .validator.format ' input type text id to 0 name to 0 class input mini span hh mm span ' rowIdx..
Formatting and pretty printing dates with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2557672/formatting-and-pretty-printing-dates-with-jquery display dates in a couple different ways in an app built with jquery. In some situations I need the typical yyyy mm dd hh mma type of formatting with all of it's different permutations. In other cases I need to show dates pretty printed similar..
jqGrid multiselect is very slow with large local data and jQueryUI 1.8, jQueryUI 1.7 is fine http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3883328/jqgrid-multiselect-is-very-slow-with-large-local-data-and-jqueryui-1-8-jqueryui text javascript script example row from dataset var gridData id 1 aa aa1 bb bb1 cc cc1 dd dd1 ee ee1 ff ff1 gg gg1 hh hh1 ii ii1 jj jj1 kk kk1 ll ll1 mm mm1 nn nn1 ... My basic jqGrid setup calls function var gridData getGridData pulls from.. text javascript script example row from dataset var gridData id 1 aa aa1 bb bb1 cc cc1 dd dd1 ee ee1 ff ff1 gg gg1 hh hh1 ii ii1 jj jj1 kk kk1 ll ll1 mm mm1 nn nn1 ... My basic jqGrid setup calls function var gridData getGridData pulls from.. needed since jqGrid 3.6 onSelectRow function rowid SelectRow rowid colNames 'id' 'aa' 'bb' 'cc' 'dd' 'ee' 'ff' 'gg' 'hh' 'ii' 'jj' 'kk' 'll' 'mm' 'nn' colModel name 'id' width 40 name 'aa' width 40 name 'bb' width 40 name 'cc' width 40..
How do I format date in jQuery datetimepicker? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4802190/how-do-i-format-date-in-jquery-datetimepicker from jQuery datepicker to pick not only date but time too. I want to set date time format this way dd mm yyyy @ hh mm '#timePicker' .datetimepicker dateFormat 'dd mm yyyy' separator ' @ ' minDate new Date But this does not work. I get..
jqgrid mask edit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8408104/jqgrid-mask-edit I am using a jqgrid where I'd like to use inline editing and mask the entry such that the user is prompted to enter hh mm where hh hours and mm minutes. I'm using the digitalBush masked jquery plugin. The issue is that when I call it from.. a jqgrid where I'd like to use inline editing and mask the entry such that the user is prompted to enter hh mm where hh hours and mm minutes. I'm using the digitalBush masked jquery plugin. The issue is that when I call it from initData it.. 0 1 0 9 2 0 3 0 5 0 9 .test value return true else return false is wrong time. br Please enter the time in the form b hh mm b script jquery jqgrid mask share improve this question You don't posted any code so I tried to use digitalBush..
ASP.NET MVC + jQuery + IIS6: Multiple Ajax requests http://stackoverflow.com/questions/860478/asp-net-mvc-jquery-iis6-multiple-ajax-requests string status tracking.FedexTrackingNumberStatus trackingNumber return Content status requestStart.ToString hh mm ss.FFF DateTime.Now.ToString hh mm ss.FFF None of the timestamps overlap. So the controller is processing the requests.. trackingNumber return Content status requestStart.ToString hh mm ss.FFF DateTime.Now.ToString hh mm ss.FFF None of the timestamps overlap. So the controller is processing the requests one at a time. This seems crappy...
Regex for AM PM time format for jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8820372/regex-for-am-pm-time-format-for-jquery format for jquery I am being frustrated by a regular expression to mask the input field. I want to Limit input to hh mm AM PM format. And I can't get this regex to work. I use this regex in conjunction with a jquery tool from www.ThimbleOpenSource.com...
Time Input Field [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1038754/time-input-field Input Field closed I am building a form to accept a time value HH MM how can I filter the user input and show the colon in the text field I guess I'm looking for some kind of filtered input..
Jquery time difference in hours from two fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11883768/jquery-time-difference-in-hours-from-two-fields an end time of 7 50 I would like to put the result 2 33 into another field. My inputted form times are in the format HH MM SS So far I have tried... '#start_time #end_time' .on 'change' function var start_time '#start_time' .val var end_time..
Leading 0 missing from data and time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17996874/leading-0-missing-from-data-and-time bargain . With moment.js your code could look like this function HumanDate date return moment date .format 'MM DD YYYY HH mm' usage example alert HumanDate Date 1373875200000 alerts 07 15 2013 09 00 Hope that helps. share improve this answer..
jquery function to convert datetime, split date time “2010-10-18 10:06” to return “18/10/2010” and “10:06” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2402386/jquery-function-to-convert-datetime-split-date-time-2010-10-18-1006-to-retur
Having problem with jQuery Countdown? Function serverSync: serverTime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2608838/having-problem-with-jquery-countdown-function-serversync-servertime GetTime DateTime dt new DateTime dt Convert.ToDateTime April 9 2010 22 38 10 return dt.ToString dddd dd MMMM yyyy HH mm ss c# asp.net jquery share improve this question I realize this is almost a year old but in case anyone has a similar..
How countdown get Synchronise with jquery using “jquery.countdown.js” plugin? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2609028/how-countdown-get-synchronise-with-jquery-using-jquery-countdown-js-plugin GetTime DateTime dt new DateTime dt Convert.ToDateTime April 9 2010 22 38 10 return dt.ToString dddd dd MMMM yyyy HH mm ss html file script type text javascript src Scripts jquery 1.3.2.js script script type text javascript src Scripts jquery.countdown.js..
Convert MySql DateTime stamp into JavaScript's Date format http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3075577/convert-mysql-datetime-stamp-into-javascripts-date-format stamp into JavaScript's Date format Does anyone know how I can take a mysql datetime stamp such as YYYY MM DD HH MM SS and either parse it or convert it to work in JavaScript's Date function such as.. Date 'YYYY MM DD HH MM SS Thank.. YYYY MM DD HH MM SS and either parse it or convert it to work in JavaScript's Date function such as.. Date 'YYYY MM DD HH MM SS Thank you php javascript jquery mysql share improve this question Some of the answers given here are either overcomplicated..
how to get the metadata of jsTree. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3604790/how-to-get-the-metadata-of-jstree
What is the best way of showing progress on an Ajax call? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3901495/what-is-the-best-way-of-showing-progress-on-an-ajax-call Page_Load object sender EventArgs e Response.Buffer false while true Response.Write Delimiter DateTime.Now.ToString HH mm ss.FFF Response.Flush Suspend the thread for 1 2 a second System.Threading.Thread.Sleep 500 Yes I know we'll never get..
Converting milliseconds to a date (jQuery/JS) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4673527/converting-milliseconds-to-a-date-jquery-js returns a number like 1294862756114 . Is there a way to convert 1294862756114 to a more readable date like DD MM YYYY HH MM SS So basically I'm looking for JavaScripts equivelant of PHP's date function. javascript jquery datetime share improve..
How to get of two time values using jQuery/Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5285172/how-to-get-of-two-time-values-using-jquery-javascript value account for 60 minutes equalling one hour The two values I'd like to get the sum of and the total value are in HH MM 00 00 format. Thanks javascript jquery time share improve this question Here's something I had laying around. It..
Pass Date Values from Ajax Call to MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6076961/pass-date-values-from-ajax-call-to-mvc date but i want time part of date time also. ANY HELP ANS FOUND Converting the json date to this format mm dd yyyy HH MM ss is the whole trick dateFormat is a function in jsondate format.js file found at http blog.stevenlevithan.com archives.. file found at http blog.stevenlevithan.com archives date time format var _meetStartTime dateFormat now mm dd yyyy HH MM ss c# jquery asp.net mvc asp.net mvc 3 jquery ajax share improve this question Converting the json date to this.. mvc asp.net mvc 3 jquery ajax share improve this question Converting the json date to this format mm dd yyyy HH MM ss is the whole trick dateFormat is a function in jsondate format.js file found at http blog.stevenlevithan.com archives..