jquery Programming Glossary: headline
jquery accordion prevent bubbling / allow default link action http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1135466/jquery-accordion-prevent-bubbling-allow-default-link-action link action I have an accordion setup as so '.shortheadline' .accordion active false header '.headline' autoHeight false.. as so '.shortheadline' .accordion active false header '.headline' autoHeight false animated 'slowslide' changestart function.. event ui '.brief visible' .css 'min height' '80px' '.headline' .blur I want the click to only register on the .headline div..
Rails - AJAX to for new/create action http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12915062/rails-ajax-to-for-new-create-action 1800 div div class field f.label title br f.text_field headline size 50 div div class field f.label event_description br f.text_area..
Cross-domain requests with JQuery using YQL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3206753/cross-domain-requests-with-jquery-using-yql .ajax url urlToUse type 'GET' success function res var headline res.responseText .find 'a.tst' .text window.console.log headline.. res.responseText .find 'a.tst' .text window.console.log headline javascript jquery cross domain yql share improve this question..
Trim headline to nearest word http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4446034/trim-headline-to-nearest-word headline to nearest word Say for example I have the following code h3.. long... h3 Edit How can I do this for each one of the headlines I don't really have an idea as to how to pass each headline.. I don't really have an idea as to how to pass each headline into a string... Thanks php jquery wordpress theming share..
Is there open-source code for making 'link preview' text and icons, like in facebook? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4646147/is-there-open-source-code-for-making-link-preview-text-and-icons-like-in-face a link a neat little preview is created with an image headline and text excerpt. Here's an example.. Does anyone know if there's..
jQuery Crossfade Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/727604/jquery-crossfade-plugin Crossfade Plugin I'm trying to build or implement a headline image rotator. The user will click on a number 1 2 3 and an.. 1 2 3 and an image will fade out fade in as well as make a headline change some text in a span element based on the number selected...
Cross-Domain Requests with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7638773/cross-domain-requests-with-jquery 'http news.bbc.co.uk' type 'GET' success function res var headline res.responseText .find 'a.tsh' .text alert headline Still I.. var headline res.responseText .find 'a.tsh' .text alert headline Still I am not getting any results but just a blank alert box...
Implementing circular scroller in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/812049/implementing-circular-scroller-in-jquery you want http www.learningjquery.com 2006 10 scroll up headline reader http woork.blogspot.com 2008 10 automatic news ticker..
jquery accordion prevent bubbling / allow default link action http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1135466/jquery-accordion-prevent-bubbling-allow-default-link-action accordion prevent bubbling allow default link action I have an accordion setup as so '.shortheadline' .accordion active false header '.headline' autoHeight false animated 'slowslide' changestart function event ui '.brief'.. bubbling allow default link action I have an accordion setup as so '.shortheadline' .accordion active false header '.headline' autoHeight false animated 'slowslide' changestart function event ui '.brief' .css 'min height' '0' change function event.. function event ui '.brief' .css 'min height' '0' change function event ui '.brief visible' .css 'min height' '80px' '.headline' .blur I want the click to only register on the .headline div not the link inside. The link should take you to the article..
Rails - AJAX to for new/create action http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12915062/rails-ajax-to-for-new-create-action br f.date_select start_date order day month year start_year 1800 div div class field f.label title br f.text_field headline size 50 div div class field f.label event_description br f.text_area text size 47x4 div check_box_tag blockCheck value 1..
Cross-domain requests with JQuery using YQL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3206753/cross-domain-requests-with-jquery-using-yql sk sk format xml callback cbfunc '#container' .load urlToUse .ajax url urlToUse type 'GET' success function res var headline res.responseText .find 'a.tst' .text window.console.log headline javascript jquery cross domain yql share improve.. url urlToUse type 'GET' success function res var headline res.responseText .find 'a.tst' .text window.console.log headline javascript jquery cross domain yql share improve this question Well the page you linked you talks about using YQL..
Trim headline to nearest word http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4446034/trim-headline-to-nearest-word headline to nearest word Say for example I have the following code h3 My very long title h3 h3 Another long title h3 If I wanted.. to specify a character count h3 My very long... h3 h3 Another long... h3 Edit How can I do this for each one of the headlines I don't really have an idea as to how to pass each headline into a string... Thanks php jquery wordpress theming share.. long... h3 Edit How can I do this for each one of the headlines I don't really have an idea as to how to pass each headline into a string... Thanks php jquery wordpress theming share improve this question Creating an ellipsis in PHP jquery..
Is there open-source code for making 'link preview' text and icons, like in facebook? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4646147/is-there-open-source-code-for-making-link-preview-text-and-icons-like-in-face and icons like in facebook closed In facebook when you share a link a neat little preview is created with an image headline and text excerpt. Here's an example.. Does anyone know if there's any open source code pref. php javascript jquery that..
jQuery Crossfade Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/727604/jquery-crossfade-plugin Crossfade Plugin I'm trying to build or implement a headline image rotator. The user will click on a number 1 2 3 and an image will fade out fade in as well as make a headline change.. a headline image rotator. The user will click on a number 1 2 3 and an image will fade out fade in as well as make a headline change some text in a span element based on the number selected. Is there a plugin existing that will do this If not what..
Cross-Domain Requests with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7638773/cross-domain-requests-with-jquery code '#container' .load 'http google.com' .ajax url 'http news.bbc.co.uk' type 'GET' success function res var headline res.responseText .find 'a.tsh' .text alert headline Still I am not getting any results but just a blank alert box. jquery.. url 'http news.bbc.co.uk' type 'GET' success function res var headline res.responseText .find 'a.tsh' .text alert headline Still I am not getting any results but just a blank alert box. jquery ajax jquery ajax cross domain share improve this..
Implementing circular scroller in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/812049/implementing-circular-scroller-in-jquery jquery share improve this question 2 live examples of what you want http www.learningjquery.com 2006 10 scroll up headline reader http woork.blogspot.com 2008 10 automatic news ticker with vertical.html Both written using jquery. Is this what..