jquery Programming Glossary: heartbeat
Chrome not handling jquery ajax query http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11296036/chrome-not-handling-jquery-ajax-query data id channel timeout 46000 must be longer than max heartbeat to only trigger after silent error. error function jqXHR textStatus.. one at a time is outstanding. function issuePostNow reset heartbeat to dropout to send setTyping false in 30 to 40 seconds. clearTimeout..
AJAX calls to untrusted HTTPS fail silently http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4565772/ajax-calls-to-untrusted-https-fail-silently a cert warning. I could hack in a workaround say make a heartbeat ping request and set up a watchdog timer to see if the server..
Is there a generic window.onevent in javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4643556/is-there-a-generic-window-onevent-in-javascript is no generic window.onevent in javascript. I've done a heartbeat script like you're describing to make sure a session is kept..
crossDomain heartbeat cant parse jsonp data with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7772269/crossdomain-heartbeat-cant-parse-jsonp-data-with-jquery heartbeat cant parse jsonp data with jquery I embbeding my module an.. with my web project the portal owner told me to start an heartbeat by javascript from my application to portal. Everyone know keep.. lock it i found a solution using jquery but it require heartbeat listener deal with json. The official jsonp site here . Someone..
jQuery click not working for dynamically created items http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9484295/jquery-click-not-working-for-dynamically-created-items I will have to add something into my document ready or heartbeat script which is fired every 100miliseconds to hook up the events..
Chrome not handling jquery ajax query http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11296036/chrome-not-handling-jquery-ajax-query via long timeout. getxhr .ajax url activity dataType 'json' data id channel timeout 46000 must be longer than max heartbeat to only trigger after silent error. error function jqXHR textStatus errorThrown alert Background failed textStatus should.. routine it is handling a sequence of requests to ensure only one at a time is outstanding. function issuePostNow reset heartbeat to dropout to send setTyping false in 30 to 40 seconds. clearTimeout dropoutat dropoutat setTimeout function sendTyping..
AJAX calls to untrusted HTTPS fail silently http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4565772/ajax-calls-to-untrusted-https-fail-silently FWIW if the user visits an actual page on the server they get a cert warning. I could hack in a workaround say make a heartbeat ping request and set up a watchdog timer to see if the server responds in time but that seems well hacky. I'd prefer to..
Is there a generic window.onevent in javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4643556/is-there-a-generic-window-onevent-in-javascript events share improve this question Unfortunately there is no generic window.onevent in javascript. I've done a heartbeat script like you're describing to make sure a session is kept alive while a user is active on a page and the main events..
crossDomain heartbeat cant parse jsonp data with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7772269/crossdomain-heartbeat-cant-parse-jsonp-data-with-jquery heartbeat cant parse jsonp data with jquery I embbeding my module an asp.net project in a portal the portal generate an iframe to.. it. To avoid session in main portal end while user iterating with my web project the portal owner told me to start an heartbeat by javascript from my application to portal. Everyone know keep session in this way is insecure but 'portal' there is then.. from my application to portal because same origin policy lock it i found a solution using jquery but it require heartbeat listener deal with json. The official jsonp site here . Someone can help me there is my script function startHeartbeat var..
jQuery click not working for dynamically created items http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9484295/jquery-click-not-working-for-dynamically-created-items Click events don't work for dynamically created items I assume I will have to add something into my document ready or heartbeat script which is fired every 100miliseconds to hook up the events javascript jquery html share improve this question ..