jquery Programming Glossary: helpers
Fancybox Imagemap Gallery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11299553/fancybox-imagemap-gallery 03 map JS document .ready function area.fancybox .fancybox helpers thumbs width 50 height 50 fancybox ready NOTICE that we used..
Unobtrusive dynamic form fields in Rails with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1704142/unobtrusive-dynamic-form-fields-in-rails-with-jquery with javascript. We'll create helper methods in app helpers application_helper.rb for this def new_child_fields_template..
Fancybox links don't show in lightbox - what am i missing? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17554068/fancybox-links-dont-show-in-lightbox-what-am-i-missing source jquery.fancybox.pack.js script Optionally add helpers button thumbnail and or media link rel stylesheet href wp content.. v2.1.5 0 ge2248f4 fancyapps fancyBox 18d1712 source helpers jquery.fancybox buttons.css type text css media screen script.. v2.1.5 0 ge2248f4 fancyapps fancyBox 18d1712 source helpers jquery.fancybox buttons.js script script type text javascript..
What is the most efficient way to sort an Html Select's Options by value, while preserving the currently selected item? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/45888/what-is-the-most-efficient-way-to-sort-an-html-selects-options-by-value-while jQuery but I'm not sure if it has any built in sorting helpers. I could make a 2d array of each item's text value and selected..
How do I verify age using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8136036/how-do-i-verify-age-using-jquery if d 29 y 4 parseInt y 4 return false return true Date helpers function checkleapyear datea if datea.getYear 4 0 if datea.getYear..
jquery fancybox 2.0.3 - prevent close on click outside of fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8400433/jquery-fancybox-2-0-3-prevent-close-on-click-outside-of-fancybox fancybox share improve this question Use this option helpers overlay closeClick false so your final script should look like.. INSIDE fancybox openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none' helpers overlay closeClick false prevents closing when clicking OUTSIDE..
Fancybox2 - different content for tooltip and image title, both from title attribute? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8418721/fancybox2-different-content-for-tooltip-and-image-title-both-from-title-attri openEffect 'elastic' closeEffect 'elastic' 'arrows' false helpers buttons jquery attributes fancybox title share improve.. openEffect 'elastic' closeEffect 'elastic' arrows false helpers buttons helpers afterLoad function this.title #fancyboxTitles.. closeEffect 'elastic' arrows false helpers buttons helpers afterLoad function this.title #fancyboxTitles div .eq this.index..
Fancybox2: Title positioning and format http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8655213/fancybox2-title-positioning-and-format javascript document .ready function .fancybox .fancybox helpers title type 'inside' helpers afterLoad function this.title this.title.. function .fancybox .fancybox helpers title type 'inside' helpers afterLoad function this.title this.title '' this.title ' br..
How to create a direct link to any fancybox box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9028310/how-to-create-a-direct-link-to-any-fancybox-box 'none' closeBtn false arrows true nextClick true helpers thumbs width 80 height 80 title type 'inside' buttons.. 'none' closeBtn false arrows true nextClick true helpers thumbs width 80 height 80 title type 'inside' buttons..
How do I hide the tooltip on hover from the title tag when using FancyBox 2.0? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9610883/how-do-i-hide-the-tooltip-on-hover-from-the-title-tag-when-using-fancybox-2-0 function this.title this.element .next '.newTitle' .html helpers title type 'inside' fancybox ready NOTE the only condition..
Fancybox Imagemap Gallery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11299553/fancybox-imagemap-gallery group gallery shape rect coords 27 166 134 293 title 03 map JS document .ready function area.fancybox .fancybox helpers thumbs width 50 height 50 fancybox ready NOTICE that we used the data fancybox group gallery attribute in order to set..
Unobtrusive dynamic form fields in Rails with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1704142/unobtrusive-dynamic-form-fields-in-rails-with-jquery of template fields for the PhoneNumber model that we can duplicate with javascript. We'll create helper methods in app helpers application_helper.rb for this def new_child_fields_template form_builder association options options object form_builder.object.class.reflect_on_association..
Fancybox links don't show in lightbox - what am i missing? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17554068/fancybox-links-dont-show-in-lightbox-what-am-i-missing fancyapps fancyBox v2.1.5 0 ge2248f4 fancyapps fancyBox 18d1712 source jquery.fancybox.pack.js script Optionally add helpers button thumbnail and or media link rel stylesheet href wp content themes hustle child includes js fancyapps fancyBox v2.1.5.. href wp content themes hustle child includes js fancyapps fancyBox v2.1.5 0 ge2248f4 fancyapps fancyBox 18d1712 source helpers jquery.fancybox buttons.css type text css media screen script type text javascript src wp content themes hustle child includes.. src wp content themes hustle child includes js fancyapps fancyBox v2.1.5 0 ge2248f4 fancyapps fancyBox 18d1712 source helpers jquery.fancybox buttons.js script script type text javascript src wp content themes hustle child includes js fancyapps fancyBox..
What is the most efficient way to sort an Html Select's Options by value, while preserving the currently selected item? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/45888/what-is-the-most-efficient-way-to-sort-an-html-selects-options-by-value-while by value while preserving the currently selected item I have jQuery but I'm not sure if it has any built in sorting helpers. I could make a 2d array of each item's text value and selected properties but I don't think that javascript's built in..
How do I verify age using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8136036/how-do-i-verify-age-using-jquery b parseInt y 4 if isNaN b return false if d 29 return false if d 29 y 4 parseInt y 4 return false return true Date helpers function checkleapyear datea if datea.getYear 4 0 if datea.getYear 10 0 return true else if datea.getYear 400 0 return..
jquery fancybox 2.0.3 - prevent close on click outside of fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8400433/jquery-fancybox-2-0-3-prevent-close-on-click-outside-of-fancybox solutions doesn't seems to work in fancybox 2.0.3 jquery fancybox share improve this question Use this option helpers overlay closeClick false so your final script should look like document .ready function .various .fancybox closeClick false.. .fancybox closeClick false prevents closing when clicking INSIDE fancybox openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none' helpers overlay closeClick false prevents closing when clicking OUTSIDE fancybox .trigger click hideOnOverlayClick and hideOnContentClick..
Fancybox2 - different content for tooltip and image title, both from title attribute? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8418721/fancybox2-different-content-for-tooltip-and-image-title-both-from-title-attri current options document .ready function .fancybox .fancybox openEffect 'elastic' closeEffect 'elastic' 'arrows' false helpers buttons jquery attributes fancybox title share improve this question What I would do is to set the titles to appear.. posted script document .ready function .fancybox .fancybox openEffect 'elastic' closeEffect 'elastic' arrows false helpers buttons helpers afterLoad function this.title #fancyboxTitles div .eq this.index .html afterload fancybox ready UPDATE.. document .ready function .fancybox .fancybox openEffect 'elastic' closeEffect 'elastic' arrows false helpers buttons helpers afterLoad function this.title #fancyboxTitles div .eq this.index .html afterload fancybox ready UPDATE #3 Jun 03 2012..
Fancybox2: Title positioning and format http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8655213/fancybox2-title-positioning-and-format share improve this question Use this script script type text javascript document .ready function .fancybox .fancybox helpers title type 'inside' helpers afterLoad function this.title this.title '' this.title ' br ' '' 'Image ' this.index 1 ' of.. Use this script script type text javascript document .ready function .fancybox .fancybox helpers title type 'inside' helpers afterLoad function this.title this.title '' this.title ' br ' '' 'Image ' this.index 1 ' of ' this.group.length afterLoad..
How to create a direct link to any fancybox box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9028310/how-to-create-a-direct-link-to-any-fancybox-box window.location.hash thisHash .fancybox prevEffect 'none' nextEffect 'none' closeBtn false arrows true nextClick true helpers thumbs width 80 height 80 title type 'inside' buttons afterLoad function this.title this.index 1 ' de ' this.group.length.. .trigger 'click' '.fancylink' .fancybox prevEffect 'none' nextEffect 'none' closeBtn false arrows true nextClick true helpers thumbs width 80 height 80 title type 'inside' buttons afterLoad function this.title this.index 1 ' de ' this.group.length..
How do I hide the tooltip on hover from the title tag when using FancyBox 2.0? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9610883/how-do-i-hide-the-tooltip-on-hover-from-the-title-tag-when-using-fancybox-2-0 like document .ready function .fancybox .fancybox afterLoad function this.title this.element .next '.newTitle' .html helpers title type 'inside' fancybox ready NOTE the only condition is that the div with the title should follow every anchor otherwise..